ID: | SDV364434 |
Title: | The New Cranbrook Watermain: Post Excavation Assessment |
Originator: | Hughes, S. + Rainbird, P. |
Date: | 2016 |
Summary: | A staged programme of archaeological works comprising evaluation trenching, excavation and
watching brief along the route of the new Cranbrook water main, East Devon, was undertaken by AC archaeology between June and November 2011. The work was commissioned by South West Water following consultation with Devon County Council Historic Environment Team. The evaluation trenches principally targeted potential sites that would have been impacted on by the new pipeline, identified through an earlier phase of work assessing historic maps, county
historic environment records and aerial photographic information, as well as a walkover survey and a geophysical survey of the route.
The works revealed field boundaries of Romano-British to post-medieval date, a cremation in a pit of possible Bronze Age date located in close proximity to an earlier find of a Bronze Age hoard, as well as a ditch of a probable prehistoric enclosure, re-used in the Romano-British period, originally identified on aerial photographs, and containing the fragmented remains of hand worked shale armlets of probable Iron Age date, and an undated a pit furnace for smelting iron inside the enclosure. This document assesses the archaeological potential of the sites and proposes a programme of post-excavation work; this will lead to publication of the results in the journal Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society and the expected deposition of the finds and archive in the Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter. |
MDV131620 | Cremation Pit, Old Park, Broadclyst (Monument) |
MDV131084 | Ditch Terminal, land to the northeast of Ash Bungalow, Broad Clyst. (Monument) |
MDV76746 | Ditch to South-East of Old Park Farm, Pinhoe (Monument) |
MDV131079 | Ditch, land to the northeast Ash Bungalow, Broad Clyst. (Monument) |
MDV76542 | Enclosure Ditch, west of Langaton Lane, Redhayes, Broadclyst, Exeter. (Monument) |
MDV77285 | Former Field Boundary at Pincourt Farm (Monument) |
MDV77280 | Former Field Boundary at Pinn Court Farm (Monument) |
MDV131622 | Gullies, Old Park, Broadclyst (Monument) |
MDV124513 | Industrial Activity, Land Off Tithebarn Lane, Redhayes, Broadclyst, Exeter, East Devon (Monument) |
MDV131619 | Linear ditch east of Moss lane, Broadclyst (Monument) |
MDV131071 | Linear ditches, land to the northeast of Pincourt Farm, Broadclyst. (Monument) |
MDV131086 | Linear Feature to the northeast of Ash Bungalow, Broad Clyst. (Monument) |
MDV131615 | Palaeochannel, west of Hayes Farm, Clyst Honiton (Monument) |
MDV131081 | Pit Furnace and associated features, northeast of Ash Bungalow, Broadclyst (Monument) |
MDV131612 | Tree throw, northeast of Ash Bungalow, Broadclyst (Monument) |
MDV76545 | Two Linear Features to west of Langaton Lane (Monument) |