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OASIS ID:acarchae2-379347
Title:Land at Silver Street, Thorverton: Trench Evaluation
Originator:Caine, C. + Rainbird, P.
Summary:An archaeological trench evaluation was undertaken by AC archaeology during January 2020 on land at Silver Street, Thorverton, Devon (NGR SS 9276 0201). The evaluation comprised the machine excavation of three trenches totaling 26m in length, with each between 1.3m and 1.7m wide. The trenches were placed to investigate the position of a former building depicted on the 1842 parish tithe map, as well as the footprint of a proposed new dwelling to its rear. The evaluation exposed the poorly-preserved remains of the former building, comprising two foundation trenches with evidence for robbing and a posthole. A more recent ditch and a possible garden wall foundation were located where the new dwelling is proposed. All of the finds recovered are post-medieval in date and comprise sherds of pottery, clay tobacco pipe and small amounts of metalwork, glass, brick, mortar, plaster and animal bone.
DOI (permanent link):https://doi.org/10.5284/1090774

Associated Monuments (4)

MDV127103Buildings on the north side of Silver Street, Thorverton (Monument)
MDV134573Ditch, 15 Silver Street, Thorverton (Monument)
MDV134574Garden Wall, 15 Silver Street, Thorverton (Monument)