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OASIS ID:oakforda1-428562
Title:All Saints Church, Okehampton, West Devon: Monitoring and Recording
Originator:Wooton, M. + Steinmetzer, M.
Summary:An archaeological watching brief was undertaken by Oakford Archaeology in August 2021 at the Church of All Saints, Okehampton, Devon (SX 5817 9510). The church is a grade II* listed building and was extensively rebuilt in 1842-4 in the Perpendicular style by the local architect John Hayward of Exeter. Inspection of the works exposed a 0.1m thick layer of decayed tarmac (100) overlying natural subsoil consisting of a mid yellow clay and shillet (101). In line with the north elevation of the west tower the natural subsoil was truncated by mid yellowish brown silty clay (102). This contained disarticulated human bone and has been interpreted as a charnel soil.
DOI (permanent link):https://doi.org/10.5284/1098130

Associated Monuments (1)

MDV4759All Saints, Okehampton (Building)