ID: | SDV364619 |
OASIS ID: | acarchae2-220673 |
Title: | Land at the Three Horseshoes Inn, Branscombe, Devon |
Originator: | Cooke, P. + Allen, M. J. + Rainbird, P. |
Date: | 2018 |
Summary: | Archaeological evaluation and excavation undertaken on land formerly occupied by the Three Horseshoes Inn in advance of redevelopment. The main archaeological interest of the site is a cross ridge dyke over which the Three Horseshoes Inn had been built. The ditch of the linear earthwork was exposed below the demolished structure of the Inn. No finds were recovered from the lower ditch fills and there was no dating evidence. However, pollen anaylsis showed that when the ditch was in use it was located in open pasture. A small assemblage of worked flint was recovered from the upper fills of the ditch. |