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Title:Excavation and Watching Brief at Meadow View Nursery, Honiton, Devon. Post-Excavation Assessment and Updated Project Design (Draft).
Originator:Austin, J.
Summary:A programme of archaeological strip, map and record examined two areas of 470 square metres and 340 square metres, targeting archaeological features identified by evaluation. These comprised a length of Middle and Late Bronze Age enclosure ditch with associated features, and a number of pits and postholes representing a Middle/Late Iron Age roundhouse which may have replaced an earlier building of comparable size. A small number of apparently intrusive Roman pottery sherds were also recovered. A watching brief during excavation of 7 geotechnical pits across the site recorded no finds or features.

Associated Documents

© Cotswold Archaeology

Associated Monuments (3)

MDV132824Iron Age roundhouse at Meadow View Nursery, Honiton (Monument)
MDV132825Possible Iron Age roundhouse at Meadow View Nursery, Honiton (Monument)
MDV38873Prehistoric Enclosure west of Honiton (Monument)