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Title:Higher Slade Farmhouse, Sheldon, Devon. Results of a rapid appraisal and historic building recording
Originator:Smith, S.
Summary:A rapid appraisal and historic building recording of the farmhouse was carried out by AC Archaeology on behalf of Devon County Council following fire damage to the ground floor of the building. The appraisal suggests that the house probably dates to the mid-16th century, with subsequent phases of alteration, updating and extensions, variously in suceeding centuries. It was probably originally a standard 3-room and cross passage plan, with two storeys. It is not a grand house, but that there was clearly some wealth is evidenced by the early 17th-century wall paintings. The fire occurred in the kitchen, and resulted in damage to the electrics and smoke damage to the walls, lath and plaster ceiling, and units within the kitchen, and also to the lath and plaster ceiling of The electrics will need to be replaced and the ceilings are probably going to have to be taken down. These works have the potential to expose currently hidden fabric and potentially fittings of historic and architectural interest. Localised recording following removal of fire-damaged fittings and finishes may clarify the date of the kitchen, and would provide an opportunity to record the ceiling structure within the inner room. A more thorough survey of the building is warranted, but would be beyond the scope of recording of the repair works.

Associated Monuments (1)

MDV134109Higher Slade Farmhouse, Sheldon (Monument)