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OASIS ID:acarchae2-205884
Title:Farway Barrow Cemetery, Farway Hill, Farway, East Devon: Test Pit Excavation
Originator:Caine, C.
Summary:Test pit excavations were carried out by AC archaeology in February 2015 on a Scheduled Barrow (no. 1010267) at SY 15909582 forming part of the Farway Hill cemetery. The excavations formed Stage 2 of a S17-funded project to investigate the barrow, which is included on English Heritage's Heritage at Risk Register. Stage 1, comprising geophysical surveys, a topographic survey, and an auger survey, failed to locate any earthwork or below-ground evidence for the barrow. A total of four test pits was hand excavated across the barrow. These exposed a soil sequence comprising turf/leaf litter and topsoil, overlying the natural geology, which was consistent with the results of the Stage 1 auger survey. No evidence for archaeological deposits, features or finds was located, and it is concluded that the barrow has been completely ploughed away.
DOI (permanent link):https://doi.org/10.5284/1113477

Associated Monuments (1)

MDV43258Bowl Barrow 320m north-west of Farway Castle, forming part of a dispersed Barrow Group on Farway Hill (Monument)