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OASIS ID:oakforda1-505350
Title:Abbey Cottage, Dunkeswell Abbey, Devon: Monitoring and Recording
Originator:Steinmetzer, M. + Wootton, H.
Summary:A programme of archaeological monitoring and recording was carried out by Oakford Archaeology in August 2022 during works at Abbey Cottage, Dunkeswell, Devon. The work comprised the monitoring of groundworks associated with the installation of a new septic tank and soil system within the garden to the rear of the property. The excavations uncovered the remains of a possible linear feature underneath a series of mixed demolition deposits. These extended across both the main excavations and are likely associated with the demolition of structures or buildings located within the inner court following the Dissolution. These were sealed underneath extensive soils containing a large quantity of medieval and post-medieval artefacts. The medieval floor-tiles in particular have provided an invaluable opportunity to examine the range of tiles employed at Dunkeswell Abbey between the 13th and 16th centuries, while the presence of a small number of fine table wares suggests that this was an affluent farmstead throughout the post-medieval period. The relatively small number of later fabrics suggest a marked decline in the agricultural activities and prosperity of the site in the late 18th and 19th centuries.
DOI (permanent link):https://doi.org/10.5284/1116378

Associated Monuments (1)

MDV134305Buildings at Abbey Cottage, Dunkeswell Abbey (Monument)