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Summary:Addition of New Record.Vis=interior was rearranged in 1976 when an oak plank-and-muntin screen and all ceiling beams removed. The only early feature exposed on ground floor is the large c17 granite and volcanic stone fireplace with soffit-chamfered oak lintel in supposed inner room. Other early features may be hidden behind later plaster. The early roof however does survive, and shows work of different c16 and c17 builds. Although the feet of the trusses are boxed in the earlier trusses are almost certainly jointed crucks. The earliest truss is the northern hall truss which has a shaped and soffit-chamfered collar rising in the centre. Below are slots for removed arch braces. The truss appears to have created a most unusual ogee arch. To the south, a possibly later hall truss, has a simple straight collar and a similar truss further south appears to have secondary infill. The roof structure is thoroughly sooted indicating that the original house was open to the roof, heated by an open hearth fire and probably divided by low partition screens. North of the ogee truss is a secondary (probably late c16-early c17) framed crosswall and beyond (north) a c17 a-frame truss with pegged lap-joined collar. Roof of crosswing inaccessible.

Associated Monuments (1)

MDV12144Landsend Barton Farmhouse, Colebrooke (Building)