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Title:The Hundred of Braunton in Early Times
Originator:Reichel, O. J.
Summary:Buckland Challons alias Little Buckland was Bochelant in Domesday. It was held by Godfrey of William Capra, brother of Ralf de Pomeray. Before the conquest it was held by Ulf. There is no evidence connecting the Challons family with Buckland, but the name Buckland Chellows appears on old deeds, and several early holders are surnamed Challo. Early descents are given.

Associated Monuments (26)

MDV12476Ash Barton, Braunton (Building)
MDV12477Beara Charter Barton, Braunton (Building)
MDV12556Bittadon Barton, Bittadon (Building)
MDV18656Boode (Monument)
MDV16296Braunton (Monument)
MDV11860Buckland Manor (Building)
MDV18677Crackaway Barton, West Down (Monument)
MDV18756Croyde Settlement (Monument)
MDV12551East Haggington, Berrynarbor (Building)
MDV18659Heanton Punchardon (Monument)
MDV18674Higher Aylescott, West Down (Monument)
MDV16303Higher or North Winsham (Monument)
MDV18665Ilfracombe (Monument)
MDV18643Incledon (Monument)
MDV16291Lobb, Braunton (Monument)
MDV18675Lower Aylescott, West Down (Monument)
MDV18657Lower Metcombe, Marwood (Monument)
MDV18757Middle Campscott, Ilfracombe (Monument)
MDV16188Middle Marwood (Monument)
MDV12110Northcote Farmhouse and Cottage, East Down (Building)
MDV18661Prixford Settlement (Monument)
MDV16308Raleigh Manor, Barnstaple (Monument)
MDV18644Saunton (Monument)
MDV16314Shrunken medieval settlement at Haxton, Bratton Fleming (Monument)
MDV18676West Stowford Barton, West Down (Monument)
MDV75178Westcott Barton, Marwood (Monument)