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Title:St. Michael's Chapel, Braunton: A Survey of the Standing Remains
Originator:Haggerty, F. M.
Summary:According to Bishop Lacey's diocesan register, St. Michael's chapel was licensed in 1435. In 1450 indulgences were granted to any person who said a prayer in the chapel (Bishop Lacey's Perignation, in Haggerty). The building measures 9.23m (9.14m on north wall) x 4.68m externally and is aligned E-W. Its walls are 0.67m thick and constructed of locally quarried, uncoursed, grey stone. One quarry is near to the east wall and another is 50m downslope (SS43NE-237), though open veins of stone outcrop elsewhere on the hill slopes. Judging by an in situ gable end stone in the west wall, the roof stood at a height of 6.1m and was pitched at 45 degrees. The initial building mortar includes a coarse aggregate of beach sand and subsequently the whole structure was rendered with a finer mortar and the putlog holes filled in. The chapel was built direct onto a stone outcrop and thus has an uneven floor. Limited investigation has shown that the rock is overlain by 0.15m of black soil above a thin layer of red clay. The latter may have been levelling material. Magnetic anomalies beneath the east window probably relate to c corroded nail in the wall. Consent was applied for for conservation measures and was granted in 1990. A survey (Haggerty) was carried out in advance of necessary conservation works, which were aimed at; the south west corner of the chapel, where at ground level the masonry has crumbled away, causing instability above; the north wall internally, where missing masonry at ground level had caused instability; the south side of the bellcote which had been undercut by collapsed masonry. Haggerty confirms the presence of put-log holes on the north and south walls, with further holes on either side of the bellcote. The upper part of this, west, wall was a double wall and the whole was "honeycombed" with shafts, some oblique. Haggerty argues that these may have had a secondary function to hold scaffolding, but that primarily they were for ventilation, the oblique angles preventing draughts.

Associated Monuments (16)

MDV16296Braunton (Monument)
MDV41803Braunton, St Michael's Chapel, Quarry (Monument)
MDV188Braunton, St. Michael's Chapel (Building)
MDV187Chapel Hill (Monument)
MDV16297Knowle Manor House (Monument)
MDV41808Linear Earthwork on Chapel Hill (Monument)
MDV41807Quarry near St Michael's Chapel (Monument)
MDV18644Saunton (Monument)
MDV41805St Anne's Chapel, Braunton (Building)
MDV11865St Brannock's Chapel (Monument)
MDV5358St Brannock's Church Cross, Braunton (Monument)
MDV41903St Brannock's Monastery, Braunton (Monument)
MDV185St Brannock's Parish Church, Braunton (Building)
MDV11864St. Brannock's Chapel (Monument)
MDV11863St. Sylvester's Chapel (Monument)
MDV189The Palm Cross, St Brannock's Churchyard, Braunton (Monument)