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Title:Some notes on the submerged forest of Westward Ho!, North Devon
Originator:Jenkyn, B. M.
Summary:Kitchen midden occurs beneath 0.3m layer of fenwood peat which radiocarbon dating suggests accumulated contemporaneously with midden deposits. Carbon date of 6,585 + or - 130 BP Has been obtained from topmost layers. Marine clay deposits which partly cover midden suggest that site was at sea level, and associated raised beach and submerged forest make site of great importance for study of changes in land and sea levels during last 6,500 years. Collection of flint artifacts and marine mollusca made. Layer of kitchen midden deposit reduced to about 150-200mm.

Associated Monuments (2)

MDV468Mesolithic Tools from Westward Ho! (Monument)
MDV14854Shell Middens at Westward Ho! (Monument)