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HER Number:18163
Name:CARN BREA - Neolithic tor enclosure, Iron Age hillfort


Carn Brea is a multi-phase site with evidence for activity ranging from the Mesolithic to the Post-Medieval period.

Grid Reference:SW 6860 4079
Parish:Carn Brea, Kerrier, Cornwall
Map:Show location on Streetmap

Protected Status

  • Conservation Area: CARN BREA
  • Scheduled Monument CO79: Carn Brea Castle

Other References/Statuses

  • Heritage at Risk (National)
  • National Monuments Record: SW 64 SE 5
  • National Record of the Historic Environment to Historic Environment Records data transfer
  • National Record of the Historic Environment: 426086
  • Primary Record No. (1985-2009): 18163
  • SMR No. (OS Quarter-sheet and SMR No.): SW64SE 113
  • Unified Designation System UID: 1000105
  • Unified Designation System UID: 1006704

Monument Type(s):

Full description

Carn Brea is a multi-phase site with evidence for occupation and other activity, ranging from the Mesolithic to the Post-Medieval period. The earliest occupation of the hill is represented by finds of microliths and other Mesolithic flints (18163.1).

The site was first studied by Borlase, whose 1754 publication attributed the site to the Druids (1). A plan and further descriptions were made by Wilkinson in 1860 (2). Peter (3) and Burnard (4) undertook fairly extensive excavations, mainly in the central 'saddle' but also on the eastern summit, in 1895. Some unrecorded excavations, apparently on the eastern summit, were made by Blight in the 1920s (5).

The OS surveyed the hill in 1970 (7): they found that the fortifications consist of a tumbled stone rampart at the top of the steep natural northern slope and what are apparently two widely spaced ramparts around the South, the more southerly being incomplete in that the continuation is masked by mining upcast. The eastern and western ends of the the enclosed area are occupied by outcropping rock. Within the ramparts the "stones" shown on OS 25" would seem to be original structural uprights rather than monoliths. Further banks on the 25" to the N, NE, and SE of the central area are difficult to identify among the jumble of 18th/19th c. quarrying and mining remains but would appear to be part of an associated IA field system (See SW 64 SE 11) rather than further defensive structures. Twelve hut circles, many with entrances, are visible within the fortification but most of the numerous other alleged hut circles and shelters are in fact holes left after the removal of large granite blocks many of the remaining stones still retain drilling marks. The ramparts vary in height from 0.5 to 3.0 metres and the hut circles from 0.2 to 1.1 metres.

Excavations directed by Roger Mercer followed from 1970 to 1973, mostly in and around the eastern enclosure but also at points on the 'saddle' and the ramparts (7-10; see also 12). A full survey of the hill was made by the Cornwall Archaeological Unit in 1985 (11).

Recent Radiocarbon dating as part of a national project has refined the dating of the neolithic period of the monument: Neolithic activity started probably 3755-3560 cal BC and then continued until 3495-3080 cal BC, the enclosure wall was probably constructed 3670-3535 cal BC (13).

Mercer's excavations demonstrated that the enclosure on the eastern summit and the internal rampart across the southern hillslope were constructed, occupied, attacked and abandoned in the early Neolithic. Two radiocarbon dates provide a start and end date range for the walls; sample BM-825, taken from below the wall indicates that it was built at some time prior to 3900-3650BC and sample BM-824, taken from above the wall, shows that it was in a state of collapse shortly after 3600-3350BC (b12). The other ramparts and the enclosure on the western summit were not examined but it is likely that these too were Neolithic in origin, as they form a cohesive system of enclosure of the hilltop. The field system on the southern slopes of the saddle has also been dated to the early Neolithic, and much pottery, and many stone and flint artefacts have been found (18163.21-.28). Evidence from the Bronze Age consists essentially of single finds or hoards of tools or weapons, including two barbed-and-tanged arrowheads from Mercer's excavations (18163.31-.34).

It is probable that the Neolithic ramparts were repaired and re-used in the Iron Age, with some possible additional new elements. Up to twelve round houses on the 'saddle' are also of this period, and Iron Age pottery, a quernstone and spindlewhorls were found in excavating the settlement. In addition, several stray finds and hoards of gold and bronze coins and other Iron Age artefacts have been recorded from the hilltop (18163.4-.48).

There are some Romano-British artefacts from the C19 and C20 excavations, but most finds of this period consist of bronze or gold coins and hoards, loosely provenanced (18163.51-.59). There is little to indicate Post-Roman/Early Medieval occupation.

The Basset family built a castle on the eastern summit, which may also have served as a hunting lodge for the associated deer park and as a chapel in the later middle ages (18163.71-72). This was rebuilt as a hunting lodge in the C18 and has for some years been a restaurant.

Post-Medieval sites include a well, a possible pillow mound, and the Basset memorial (18163.81-.84). Folklore relating to the giant of the hill was recorded in the C19 (18163.85).

Site history:
h1: 1970. NVQ/OS
h2: 1970. ANK/OS
h4: 1979. SHEPPARD, PA/IAM
h5: 1981. SHEPPARD, PA/IAM
h6: 1983. SHEPPARD, PA/IAM
h7: 1985. SG, AS/CAU

Lysons, D & S, 1814, Magna Britannia, VOL 3, CORNWALL (Bibliographic reference). SCO3885.

Ordnance Survey, 19--, OS Card Index (Unpublished document). SCO5189.

Page, W (Editor), 1906, Victoria History of the County of Cornwall, 34 (Bibliographic reference). SCO4068.

Hencken, H O'N, 1932, The Archaeology of Cornwall and Scilly, 128-130 (Bibliographic reference). SCO3489.

Henderson, C, 1935, Essays in Cornish History, 162 (Bibliographic reference). SCO3501.

Harvey, J (Ed), 1969, Itineraries of William of Worcestre, 21 (Bibliographic reference). SCO3466.

Darvill, T., 2016, Megalithic tombs, barrows, and enclosures in fourth millenium BC Britain (Article in Serial). SCO29486.

<1> Borlase, W, 1769, Antiquities Historical and Monumental of the County of Cornwall (Bibliographic reference). SCO2878.

<2> Wilkinson, G, 1860, Carn Brea, VOL 13, 15-43, 56 (Article in Journal). SCO6133.

<3> Peter, TC, 1896, The Expoloration of Carn Brea (Article in Journal). SCO5139.

<4> Burnard, R, 1896, The exploration of Carn Brea (Article in Journal). SCO6572.

<5> Thomas, AC, 1962, Unpublished Material from Cornish Museums: 1 Carn Brea finds in Camborne Public Library (Article in Journal). SCO30574.

<6> Field Investigator's Comments, OS/King, AN. 1970. (Survey). SCO29739.

<7> Mercer, R, 1970, The Neolithic Settlement on Carn Brea: Preliminary Report, 1970 (Article in Journal). SCO3933.

<8> Mercer, R, 1971, Carn Brea, Illogan (Article in Journal). SCO30576.

<9> Mercer, R, 1972, The Excavation of the Neolithic Settlement, Carn Brea, 1972: interim note, 8 (Article in Journal). SCO3931.

<10> Mercer, R, 1981, Excavations at Carn Brea, Illogan (Article in Journal). SCO3929.

<11> Sharpe, A, 1986, Carn Brea (Article in Serial). SCO2047.

<12> Whittle, A, 1983, Carn Brea: Evaluation and Implications (Article in Journal). SCO30578.

<13> Whittle, A, Bayliss, A, and Healy, F, 2011, Gathering Time: Dating the Early neolithic Enclosures of Southern Britain and Ireland, 504-509 (Bibliographic reference). SCO30579.

Sources / Further Reading

---SCO29486 - Article in Serial: Darvill, T.. 2016. Megalithic tombs, barrows, and enclosures in fourth millenium BC Britain.
---SCO3466 - Bibliographic reference: Harvey, J (Ed). 1969. Itineraries of William of Worcestre. 21.
---SCO3489 - Bibliographic reference: Hencken, H O'N. 1932. The Archaeology of Cornwall and Scilly. 128-130.
---SCO3501 - Bibliographic reference: Henderson, C. 1935. Essays in Cornish History. 162.
---SCO3885 - Bibliographic reference: Lysons, D & S. 1814. Magna Britannia. VOL 3, CORNWALL.
---SCO4068 - Bibliographic reference: Page, W (Editor). 1906. Victoria History of the County of Cornwall. 34.
---SCO5189 - Unpublished document: Ordnance Survey. 19--. OS Card Index.
[1]SCO2878 - Bibliographic reference: Borlase, W. 1769. Antiquities Historical and Monumental of the County of Cornwall.
[2]SCO6133 - Article in Journal: Wilkinson, G. 1860. Carn Brea. Reports of the Royal Institution of Cornwall. 42. 17. VOL 13, 15-43, 56.
[3]SCO5139 - Article in Journal: Peter, TC. 1896. The Expoloration of Carn Brea. Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall. 13. 92-102.
[4]SCO6572 - Article in Journal: Burnard, R. 1896. The exploration of Carn Brea. Transactions of the Plymouth Institute and the Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society. 1. 1-54.
[5]SCO30574 - Article in Journal: Thomas, AC. 1962. Unpublished Material from Cornish Museums: 1 Carn Brea finds in Camborne Public Library. Cornish Archaeology. 1. 104-106.
[6]SCO29739 - Survey: Field Investigator's Comments. OS/King, AN. 1970..
[7]SCO3933 - Article in Journal: Mercer, R. 1970. The Neolithic Settlement on Carn Brea: Preliminary Report, 1970. Cornish Archaeology. 9. 53-62.
[8]SCO30576 - Article in Journal: Mercer, R. 1971. Carn Brea, Illogan. Cornish Archaeology. 10. 93.
[9]SCO3931 - Article in Journal: Mercer, R. 1972. The Excavation of the Neolithic Settlement, Carn Brea, 1972: interim note. Cornish Archaeology. 11. 5-8. 8.
[10]SCO3929 - Article in Journal: Mercer, R. 1981. Excavations at Carn Brea, Illogan. Cornish Archaeology. 20. 1-204.
[11]SCO2047 - Article in Serial: Sharpe, A. 1986. Carn Brea. Annual report of the Cornwall Archaeological Unit. 12-14.
[12]SCO30578 - Article in Journal: Whittle, A. 1983. Carn Brea: Evaluation and Implications. Cornish Archaeology. 22. 113-116.
[13]SCO30579 - Bibliographic reference: Whittle, A, Bayliss, A, and Healy, F. 2011. Gathering Time: Dating the Early neolithic Enclosures of Southern Britain and Ireland. Oxbow Books. 504-509.

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • ECO2286 - Carn Brea, Illogan: Excavation, 1970-1973
  • ECO269 - Carn Brea, Illogan: Survey, 1985
  • ECO6609 - Carn Brea, Illogan: Excavation, 1862
  • ECO6610 - Carn Brea, Illogan: Excavation, 1895
  • ECO6611 - Carn Brea, Illogan: Excavation & Survey, 1860
  • ECO6612 - Carn Brea, Illogan: Excavation, 1929
  • ECO2244 - Carn Brea, Illogan: Watching Brief, 1979
  • ECO235 - Carn Brea: Contract 10
  • ECO141 - DLG Contract 10, Carn Brea: Assessment, 1995

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