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HER Number:MDV10081
Name:Hayes Farm, Ring Ditches


Cropmarks which have formed over an infilled ditch of a prehistoric ring ditch are visible on oblique photographs of 1966 onwards, to the north of Hayes Farm. It is located within an area where a cluster of possible smaller ring ditches have also been recorded, in addition to a number of enclosures in close proximity to the southwest.


Grid Reference:SX 992 945
Map Sheet:SX99SE
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishClyst Honiton
DistrictEast Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishCLYST HONITON

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses

  • National Monuments Record: 448295
  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SX99SE/3

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • RING DITCH (Bronze Age - 2200 BC to 701 BC)

Full description

NMR, SX99SE15 (National Monuments Record Database). SDV130148.

NMR, SX99SE23 (National Monuments Record Database). SDV130149.

Ordnance Survey, 1966, OS/66/185/360 (Aerial Photograph). SDV130131.

3 ring ditches, above the River Clyst plain to the north of Hayes Farm. Photograph taken at a height of 7500m & retained at the aerial photograph division of the Ordnance Survey in Southampton. Other details: Interpreted by Balkwill.

Ordnance Survey, 1966, OS/66185 V, OS/66185 V 360-61- 22-JUL-1966 (Aerial Photograph). SDV357577.

Cropmarks which have formed over an infilled ditch are visible.

Griffith, F. M., 1979, Untitled Source (Site Visit). SDV122351.

Nothing visible on the ground in rather wet ground conditions. Heavy scatters of modern pottery. The subsoil is gravel, and a proposal for gravel extraction has been made affecting this field.

Unknown, 1980, Cropmark, Sketch (Worksheet). SDV359094.

Griffith, F. M., 1983, DAP/A, 25a (Aerial Photograph). SDV122353.

Griffith, F. M., 1983, Slides (Photograph). SDV122359.

Grinsell, L. V., 1983, The Barrows of South and East Devon, 31 (Article in Serial). SDV337013.

Griffith, F. M., 1983, Untitled Source (Personal Comment). SDV130133.

Two circular marks were very clear as cropmarks in beans. Photos taken. Other details: Visited 4/8/1983 & 14/8/1983.

Griffith, F. M., 1984, DAP/AX, 10-10a (Aerial Photograph). SDV122839.

Griffith, F. M., 1984, DAP/W, 2a & 3 (Aerial Photograph). SDV130134.

Aerial reconnaissance in 1984 identified further features. Devon Aerial Photographs W2a and 3 show sites as above.

Historic England, 1984, NMR 2162, NMR 2162/178 27-JUN-1984 (Aerial Photograph). SDV357541.

Cropmarks which have formed over an infilled ditch are visible.

Griffith, F. M., 1987, DAP/IC, 5-8 (Aerial Photograph). SDV130147.

Simpson, S. + Griffith, F. M. + Holbrook, N. + Pearson, T., 1987, Trial excavations at Hayes Farm, Clyst Honiton,1987: Interim report (Report - Excavation). SDV325452.

Griffith, F. M., 1989, DAP/MR, 4-6 (Aerial Photograph). SDV122820.

Griffith, F. M., 1989, DAP/NJ, 6-7 (Aerial Photograph). SDV130151.

Simpson, S. J. + Griffith, F. M. + Holbrook, N., 1989, The Prehistoric, roman and early Post-Roman site at Hayes Farm, Clyst Honiton, 1-28 (Article in Serial). SDV130135.

Excavations undertaken in 1987 in advance of gravel extraction and road re-alignment. Large ring ditch at SX99239458 sectioned.31-33m diameter externally and situated on a slight natural rise. Ditch 4.6m wide and 1.6-1.65m deep. U-shaped ditch silt contains carbonised plant remains C-14 dated to 1000 - 790 cal BC. Two waste flints in ditch fill. Final loam fill of ditch represents ploughed out/eroded barrow mound. Second, smaller, ring-ditch at SX99199454 excavated fully. Internal diameter 10.5m, with ditch 1.7-1.8m wide with straight sides and 0.2-0.3m deep. Shallow and flat bottomed. Showed as a faint cropmark. Barrow area contained two earlier pits or post holes with charcoal dated to 8400 + or - 150 BP. Ditch filled by denuded internal mound. Cereal grains retrieved from this loam along with six sherds of Bronze Age pot including three early-mid Bronze Age sherds. Also seven waste flints in ditch fill. Third ring ditch at SX99209452 was not excavated but from aerial photograph it was c10m diameter. The cereal grains found in excavation suggest Prehistoric arable activity, particularly wheat, near to the barrows' site. See PRN 43218 for further ring ditch to the south.

Horner, B., 1992, DAP/VC, 27-30 (Aerial Photograph). SDV122366.

Horner, B., 1992, DAP/VE, 5-7 (Aerial Photograph). SDV122367.

Griffith, F. M., 1996, DAP/AAA, 1,2,7-13 (Aerial Photograph). SDV122376.

Griffith, F. M., 1996, DAP/AAS, 1,4,7 (Aerial Photograph). SDV122377.

Griffith, F. M., 1996, DAP/ZJ, 6, 8-10 (Aerial Photograph). SDV122850.

Horner, B., 1996, DAP/ZT, 0-7 (Aerial Photograph). SDV122375.

Horner, B., 1997, Rectified Aerial Photographs of Ring Ditch at Hayes Farm (Aerial Photograph). SDV354397.

Morton, R., 1999, Clyst Honiton to Broadclyst pipeline: archaeological desk based assessment (Report - Assessment). SDV118377.

RSK Environment Ltd., 1999, Transco Broadclyst LDZ pipeline, Exeter: Environmental review, 11 (Report - non-specific). SDV325506.

CPM, 2000, Land at Clyst Hayes: Archaeological assessment, App 2 (Report - Assessment). SDV325508.

Salvatore, J. P., 2001, Bronze Age round barrow cemetery, Romano-British settlement remains & post-Roman enclosure, 300m NNW of Hayes Farm (Un-published). SDV325450.

The monument includes a group of Bronze Age round barrows, a square settlement enclosure of Romano-British date, a post-Roman curvilinear enclosure & further enclosures & features considered to be associated mostly with the Romano-British period. The site lies a few hundred metres north of the Roman 'Isca Dumnoniorum' road to Exeter. All the remains are below ground but ditches are well defined as crop marks. The ploughed out remains of at least five ring ditches were identified comprising the Bronze Age round barrow cemetery. Four of the ring ditches would have encircled a mound c9.5m diameter. The largest barrow to the north was 33m diameter & was partly excavated. Draft monument description of the features which were never scheduled. Other details: Draft.

Bryant, A., 2007, East of Exeter Major Scheme Bid M5 Junction 29 and Old A30, Exeter, Devon: Historic Environment Desk-based Assessment (Report - Assessment). SDV345164.

Bryant, A., 2007, East of Exeter Major Scheme Bid M5 Junction 29 and Old A30, Exeter, Devon: Historic Environment Desk-based Assessment, 8 (Report - Assessment). SDV345164.

Other details: Appendix 1, site 64; figure 3.

English Heritage, 2012, Radiocarbon Dates from Samples Funded by English Heritage Between 1981 and 1988, 69-70 (Report - Scientific). SDV351471.

The 1987 excavation examined parts of three ring ditches of probable Bronze Age date, and two enclosures, one Romano-British, the other post-Roman. Samples were submitted for radiocarbon-dating. One charcoal sample from a suspected early post-Roman enclosure ditch yielded dates of cal AD 420-580 and cal AD 390-640, confirming the site chronology. Other dates generated also support the suspected dating of the Bronze Age ring ditches, Roman and post-Roman enclosures. Unexpected Mesolithic activity was also revealed from the dating of a pit which coincidentally lay within a later ring ditch.

Hegarty, C. + Knight, S. + Sims, R., 2014-2015, East and Mid Devon River Catchments National Mapping Programme Project (Interpretation). SDV356883.

Cropmarks which have formed over an infilled ditch of a prehistoric ring ditch are visible on oblique photographs of 1966 onwards, to the north of Hayes Farm. The large, well-defined circular cropmark measures approximately 33m in diameter and is located within an area where a cluster of possible smaller ring ditches have also been recorded, in addition to a number of enclosures in close proximity to the southwest. The area forms part of an important prehistoric and Romano-British landscape and has been subject to fairly extensive aerial survey.

Randall, C. + Orellana, J., 2023, Prehistoric, Roman and Early Medieval Landscapes at Hayes Farm: Excavations at Exeter Logistics Park, 43 (Article in Serial). SDV366041.

Re-exposed by Cotswold Archaeology in 2020, and previously described dimensions confirmed.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV118377Report - Assessment: Morton, R.. 1999. Clyst Honiton to Broadclyst pipeline: archaeological desk based assessment. Cotswold Archeological Trust Report. 991056. A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV122351Site Visit: Griffith, F. M.. 1979.
SDV122353Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1983. DAP/A. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 25a.
SDV122359Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1983. Slides.
SDV122366Aerial Photograph: Horner, B.. 1992. DAP/VC. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 27-30.
SDV122367Aerial Photograph: Horner, B.. 1992. DAP/VE. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 5-7.
SDV122375Aerial Photograph: Horner, B.. 1996. DAP/ZT. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 0-7.
SDV122376Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1996. DAP/AAA. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 1,2,7-13.
SDV122377Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1996. DAP/AAS. Devon Aerial Photograph. 1,4,7.
SDV122820Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1989. DAP/MR. Devon Aerial Photograph. 4-6.
SDV122839Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1984. DAP/AX. Devon Aerial Photograph. 10-10a.
SDV122850Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1996. DAP/ZJ. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 6, 8-10.
SDV130131Aerial Photograph: Ordnance Survey. 1966. OS/66/185/360. Aerial Photograph.
SDV130133Personal Comment: Griffith, F. M.. 1983.
SDV130134Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1984. DAP/W. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 2a & 3.
SDV130135Article in Serial: Simpson, S. J. + Griffith, F. M. + Holbrook, N.. 1989. The Prehistoric, roman and early Post-Roman site at Hayes Farm, Clyst Honiton. Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society. 47. 1-28.
SDV130147Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1987. DAP/IC. Devon Aerial Photograph. 5-8.
SDV130148National Monuments Record Database: NMR. SX99SE15. SX99SE.
SDV130149National Monuments Record Database: NMR. SX99SE23. SX99SE.
SDV130151Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1989. DAP/NJ. Devon Aerial Photograph. 6-7.
SDV325450Un-published: Salvatore, J. P.. 2001. Bronze Age round barrow cemetery, Romano-British settlement remains & post-Roman enclosure, 300m NNW of Hayes Farm. Monument Protection Programme. Archaeological Item Dataset.. A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV325452Report - Excavation: Simpson, S. + Griffith, F. M. + Holbrook, N. + Pearson, T.. 1987. Trial excavations at Hayes Farm, Clyst Honiton,1987: Interim report. Exeter Museums Archaeological Field Unit Report. 87.10. A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV325506Report - non-specific: RSK Environment Ltd.. 1999. Transco Broadclyst LDZ pipeline, Exeter: Environmental review. RSK Environmental Report. A4 Spiral Bound + Digital. 11.
SDV325508Report - Assessment: CPM. 2000. Land at Clyst Hayes: Archaeological assessment. CPM Report. A4 Spiral Bound + Digital. App 2.
SDV337013Article in Serial: Grinsell, L. V.. 1983. The Barrows of South and East Devon. Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society. 41. Paperback Volume. 31.
SDV345164Report - Assessment: Bryant, A.. 2007. East of Exeter Major Scheme Bid M5 Junction 29 and Old A30, Exeter, Devon: Historic Environment Desk-based Assessment. Wessex Archaeology Report. 63771.01. A4 Stapled + Digital. 8.
SDV351471Report - Scientific: English Heritage. 2012. Radiocarbon Dates from Samples Funded by English Heritage Between 1981 and 1988. English Heritage Report. A4 Bound. 69-70.
SDV354397Aerial Photograph: Horner, B.. 1997. Rectified Aerial Photographs of Ring Ditch at Hayes Farm. Photograph (Paper) + Digital (Scan).
SDV356883Interpretation: Hegarty, C. + Knight, S. + Sims, R.. 2014-2015. East and Mid Devon River Catchments National Mapping Programme Project. AC Archaeology Report. Digital.
Linked documents:1
SDV357541Aerial Photograph: Historic England. 1984. NMR 2162. NMR Aerial Photograph. Print. NMR 2162/178 27-JUN-1984. [Mapped feature: #61387 ]
SDV357577Aerial Photograph: Ordnance Survey. 1966. OS/66185 V. Ordnance Survey. Photograph (Paper). OS/66185 V 360-61- 22-JUL-1966.
SDV359094Worksheet: Unknown. 1980. Cropmark. Devon Committee for Rescue Archaeology Register. Worksheet + Digital. Sketch.
SDV366041Article in Serial: Randall, C. + Orellana, J.. 2023. Prehistoric, Roman and Early Medieval Landscapes at Hayes Farm: Excavations at Exeter Logistics Park. Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society. 81. Paperback Volume. 43.

Associated Monuments

MDV43233Related to: Enclosure on Hayes Farm, Clyst Honiton (Monument)
MDV43217Related to: Enclosure to North of Hayes Farm, Clyst Honiton (Monument)
MDV43232Related to: Hayes Farm, Boundary (Monument)
MDV43216Related to: Hayes Farm, Enclosure (Monument)
MDV43234Related to: Hayes Farm, Flint Scatter (Monument)
MDV43218Related to: Hayes Farm, Ring Ditch (Monument)
MDV67496Related to: Ring Ditch to North of Hayes Farm, Clyst Honiton (Monument)

Associated Finds

  • FDV729 - FLAKE (Prehistoric - 698000 BC to 42 AD)
  • FDV730 - POT (Bronze Age - 2200 BC to 701 BC)

Associated Events

  • EDV3647 - OS/66/185/360
  • EDV3648 - Unnamed Event
  • EDV3649 - DAP/W
  • EDV3651 - DAP/A
  • EDV3652 - Slides
  • EDV3653 - DAP/AX
  • EDV3657 - Trial excavations at Hayes Farm: Interim report
  • EDV3658 - DAP/VC
  • EDV3659 - DAP/VE
  • EDV3660 - DAP/IC
  • EDV3661 - Transco Broadclyst LDZ pipeline, Exeter: Environmental review
  • EDV3662 - Clyst Honiton to Broadclyst pipeline: archaeological desk based assessment
  • EDV3663 - DAP/ZJ
  • EDV3664 - DAP/ZT
  • EDV3665 - DAP/AAA
  • EDV3666 - DAP/AAS
  • EDV3667 - Land at Clyst Hayes: An archaeological assessment
  • EDV4887 - Assessment Two Areas of Highway to the East of Exeter
  • EDV6530 - The East and Mid-Devon Rivers Catchment NMP project (Ref: ACD613)
  • EDV9088 - Excavation at Exeter Logistics Park (Phase 2), Hayes Farm, Clyst St. Mary

Date Last Edited:Aug 12 2024 8:41AM