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HER Number:MDV10169
Name:Circular Cropmark Enclosure North West of Blue Hayes House, Broad Clyst


A roughly circular ditched enclosure of probable later prehistoric to Roman date was visible as a cropmark in the floodplain of the River Clyst on aerial photographs of 1966, north-west of Blue Hayes House, Broad Clyst.


Grid Reference:SX 994 953
Map Sheet:SX99NE
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishBroadclyst
DistrictEast Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishBROADCLYST

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses

  • National Monuments Record: 926362
  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SX99NE/15

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • CIRCULAR ENCLOSURE (Early Iron Age to Roman - 700 BC to 409 AD)

Full description

Untitled Source (Aerial Photograph). SDV127457.

Aph=os/66/185/360/(-/7/1966)/height 7500 feet/retained at aerial photograph division, ordnance survey, southampton/copy in smr(lf).

Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV127458.

Des=silvester card index.

Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV127459.


BALKWILL, Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV44259.

Large oval, almost circular, enclosure in the clyst flood plain. Its northern side is confused by marks produced by the course of a former road (balkwill).

Ordnance Survey, 1966, OS/66185 V, OS/66185 V 337-338 22-JUL-1966 (Aerial Photograph). SDV357577.

Circular and curvilinear cropmarks were visible.

Silvester, R. J., 1977, Earthwork (Worksheet). SDV8568.

Vis=estimated -/-/1977 (silvester) site now under buildings. Cannot be exactly located.

Dean, R., 2014, Land at Lodge Trading Estate, Broadclyst, Exeter (Report - Geophysical Survey). SDV359336.

Geophysical survey undertaken to support a planning application for proposed development.

Cropmark did not show in the survey.

Hegarty, C. + Knight, S. + Sims, R., 2014-2015, East and Mid Devon River Catchments National Mapping Programme Project (Interpretation). SDV356883.

A roughly circular ditched enclosure of probable later prehistoric to Roman date was visible as a cropmark in the floodplain of the River Clyst on aerial photographs of 1966, north-west of Blue Hayes House, Broad Clyst. The cropmark was on average 2 metres wide and enclosed an area approximately 60 metres in diameter. A possible break in the northern edge of the cropmark might be evidence for an entrance. Linear cropmarks roughly aligned with this break might support the interpretation that the entrance to the enclosure was flanked by antenna like ditches. The enclosure was not noted on any other images available to the survey. Much of this enclosure was obscured, and potentially destroyed, by the construction of Lodge Trading Estate. However, the northern edge, and possible antenna ditches lay beyond the extent of development and further investigation of this area by geophysical survey is recommended.
Many of the aerial photographs consulted by the survey are copies of prints held by the Historic England Archive that duplicate images held by the HER. In some cases these have been recorded as separate sources. This is because variations in the way the prints have been processed could result in images on which archaeological features are visible to a greater or lesser degree.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV127457Aerial Photograph:
SDV127458Migrated Record:
SDV127459Migrated Record:
SDV356883Interpretation: Hegarty, C. + Knight, S. + Sims, R.. 2014-2015. East and Mid Devon River Catchments National Mapping Programme Project. AC Archaeology Report. Digital.
Linked documents:1
SDV357577Aerial Photograph: Ordnance Survey. 1966. OS/66185 V. Ordnance Survey. Photograph (Paper). OS/66185 V 337-338 22-JUL-1966. [Mapped feature: #61473 ]
SDV359336Report - Geophysical Survey: Dean, R.. 2014. Land at Lodge Trading Estate, Broadclyst, Exeter. Substrata. 141024. Digital.
SDV44259Migrated Record: BALKWILL.
SDV8568Worksheet: Silvester, R. J.. 1977. Earthwork. Worksheet + Digital.

Associated Monuments: none recorded

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV6530 - The East and Mid-Devon Rivers Catchment NMP project (Ref: ACD613)
  • EDV6895 - Geophysical Survey, Land at Lodge Trading Estate, Broadclyst, Exeter (Ref: 141024)

Date Last Edited:Dec 10 2024 4:15PM