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HER Number:MDV10601
Name:St. John the Baptist's Parish Church, Colaton Raleigh


The church of st john the baptist at colaton raleigh is ancient (12th century), but was rebuilt about a century ago. It is transitional in style. Patronage of the church was acquired by william brewere, bishop of exeter, about 1226. The 15th century sandstone tower remains and the square-headed west doorway. There is a fine 13th century arcade with transitional columns. The stone used in building the early church was possibly from beer; in the rebuilding a century ago, under mr r. M. Fulford, an exeter architect, stone from ladram bay was used. The church has an altered norman font, and some original carved bosses are preserved on the chancel roof. Cited as an example of the changes occurring in church building in the 12th and 13th centuries (cresswell). Episcopal visitation made in february, 1307 (whitley). A silver tazza, or paten, is preserved in colaton raleigh church. It is stated to have been presented to the church during the incumbency of john vickary in 1749. The tazza is decorated on its outer surface with a chased pattern of scroll and interlaced work. The hallmark is too faint to decipher. It may have been used as a pre-reformation chalice, and converted to use as a communion cup during the reign of elizabeth i (brushfield). William briwer, died 1226, granted colaton raleigh church to the dean and chapter of exeter (watkin). Chapel in this church dedicated to st. Theobald was the cause of a dispute between dean brayleigh and sir peter de ralegh in 1347 (r. B. M. ).


Grid Reference:SY 081 871
Map Sheet:SY08NE
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishColaton Raleigh
DistrictEast Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishCOLATON RALEIGH

Protected Status

Other References/Statuses

  • Church of England HER: 4851
  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SY08NE/11
  • Old Listed Building Ref (II*)

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • PARISH CHURCH (Early Medieval to XXI - 1066 AD to 2009 AD)

Full description

Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV114357.

Watkin, h. R. /dcnq/14(1926-1927)194/william briwer.

Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV114358.

R. B. M. /dcnq/13(1924-1925)346-347/st. Theobald.

Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV114359.

Doe/hhr:colaton raleigh/(10/2/1987)31-33.

R. B. M., Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV2262.

William briwer, died 1226, granted colaton raleigh church to the dean and chapter of exeter (watkin). Chapel in this church dedicated to st. Theobald was the cause of a dispute between dean brayleigh and sir peter de ralegh in 1347 (r. B. M. ).

Department of Environment, Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV326793.

Parish church. Parts are late c12/early c13; the tower is late c15/early c16, and rest thoroughly refurbished and much rebuilt in 1875 by r. M. Fulford with graffito decoration by vickery of barnstaple to fulford's design. See doe list for full details (doe).

Brushfield, T. N., 1901-1902, Silver Tazza preserved in Colaton Raleigh Church, 73-76 (Article in Serial). SDV114356.

A silver tazza, or paten, is preserved in Colaton Raleigh Church. It is stated to have been presented to the church during the incumbency of John Vickary in 1749. The tazza is decorated on its outer surface with a chased pattern of scroll and interlaced work. The hallmark is too faint to decipher. It may have been used as a pre-reformation chalice, and converted to use as a communion cup during the reign of Elizabeth I.

Whitley, H. M., 1910, Visitations of Devonshire Churches, 463-4 (Article in Serial). SDV167843.

An episcopal visitation was made in February 1307.

Cresswell, B. F., 1927, Devonshire Churches: The Buildings and Builders, 154 (Article in Serial). SDV124362.

The church of St John the Baptist at Colaton Raleigh at is ancient (12th century), but was rebuilt about a century ago. It is transitional in style. Patronage of the church was acquired by William Brewere, Bishop of Exeter, about 1226. The 15th century sandstone tower remains and the square-headed west doorway. There is a fine 13th century arcade with transitional columns. The stone used in building the early church was possibly from Beer; in the rebuilding a century ago, under Mr R. M. Fulford, an Exeter architect, stone from Ladram Bay was used. The church has an altered Norman font, and some original carved bosses are preserved on the chancel roof. Cited as an example of the changes occurring in church building in the 12th and 13th centuries.

Unattributed, 1963, Proceedings at the 101st annual meeting, 21 (Article in Serial). SDV115766.

Unattributed, 1963, Proceedings at the 101st annual meeting, 21 (Article in Serial). SDV115766.

The church has been much rebuilt but still retains 12th century work in the form of the five bay north arcade. The tower is 15th century. There is an altered Norman font and some original carved bosses on the chancel roof.

Kaye, R. J., 1964, Colaton Raleigh, 77 (Article in Monograph). SDV359298.

Saunders, M., 1998, St. John the Baptist, Collaton Raleigh (Correspondence). SDV346987.

Fittings fundamental to the character of the church - including Medley Fulford's choirstalls, frontals, chancel screen and chancel gates - have been removed.

Exeter Archaeology, 2003-2004, East Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Archaeological Survey, Site No. 2045 (Archive - Survey). SDV351568.

Church of St John the Baptist. Parts late 12th/early 13th century with later additions, and much rebuilt 1875. Listed Grade II*.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV114356Article in Serial: Brushfield, T. N.. 1901-1902. Silver Tazza preserved in Colaton Raleigh Church. Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. 1.1. Unknown. 73-76.
SDV114357Migrated Record:
SDV114358Migrated Record:
SDV114359Migrated Record:
SDV115766Article in Serial: Unattributed. 1963. Proceedings at the 101st annual meeting. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 95. A5 Paperback. 21.
SDV124362Article in Serial: Cresswell, B. F.. 1927. Devonshire Churches: The Buildings and Builders. Journal of the British Archaeological Association. 33. Unknown. 154.
SDV167843Article in Serial: Whitley, H. M.. 1910. Visitations of Devonshire Churches. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 42. A5 Hardback. 463-4.
SDV2262Migrated Record: R. B. M..
SDV326793Migrated Record: Department of Environment.
SDV346987Correspondence: Saunders, M.. 1998. St. John the Baptist, Collaton Raleigh. Letter from Ancient Monuments Society. A4 Single Sheet + Digital.
SDV351568Archive - Survey: Exeter Archaeology. 2003-2004. East Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Archaeological Survey. East Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Archaeological Survey. Digital + Mixed Archive Material. Site No. 2045.
SDV359298Article in Monograph: Kaye, R. J.. 1964. Colaton Raleigh. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. A5 Paperback. 77.

Associated Monuments: none recorded

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events: none recorded

Date Last Edited:Aug 22 2024 7:32PM