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HER Number:MDV106140
Name:Settlement evidence comprising extensive prehistoric activity south of Langage Dairy Farm


Extensive features (ditches, pits, enclosures) and artefacts (lithics, pottery) providing evidence of late Neolithic to Romano-British occupation. Revealed during development of the Choakford to Langage Gas Pipeline.


Grid Reference:SX 580 554
Map Sheet:SX55NE
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishSparkwell
DistrictSouth Hams

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses: none recorded

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • SETTLEMENT (Prehistoric - 698000 BC to 42 AD)

Full description

Cotswold Archaeology, 2001, Fishacre to Lyneham Natural Gas Pipeline: Archaeological Fieldwalking and Field Reconnaissance Survey: Preliminary Summary (Report - Survey). SDV340217.

Cotswold Archaeology, 2001, Fishacre to Lyneham Natural Gas Pipeline: Cultural Heritage Assessment: Volume 1:Text (Report - Assessment). SDV340215.

Cotswold Archaeology, 2001, Fishacre to Lyneham Natural Gas Pipeline: Cultural Heritage Assessment: Volume 2: Constraints Maps (Report - Assessment). SDV340216.

Tyler, K., 2009, Archaeological Investigation of the Choakford to Langage Gas Pipeline, Sparkwell, South Hams (Report - non-specific). SDV348009.

Archaeological investigations along the Choakford to Langage gas pipeline corridor partially exposed a number of prehistoric occupation areas, representing prehistoric settlement of different periods. Pottery and lithic artefacts from the late Neolithic to the Romano-British periods were recovered. [See Source SDV348009] A number of partially exposed prehistoric occupation areas were recognised along the pipline. In the north-west extent of the route, an enclosed settlement and associated features of mid- to late Bronze Age date were excavated. In the south-eastern area a similar settlement enclosure of middle to late Iron Age date, with the possible remains of a later Romano-British structure were exposed and investigated. A range of pottery and lithic artefacts from the late Neolithic through to the Romano-British period were recovered which illustrate the length of occupation of the area.

Rolland, A. + Conway, M., 2009, Plymouth Eastern Corridor Major Scheme Bid Heritage Assessment (Report - Assessment). SDV349943.

Salvatore, J. P. + Quinnell, H., 2011, Excavation of a Bronze Age Roundhouse and other Prehistoric, Romano-British and Early Medieval Features at the Langage Energy Centre and Park, and the Choakford-Langage Gas Pipeline, Sparkwell, South Hams, 73 (Article in Serial). SDV359806.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV340215Report - Assessment: Cotswold Archaeology. 2001. Fishacre to Lyneham Natural Gas Pipeline: Cultural Heritage Assessment: Volume 1:Text. Cotswold Archaeology Report. 01084. A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV340216Report - Assessment: Cotswold Archaeology. 2001. Fishacre to Lyneham Natural Gas Pipeline: Cultural Heritage Assessment: Volume 2: Constraints Maps. Cotswold Archaeology Report. 01084. A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV340217Report - Survey: Cotswold Archaeology. 2001. Fishacre to Lyneham Natural Gas Pipeline: Archaeological Fieldwalking and Field Reconnaissance Survey: Preliminary Summary. Cotswold Archaeology Report. 1224. A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV348009Report - non-specific: Tyler, K.. 2009. Archaeological Investigation of the Choakford to Langage Gas Pipeline, Sparkwell, South Hams. Exeter Archaeology Report. 01.101. A4 Stapled + Digital. [Mapped features: #65572 ; #65573 ]
SDV349943Report - Assessment: Rolland, A. + Conway, M.. 2009. Plymouth Eastern Corridor Major Scheme Bid Heritage Assessment. Wessex Archaeology Report. 67801.01. A4 Bound + Digital.
SDV359806Article in Serial: Salvatore, J. P. + Quinnell, H.. 2011. Excavation of a Bronze Age Roundhouse and other Prehistoric, Romano-British and Early Medieval Features at the Langage Energy Centre and Park, and the Choakford-Langage Gas Pipeline, Sparkwell, South Hams. Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society. 69. Paperback Volume. 73.

Associated Monuments

MDV116900Related to: Romano-British Ditch and Pit to north of Choakford Farm, Sparkwell (Monument)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV4375 - Fishacre to Lyneham Pipeline Assessment
  • EDV5454 - Archaeological Monitoring, Choakford to Langage Gas Pipeline
  • EDV5455 - Archaeological Trench Evaluation, Choakford to Langage Gas Pipeline
  • EDV5970 - Walkover Survey, Part of Plymouth Eastern Corridor Major Scheme Bid: A38 Study Corridor

Date Last Edited:Nov 22 2024 11:10AM