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HER Number: | MDV11509 |
Name: | Mound at Bushy Knap |
Bushy Knap, artificial mound at south end of ridge, 70.0 metres diameter at the base, height 4.0 metres. The mound is tentatively interpreted as the remains of a small motte, part of a small motte and bailey castle of probable medieval date.
Grid Reference: | ST 131 010 |
Map Sheet: | ST10SW |
Admin Area | Devon |
Civil Parish | Buckerell |
District | East Devon |
Ecclesiastical Parish | BUCKERELL |
Protected Status: none recorded
Other References/Statuses
- Old DCC SMR Ref: ST10SW/10
Monument Type(s) and Dates
- MOUND (Lower Palaeolithic to Late Medieval - 698000 BC to 1539 AD (Between))
- (Alternate Type) MOTTE AND BAILEY (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD (Between))
Full description
Hutchinson, P. O., 1848-1894, Diaries (Un-published). SDV339321.
Visit 6/6/1859 tumulus at south end of hill.
Hutchinson, P. O., 1862, On the Hill Fortresses, Tumuli, and some other Antiquities of Eastern Devon, 62 (Article in Serial). SDV338169.
At south point of ridge is a tumulus.
Hutchinson, P. O., 1882, 7th report of the Committee on Scientific Memoranda, 520 (Article in Serial). SDV115129.
Bushy knap artificial mound trenched round. Diameter 70.1metres, height 4.0metres.
Wall, J. C., 1906, Ancient Earthworks, 618 (Article in Monograph). SDV341465.
A mound of small dimensions occupies the point known as 'Bushy Knap'. Listed as a motte. Supposed by Hutchinson to be outpost of Hembury fort.
RAF, 1947, CPE/UK 1974, 30/70 (Aerial Photograph). SDV119125.
Mound visible on RAF 1947 aerial photo. Field boundary arcs around north side of mound. Possible traces of ditch on south side. Other details: 3448 (11/04/1947).
Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division, 1954, ST10SW1 (Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card). SDV342096.
Visit 19/11/1953 a natural mound scarped on north and east. Probably result of earth digging and building of hedges. Very rough pasture.
Most unlikely to be an antiquity earthwork.
Higham, R. A., 1979, The Castles of Medieval Devon, 177 (Post-Graduate Thesis). SDV336189.
Not convincing as a motte. There are many natural mounds in the area. Slight earthworks nearby.
Higham, R. A., 1988, Devon Castles: An Annotated List, 146 (Article in Serial). SDV341278.
Environment Agency, 1998-2014, LiDAR DTM data (1m resolution), LIDAR ST1301 Environment Agency DTM 01-JAN-1998 to 30-SEP-2014 (Cartographic). SDV359177.
A circular mapimd was visible as an earthwork.
Hawken, S., 2001 - 2005, Bushy Knap and Buckerell Knap Report, 12-16 (Report - Survey). SDV342062.
A natural knoll artificially enhanced into a level mound.
Hawken, S., 2004 - 2007, Two previously unidentified Motte and baileys within east Devon, 1 - 2 (Report - Assessment). SDV342118.
Motte and bailey positioned for space for single bailey and view-shed to the south coast, perhaps overlooking deer park. Not as defensive as Buckerell Knap.
Gethin, B., 2013, The Motte and Baileys near Honiton (Correspondence). SDV354579.
Lidar image of mound at Bushy Knap.
Hegarty, C. + Knight, S. + Sims, R., 2016-2018, The Blackdown Hills AONB and East Devon River Catchments National Mapping Programme Project (Interpretation). SDV359463.
A roughly circular mound approximately 60 metres in diameter, the summit of which has been levelled into a platform circa 30 metres across was visible as an earthwork on digital images derived from lidar data captured between 1998 and 2014. A narrow but steeply graded ditch separates the mound from a platform or terrace 95 by 45 metres in size to the north and the slopes of the ridge to the east.
The mound is tentatively interpreted as the remains of a small motte, part of a small motte and bailey castle of probable medieval date.
Sources / Further Reading
SDV115129 | Article in Serial: Hutchinson, P. O.. 1882. 7th report of the Committee on Scientific Memoranda. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 14. 520. |
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SDV119125 | Aerial Photograph: RAF. 1947. CPE/UK 1974. Royal Air Force Aerial Photograph. 30/70. |
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SDV336189 | Post-Graduate Thesis: Higham, R. A.. 1979. The Castles of Medieval Devon. University of Exeter Thesis. Unknown. 177. |
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SDV338169 | Article in Serial: Hutchinson, P. O.. 1862. On the Hill Fortresses, Tumuli, and some other Antiquities of Eastern Devon. Journal of the British Archaeological Association. 18. Unknown. 62. |
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SDV339321 | Un-published: Hutchinson, P. O.. 1848-1894. Diaries. Devon Record Office Collection. Manuscript. |
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SDV341278 | Article in Serial: Higham, R. A.. 1988. Devon Castles: An Annotated List. Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society. 46. Paperback Volume. 146. |
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SDV341465 | Article in Monograph: Wall, J. C.. 1906. Ancient Earthworks. Victoria History of the County of Devon. Hardback Volume. 618. |
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SDV342062 | Report - Survey: Hawken, S.. 2001 - 2005. Bushy Knap and Buckerell Knap Report. Community Landscapes Project Report. A4 Stapled + Digital. 12-16. |
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SDV342096 | Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card: Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division. 1954. ST10SW1. Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card. Card Index. |
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SDV342118 | Report - Assessment: Hawken, S.. 2004 - 2007. Two previously unidentified Motte and baileys within east Devon. Community Landscapes Project Report: Exeter University. A4 Stapled + Digital. 1 - 2. |
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| Linked documents:1 |
SDV354579 | Correspondence: Gethin, B.. 2013. The Motte and Baileys near Honiton. Email and Lidar Image. Digital. |
SDV359177 | Cartographic: Environment Agency. 1998-2014. LiDAR DTM data (1m resolution). Environment Agency LiDAR data. Digital. LIDAR ST1301 Environment Agency DTM 01-JAN-1998 to 30-SEP-2014. [Mapped feature: #74404 ] |
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SDV359463 | Interpretation: Hegarty, C. + Knight, S. + Sims, R.. 2016-2018. The Blackdown Hills AONB and East Devon River Catchments National Mapping Programme Project. Historic England Research Report. Digital. |
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| Linked documents:2 |
Associated Monuments
MDV117867 | Part of: Motte and bailey at Bushy Knap, Buckerell parish (Monument) |
MDV75239 | Related to: Platform north of Bushy Knap (Monument) |
Associated Finds: none recorded
Associated Events
- EDV4478 - Earthwork Survey at Bushy Knap
- EDV7508 - The Blackdown Hills AONB and East Devon River Catchments National Mapping Programme (NMP) project (Ref: ACD1228)
Date Last Edited: | Mar 20 2018 1:21PM |
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