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HER Number: | MDV118468 |
Name: | Roman Road from Axminster to Honiton |
Recent archaeological work in Axminster coupled with evidence from LiDAR and satellite imagery has confirmed that the traditional course of the road from Axminster towards Honiton is largely correct. From the fort at Woodbury the road crosses the river valleys to broadly coincide with the A35 up Gammon Hill. It then deviates to take the lane through Kilmington to the top of Shute Hill. From there it follows the Shute/Stockland parish boundary, rejoining the A35 at Wilmington Bridge. The final section of the road from Grey Stone down into Honiton, however, is unclear and several possible routes have been proposed. See associated records for details of individual sections of the road.
Grid Reference: | SY 250 985 |
Map Sheet: | SY29NE |
Admin Area | Devon |
Civil Parish | Axminster |
Civil Parish | Dalwood |
Civil Parish | Kilmington |
Civil Parish | Lands common to the Parishes of Axminster and Kilmington |
Civil Parish | Offwell |
Civil Parish | Shute |
Civil Parish | Widworthy |
District | East Devon |
District | West Dorset |
Ecclesiastical Parish | AXMINSTER |
Ecclesiastical Parish | KILMINGTON |
Ecclesiastical Parish | OFFWELL |
Ecclesiastical Parish | SHUTE |
Ecclesiastical Parish | STOCKLAND |
Ecclesiastical Parish | WIDWORTHY |
Protected Status
Other References/Statuses
Monument Type(s) and Dates
- ROAD (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
Full description
Ordnance Survey, 1963, Untitled Source (Cartographic). SDV320771.
From Shute Hill the Roman road followed the line of the Dalwood and Shute Parish boundaries to the Kilmington Parish boundary at SY25409877.
Margary, I. D., 1967, Roman Roads in Britain, 115 (Monograph). SDV24025.
The A373, the main road through Wilmington to Honiton follows the course of the Roman road from Charmouth to Honiton (runs from SY220-999- to SY20500000 to ST200000020)
Dean, R., 20/05/2010, Land at Kilmington, Devon. Results of an Archaeological Earth Resistance Survey (Report - Geophysical Survey). SDV349890.
Exeter Archaeology, 2003-2004, East Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Archaeological Survey, No. 755, 2929 (Archive - Survey). SDV351568.
Tabor, R., 2012, Axe Valley Cyclepath/Walkway: Axminster to Kilmington Archaeological Monitoring and Recording (Report - Watching Brief). SDV352351.
Pears, B. + Hughes, S., 2013, Land North of Woodlands, Kilmington, Devon: Results of an Archaeological Trench Evaluation (Report - Evaluation). SDV355706.
An archaeological trench evaluation at Woodlands on Kilmington Hill in 2013 revealed a well-metalled section of road which corresponds with the line of the Roman road.
Toller, H., 2014, The Roman Road from Dorchester to Exeter (Article in Serial). SDV358042.
The first and last sections of the course of the Roman road from Dorchester to Exeter, from Dorchester to Eggardon Hill, and Honiton to Exeter, have been known since the 18th century but the course of the 38km section in the middle was unclear, although the general concensus was that it was that followed by the modern A35. More recent archaeological work in Axminster coupled with evidence from LiDAR and satellite imagery has now provided new evidence for a length of the road between Eggardon Hill in Dorset and Axminster and also confirmed that the traditional course of the road between Axminster and Honiton is largely correct.
The road enters Devon at Monkton Wyle Cross (SY329970) and descends as Cook's Lane and Woodbury Lane to Axminster. Westwards from Woodbury the road continued in a direct line across the valley of the Axe and Yarty towards Shute Hill; a 240 metre length of road was excavated in 1990 across the flood plain of the Yarty. The road at this point was found to be up to 20.25 metres wide and probably originally stood up to 0.6 metres above the surrounding ground.
West of the Axe there is no certain evidence for the road towards Honiton but antiquarian observations suggest that the road followed the line taken by the 1758 turnpike road from Shute Hill through to Taunton Cross, Burrow Corner and then to Moorcox Cross. Beyond Moorcox the course of the road is probably overlain by the modern A35 on the course of the earlier turnpike to Honiton.
See article for full details.
Randall, Clare, 2015, Land North of Woddbury Lane, Axminster (Report - Evaluation). SDV359392.
Davies, R., 2015, Land North of Woodbury Lane, Axminster (Report - Geophysical Survey). SDV359278.
Historic England, 2015-2016, NRHE to HER prototype (Website). SDV359652.
Steinmetzer, MFR. and Salvatore, J., 2016, Archaeological evaluation on land behind the Old Inn, Kilmington, Devon (Report - Evaluation). SDV359614.
de-Villiers, S., 2016, Land at Woodbury Cottage, Woodbury Lane, Axminster, (Report - Watching Brief). SDV359401.
Ordnance Survey, 2016, MasterMap (Cartographic). SDV359352.
Map object partly based on this source. The lane up Kilmington Hill is marked as a Roman Road.
Sources / Further Reading
SDV24025 | Monograph: Margary, I. D.. 1967. Roman Roads in Britain. Roman Roads in Britain. Hardback Volume. 115. |
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SDV320771 | Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 1963. Ordnance Survey 1:10,560 Map. Map (Paper). |
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SDV349890 | Report - Geophysical Survey: Dean, R.. 20/05/2010. Land at Kilmington, Devon. Results of an Archaeological Earth Resistance Survey. Southwest Archaeology Report. 100512. A4 Stapled + Digital. |
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SDV351568 | Archive - Survey: Exeter Archaeology. 2003-2004. East Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Archaeological Survey. East Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Archaeological Survey. Digital + Mixed Archive Material. No. 755, 2929. |
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SDV352351 | Report - Watching Brief: Tabor, R.. 2012. Axe Valley Cyclepath/Walkway: Axminster to Kilmington Archaeological Monitoring and Recording. Context One Archaeological Services Report. A4 Comb Bound + Digital. |
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SDV355706 | Report - Evaluation: Pears, B. + Hughes, S.. 2013. Land North of Woodlands, Kilmington, Devon: Results of an Archaeological Trench Evaluation. AC Archaeology Report. ACD822/2/0. Digital + A4. |
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SDV358042 | Article in Serial: Toller, H.. 2014. The Roman Road from Dorchester to Exeter. Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society. 72. Paperback Volume. |
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SDV359278 | Report - Geophysical Survey: Davies, R.. 2015. Land North of Woodbury Lane, Axminster. Stratascan. J8756. Digital. |
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SDV359352 | Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2016. MasterMap. Ordnance Survey Digital Mapping. Digital. |
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SDV359392 | Report - Evaluation: Randall, Clare. 2015. Land North of Woddbury Lane, Axminster. Context One Archaeological Services. C1/EVA/15/WAD. Digital. |
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SDV359401 | Report - Watching Brief: de-Villiers, S.. 2016. Land at Woodbury Cottage, Woodbury Lane, Axminster,. AC Archaeology. ACD1162/2/0. Digital. |
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SDV359614 | Report - Evaluation: Steinmetzer, MFR. and Salvatore, J.. 2016. Archaeological evaluation on land behind the Old Inn, Kilmington, Devon. Oakford Archaeology. OA1326. Digital. |
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SDV359652 | Website: Historic England. 2015-2016. NRHE to HER prototype. Website. |
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Associated Monuments
MDV14190 | Parent of: Roman Road at Burrow Corner, Dalwood (Monument) |
MDV132464 | Parent of: Roman Road at Marcella House, Kilmington (Monument) |
MDV128270 | Parent of: Roman road at Symonds Down, Axminster (Monument) |
MDV44899 | Parent of: Roman Road at Wilmington Bridge, Widworthy (Monument) |
MDV42204 | Parent of: Roman Road at Woodbury Lane, Axminster (Monument) |
MDV18559 | Parent of: Roman Road north of Moorcox, Dalwood (Monument) |
MDV14186 | Parent of: Roman Road on Kilmington Hill (Monument) |
MDV14187 | Parent of: Roman Road on Shute Hill, Kilmington (Monument) |
MDV118446 | Related to: Possible Roman Fortlet south of Burrow Corner, Shute (Monument) |
MDV115994 | Related to: Possible Roman Road north-east of White Cross, Offwell parish (Monument) |
MDV18476 | Related to: Roman road on Northgate Lane, Honiton (Monument) |
MDV45109 | Related to: Roman road along Tunnel Lane, Honiton (Monument) |
MDV16014 | Related to: Roman road from Charmouth to Axminster (Monument) |
MDV38709 | Related to: Roman road on Northcote Hill, Honiton (Monument) |
MDV118467 | Related to: Roman Road through Honiton (Monument) |
MDV133442 | Related to: Roman road to north of Northgate Lane, Honiton (Monument) |
Associated Finds: none recorded
Associated Events
- EDV5145 - Evaluation at the Junction of Gammons Hill and George Lane, Kilmington
- EDV5946 - Land at Kilmington, Devon. Results of and Archaeological Earth Resistance Survey (Ref: 100512)
- EDV6259 - Archaeological Monitoring and Recording of the Axe Valley Cyclepath/Walkway (Ref: COAS/WBF/11/AVC)
- EDV6359 - Archaeological Trench Evaluation on Land North of Woodlands, Kilmington (Ref: ACD822)
- EDV6866 - Geophysical Survey, Land North of Woodbury Lane, Axminster (Ref: J8756)
- EDV6912 - Evaluation, Land North of Woodbury Lane, Axminster (Ref: C1/EVA/15/WAD)
- EDV6918 - Watching Brief, Land at Woodbury Cottage, Woodbury Lane, Axminster (Ref: ACD1162/2/0)
- EDV6972 - Archaeological evaluation on land behind the Old Inn, Kilmington, Devon. (Ref: OA1326)
Date Last Edited: | Dec 16 2024 10:55AM |
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