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HER Number:MDV11988
Name:Medieval mansion at Hall, Bishop's Tawton


Site of a medieval mansion demolished and rebuilt in 19th century as Hall House. Formerly the seat of a family by the name of Hall. A chapel was licenced here in the 15th century.


Grid Reference:SS 585 271
Map Sheet:SS52NE
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishBishop's Tawton
DistrictNorth Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishBISHOP'S TAWTON

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses

  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SS52NE/11
  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SS52NE/11/11
  • Old Listed Building Ref (II)
  • Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division: S52NE5

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • MANSION HOUSE (Built, Medieval - 1066 AD (Between) to 1539 AD (Between))

Full description

Oliver, G., 1842, Ecclesiastical Antiquities in Devon Vol. 3, 16 (Monograph). SDV336342.

Granted in 1314 by Bishop Stapeldon to William Hall. In 1444 Bishop Lacey licensed Richard Chichester to have divine service performed "in capella intra mansum de hall".

Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division, 1977, SS52NE5 (Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card). SDV336343.

The present house which occupies the site of the old mansion was built in 1846-9. It has no visible trace of antiquity; the pre 1846 building was completely demolished including in the cellars. The stone outbuildings are 15th-early 17th century.
Formerly the seat of the Hall family. A chapel was licensed for divine service here by Bishop Lacy in 1444.

Gallant, L., 1986, Deer Parks and Paddocks of England (Un-published). SDV656.

Prince in 1701 stated that Hall had come from Ralegh to the Chichester family. Pole writing in 1635 stated that Symon Hall's daughter married Richard Chichester of Ralegh.

Coulter, J., 1993, The Ancient Chapels of North Devon (Monograph). SDV78000.

In 1445 Richard Chichester was granted a licence for a chapel 'in any suitable place within the diocese and for Margaret, his wife, to be churched in a chapel within the house at Hall'. Sometime between 1846 and 1850, the building was demolished

Ordnance Survey, 2024, Mastermap 2024 (Cartographic). SDV365834.

Marked as Hall and Remains of Hall.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV336342Monograph: Oliver, G.. 1842. Ecclesiastical Antiquities in Devon Vol. 3. Ecclesiastical Antiquities in Devon. 3. Digital. 16.
SDV336343Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card: Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division. 1977. SS52NE5. OSAD Card. Card Index + Digital.
SDV365834Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2024. Mastermap 2024. Ordnance Survey Digital Mapping. Digital. [Mapped feature: #142455 Map object approximate, ]
SDV656Un-published: Gallant, L.. 1986. Deer Parks and Paddocks of England. Deer Parks and Paddocks of England. Manuscript.
SDV78000Monograph: Coulter, J.. 1993. The Ancient Chapels of North Devon. The Ancient Chapels of North Devon. Unknown.

Associated Monuments

MDV754Part of: Whitechapel Manor (Building)
MDV40170Related to: Hall House, Bishop's Tawton (Building)
MDV40170Related to: Hall House, Bishop's Tawton (Building)
MDV40170Related to: Hall House, Bishop's Tawton (Building)
MDV40170Related to: Hall House, Bishop's Tawton (Building)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events: none recorded

Date Last Edited:May 8 2024 5:34PM