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HER Number:MDV123020
Name:Small fort or hilltop enclosure to west of Whimple Wood Farm, Whimple


A broadly rectangular enclosure, c.102m by 77m, is visible on LiDAR data. It is too large to be a Roman fortlet or a farmstead. It could be a fort, technically a small fort or possibly a late Prehistoric Hilltop Enclosure.


Grid Reference:SY 054 963
Map Sheet:SY09NE
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishWhimple
DistrictEast Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishWHIMPLE

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses: none recorded

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • HILLTOP ENCLOSURE? (Iron Age - 700 BC (Between) to 42 AD (Between))
  • FORT? (Roman - 43 AD (Between) to 409 AD (Between))

Full description

Environment Agency WMS, 1998-2016, LiDAR DSM data JPEG image (1m resolution) (Cartographic). SDV360209.

Rectangular earthwork banks visible defining the possible enclosure. There may be an entrance on the northern extant. Approximate dimensions are 102 metres in length and 77 metres wide.

Gethin, B., 2011, Possible Roman Fortlet, west of Whimple Wood Farm, Whimple (Interpretation). SDV361787.

Earthwork visible on Lidar, north of the line of the Roman road between Exeter and Honiton and to the west of Whimple Wood Farm. The earthwork may represent a Romano-British Fortlet. Possible entrance along the north extant.

Environment Agency WMS, 2022, Environment Agency LIDAR Composite DTM 2022 - 1m (Cartographic). SDV365447.

The broadly rectantular enclosure is clearly visible, with banks c.14m wide. There looks to be a wide entrance in the centre of the north side, c.25m wide and a small, almost square enclosure off the north-west corner, c.22m by 20m.

Horner, B., 2024, Enclosure or fort near Whimple Wood Farm (Interpretation). SDV365991.

The enclosure is too large to be a Roman fortlet or a farmstead. It could be a fort, technically a small fort or possibly a late Prehistoric Hilltop Enclosure. The irregular nature of the enclosure is probably due to topography. LiDAR data also suggests that there could be a D-shaped enclosure on the east side.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV360209Cartographic: Environment Agency WMS. 1998-2016. LiDAR DSM data JPEG image (1m resolution). Environment Agency LiDAR data. Digital.
SDV361787Interpretation: Gethin, B.. 2011. Possible Roman Fortlet, west of Whimple Wood Farm, Whimple. Digital.
SDV365447Cartographic: Environment Agency WMS. 2022. Environment Agency LIDAR Composite DTM 2022 - 1m. Environment Agency LiDAR data. Digital. [Mapped feature: #142671 ]
SDV365991Interpretation: Horner, B.. 2024. Enclosure or fort near Whimple Wood Farm. Digital.

Associated Monuments: none recorded

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events: none recorded

Date Last Edited:Jul 19 2024 1:50PM