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HER Number:MDV124541
Name:Boundary on Trendlebere Down


Indistinct length of stones on Trendlebere Down may represent remains of a wall or boundary of some sort.


Grid Reference:SX 777 799
Map Sheet:SX77NE
Admin AreaDartmoor National Park
Civil ParishLustleigh
Ecclesiastical ParishLUSTLEIGH

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses: none recorded

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • BOUNDARY? (Constructed, Post Medieval to Modern - 1540 AD? to 2013 AD (Between))

Full description

Natural England Volunteers, 2009-2015, Natural England Volunteer Archaeological Survey, K45 (Worksheet). SDV350591.

SX77766 79902 to SX77781 79911
Low wall, bank or ?stone line recorded, consists of an indistinct length of stones above platform area. Visited 08/05/2015, sketched and photographed; uphill along stones facing south-west, and top section of stones, facing south.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV350591Worksheet: Natural England Volunteers. 2009-2015. Natural England Volunteer Archaeological Survey. Natural England Archaeological Survey. Worksheet. K45. [Mapped feature: #114876 ]

Associated Monuments

MDV124537Related to: Leat on Trendlebere Down (Monument)
MDV124538Related to: Low mound on Trendlebere Down (Monument)
MDV124539Related to: Mound and hollow on Trendlebere Down (Monument)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV6071 - East Devon Natural Nature Reserve and surrounds Archaeological Survey

Date Last Edited:Jan 11 2019 3:51PM