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HER Number: | MDV13132 |
Name: | Lukesland Farm leat, Harford |
Leat dates to at least the mid-17th century. Running from stream at Lukesland Farm, Harford (SX64075779) to Stowford Farm (SX63995717), where it supplied the house, rebuilt in the mid-16th century. In the mid-19th century the water activated a waterwheel.
Grid Reference: | SX 638 573 |
Map Sheet: | SX65NW |
Admin Area | Dartmoor National Park |
Civil Parish | Harford |
District | South Hams |
Ecclesiastical Parish | HARFORD |
Protected Status: none recorded
Other References/Statuses
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SX65NW/87
Monument Type(s) and Dates
- LEAT (Constructed, XIX - 1840 AD (Between) to 1880 AD (Between))
Full description
1840, Tithe Map (Cartographic). SDV339770.
Leat is depicted on the Tithe Map of approximately 1840.
Ryan, L., 1973, An Obscure Place. A History of Stowford in the parish of Harford, Devon, 70-71 (Monograph). SDV340926.
Hankin, C. F., 1976 - 1978, Untitled Source (Worksheet). SDV165744.
Leat taken from stream near Lukesland Farm, running to Stowford Farm at SX641571.
Hankin, C. F., 1977, Lukesland leat, Harford (Worksheet). SDV144746.
A carefully cut leat 1.2 metres wide takes water from a stream in the Lukesland Estate at SX638577 and takes it to Stowford Farm at SX641571, a distance of approximately 700 metres.
It is believed to date from late 18th or early 19th century. In mid-19th century the water activated a water-wheel used to drive farm machinery at Stowford Farm. The water still flows to serve the farm. The leat is shown on the tithe map 1838-40 Other details: SX65NW/87.
Berry, N. + Simmonds, T., 1996, An Archaeological Survey of Boro Wood (SX7571), Erme Wood (SX6357), Wistmans Wood (SX6177) and Newpark Waste (SX5961), EW04 (Report - Survey). SDV360518.
SX 63735757 Leat. Leat shown on the 6 inch Ordnance Survey map at the north-east corner of Erme Wood, around contour for approximately 700m to the pond north of Stowford Farm. Approximately 0.8m - 1m wide, with banks 0.5m - 1m high. There is a sluice gate 20m downstream of the run-off point flanked by a feature set in large stones. Another 15m to the west the leat runs under the main track in a culvert. Generally good working condition and well-constructed, and according to local residents, lined with slate in places and apparently constructed in the 1880s.
Dartmoor Trust and Dartmoor National Park Authority, 2010, Dartmoor Trust Leats Project 2009-2010 (Report - Survey). SDV347530.
Marked on geographic information systems map layer but not listed in accompanying Excel spreadsheet. Other details: Q:\MAPDATA\HISTORIC\LeatsProject.
Ordnance Survey, 2011, MasterMap (Cartographic). SDV346129.
Sources / Further Reading
SDV144746 | Worksheet: Hankin, C. F.. 1977. Lukesland leat, Harford. Devon Committee for Rescue Archaeology Report. Digital. |
SDV165744 | Worksheet: Hankin, C. F.. 1976 - 1978. Harford Parish Checklist. Digital. |
SDV339770 | Cartographic: 1840. Tithe Map. Tithe Map and Apportionment. Map (Paper). |
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SDV340926 | Monograph: Ryan, L.. 1973. An Obscure Place. A History of Stowford in the parish of Harford, Devon. An Obscure Place. Paperback Volume. 70-71. |
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SDV346129 | Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2011. MasterMap. Ordnance Survey. Map (Digital). [Mapped features: #80773 ; #111535 ; #111536 ; #111537 ] |
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SDV347530 | Report - Survey: Dartmoor Trust and Dartmoor National Park Authority. 2010. Dartmoor Trust Leats Project 2009-2010. Dartmoor Trust. Digital. |
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SDV360518 | Report - Survey: Berry, N. + Simmonds, T.. 1996. An Archaeological Survey of Boro Wood (SX7571), Erme Wood (SX6357), Wistmans Wood (SX6177) and Newpark Waste (SX5961). Dartmoor National Park Authority Report. A4 Comb Bound + Digital. EW04. |
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Associated Monuments
MDV13139 | Related to: Farmhouse at Lukesland Farm, Harford (Building) |
MDV77689 | Related to: Lukesland farmstead, Harford (Monument) |
MDV46769 | Related to: Reservoir in Longtimber Wood, Cornwood (Monument) |
MDV78080 | Related to: Stowford Farm, Harford (Monument) |
Associated Finds: none recorded
Associated Events
- EDV7444 - Survey of Newpark Waste and Boro, Erme and Wistmans Woods
Date Last Edited: | Aug 19 2022 1:08PM |
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