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HER Number:MDV134857
Name:Enclosure to north-north-west of Greenhill Cross, Poughill


The remains of a possible prehistoric enclosure are visible on LiDAR data. The northern arc of the enclosure is respected by a curve in the extant field boundary.


Grid Reference:SS 851 092
Map Sheet:SS80NE
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishPoughill
DistrictMid Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishPOUGHILL

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses: none recorded

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • ENCLOSURE (Late Neolithic to Late Iron Age - 3000 BC (Between) to 42 AD (Between))

Full description

Environment Agency WMS, 2022, Environment Agency LIDAR Composite DTM 2022 - 1m (Cartographic). SDV365447.

Enclosure visible in the northern part of the field and is respected by a curve in the extant field boundary.

Kaye, S., 2024, Enclosure, possibly prehistoric, north of Poughill, Poughill CP (Worksheet). SDV365942.

The remains of a possible prehistoric enclosure are visible on LiDAR data. The enclosure, which is located on a minor ridge, is 82m north to south and 60m east to west, enclosing an area of c.4032 sq m. The northern arc of the enclosure together with an outer ditch is particularly clearly shown and is respected by the extant field boundary.
The enclosure is unfortunately not visible on available aerial photographs.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV365447Cartographic: Environment Agency WMS. 2022. Environment Agency LIDAR Composite DTM 2022 - 1m. Environment Agency LiDAR data. Digital. [Mapped feature: #142434 ]
SDV365942Worksheet: Kaye, S.. 2024. Enclosure, possibly prehistoric, north of Poughill, Poughill CP. Digital.

Associated Monuments: none recorded

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events: none recorded

Date Last Edited:May 1 2024 12:58PM