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HER Number: | MDV13777 |
Name: | Civil War Earthworks, Bovey Heath |
Linear and curvilinear earthwork banks and ditches interpreted as a possible Civil War breastwork are visible on aerial photographs taken from 1946 onwards and on digital images derived from lidar data captured between 1998 and 2017, on Bovey Heath, Bovey Tracey.
Grid Reference: | SX 820 765 |
Map Sheet: | SX87NW |
Admin Area | Devon |
Civil Parish | Bovey Tracey |
District | Teignbridge |
Ecclesiastical Parish | UNKNOWN |
Ecclesiastical Parish | BOVEY TRACEY |
Protected Status
Other References/Statuses
- National Record of the Historic Environment: 446779
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SX87NW/11
- Old SAM County Ref: 997
- Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division: SX87NW16
- SHINE Candidate (Yes)
Monument Type(s) and Dates
- BREASTWORK (XVII - 1601 AD to 1700 AD (Between))
- EARTHWORK (XVII - 1601 AD to 1700 AD (Between))
Full description
English Heritage, 12/06/2014, Earthwork on Bovey Heath, Devon (Correspondence). SDV356740.
Application for Scheduled Monument Consent to undertake management works including tree and scrub removal.
Fulford-Williams, F. (Ed), 1825, Manuscript of the Rev P Jones (Un-published). SDV339852.
Rev Jones discusses the earthwork and states that it was erected by Royalist forces stationed in Bovey Tracey during the Civil War. Cannon balls and other items have been found here.
Ordnance Survey, 1880-1899, First Edition Ordnance 25 inch map (Cartographic). SDV336179.
Linear earthworks are shown in this location.
Hole, M. A., 1930, Sketches of Bovey Tracey and District, 15 (Monograph). SDV288939.
Civil war entrenchments known as The Cast. Other details: Extracts from articles by W Ellis 1883-1887..
Royal Air Force, 1946, RAF/CPE/UK/1824, RAF/CPE/UK/1824 RP 3129-31 04-NOV-1946 (Aerial Photograph). SDV352344.
Linear and curvilinear banks are visible.
Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division, 1954 - 1980, SX87NW16 (Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card). SDV339850.
1. A large bank with ditch to the north, evidently ancient (it has been cut in two by the road but of uncertain date. The bank stands 5-6 feet high, the ditch is shallow.
2. Site visit 10/11/1953. A univallate earthwork consisting of a pronounced bank, running northeast-southwest with a ditch to the northwest. In character the feature is entirely defensive, being both well constructed and positioned for this purpose, running along the highest lateral ridge on the heath and commanding the approach south east from Bovey Tracey. There is no trace of a ditch to the southeast. The continuation of the bank may be clearly seen where it is cut by the modern road. There is no trace of a rock base, its construction being solely of heavy sand. The earthwork may have medieval associations. Other details: Plan and section.
Department of Environment, 1976, Earthwork on Bovey Heath (Schedule Document). SDV302712.
Visited on 9th December 1976. Well-preserved bank and ditch running gently downhill to the southwest. Bisected by a modern road. The bank may run slightly further to the south, but it is difficult to estimate its southern limit. Locally believed to be of Civil War date and to be connected to the battle site to the north. The bank is 10 feet high and 60 feet wide. The ditch is 30-40 feet wide and 3-5feet deep.
Greeves, T. A. P., 1976, Note on Bovey Heathfield Earthworks (Worksheet). SDV339853.
There is no reason to doubt the tradition that the linear earthwork dates from the Civil War.
Silvester, R. J., 1977, Earthwork (Worksheet). SDV8568.
The site has been disturbed by the planting and removing of trees, by animals' burrows and by leats which appear to have utilized the ditch and the back of the rampart. These are almost certainly late, but do not indicate a terminus ante quem for the earthwork beyond the civil war period.
Department of Environment, 1977, Earthwork on Bovey Heath (Schedule Document). SDV339859.
Mitchell, M., 1979, Devon Committee for Rescue Archaeology: Ball clay survey of South Devon, No 2 (Worksheet). SDV337798.
Visited on 22nd June 1979. Linear bank running across Bovey Heathfield. Very overgrown on the Heathfield side of the road. Circa 1.5 meters high and 2.5 - 3.0 meters wide at base but cut by tracks in many places. Much more impressive to south-west of road where it is 3-3.5 meters high and 8-10 meters wide at base. The cut for the road shows a section circa 20 meters wide yet this is exaggerated. Bears little relationship to other earthwork or natural features on the heath. Slight ditch on north side. Other details: Worksheets No 6 & 10.
Quinnell, N. V., 1981, Bovey Heathfield Earthwork and Leats (Cartographic). SDV339851.
New survey and profiles made by the Ordnance Survey. This is a substantial earthwork, but the suggested dates and functions do not seem wholly persuasive. Other details: Profiles in Parish File.
Griffiths, D. M., 1983, Untitled Source (Site Visit). SDV339854.
Other details: Photographs in HER.
1983, Untitled Source (Photograph). SDV339855.
Griffith, F. M., 1989, DAP/OP, 11, 19-22 (Aerial Photograph). SDV339858.
Environment Agency, 1998-2017, LiDAR DTM data (1m resolution) EA: South Devon Coast to Dartmoor, LIDAR SX8276 Environment Agency DTM 01-JAN-1998 to 31-MAY-2017 (Cartographic). SDV361470.
Linear and curvilinear banks and ditches are visible.
Department for Culture, Media and Sport, 2003, Earthwork on Bovey Heath (Correspondence). SDV339856.
Schedule Monument Consent granted, subject to conditions recommended by English Heritage, for works concerning the erection of perimeter stockproof fencing.
English Heritage, 2004, Report on the Bovey Heath Survey (Report - Survey). SDV339857.
Curvilinear earthwork 260 metres long, traditionally interpreted as a breastwork constructed during the 'Civil War' and associated with the battle of 'Bovey Heath' fought in 1645. Strong earthen bank running northeast from SX82017642 to SX82127664, with a silted ditch on the northern side and some remains of a ditch on the southern side, cut by the 'Newton Road' in 1765. The southern section to the west of the road has a bank up to 3.1 metres high, a circa 1.1 metres deep ditch on the northern side and a circa 0.7 metre deep ditch on the southern side. The survey of 2003 found no trace of a firing step or emplacements but the whole length had been disturbed by animal burrowing, tree root growth and erosion. Survey drawings at 1:2500 and profiles.
English Heritage, 2010, Heritage at Risk Register 2010: South West, 104 (Report - non-specific). SDV344777.
English Heritage, 2011, Heritage at Risk Register 2011: South West, 109 (Report - non-specific). SDV355280.
Generally satisfactory but with significant localised problems. Declining. Principal vulnerability extensive vehicle damage/erosion.
Hegarty, C., Knight, S. and Sims, R., 2018-2019, The South Devon Coast to Dartmoor Aerial Investigation and Mapping Survey. Area 1, Haldon Ridge to Dart Valley (AI&M) (Interpretation). SDV361305.
Linear and curvilinear earthwork banks and ditches are visible on aerial photographs taken from 1946 onwards and on digital images derived from lidar data captured between 1998 and 2017, on Bovey Heath, Bovey Tracey. The earthworks are interpreted as a possible northeast to southwest aligned breastwork constructed during the Civil War. They comprise several segments of a central bank, between 3m-5m wide and extending to a length of circa 250m, which are flanked on each side by segments of ditch, between 4m to 10m wide. Two additional outer banked segments are also visible along the outer edge of the eastern ditch. The earthworks are truncated by the A382. Whilst the main central bank is prominent and well-defined in form, the nature of the flanking ditches is much less clear and in places are quite irregular, possibly intercutting with earthworks associated with medieval or post-medieval tin workings MDV69787. It is therefore possible that some elements of the transcribed earthworks attributed to this record, such as the two additional and parallel outer banks located to the east, or a section of north to south aligned ditch at the northeast extent may in fact be associated with these workings.
Hegarty, C., Knight, S. and Sims, R., 2019, South Devon Coast to Dartmoor AI&M Survey, Area 1 Site Visit, 03-MAY-2019 (Site Visit). SDV363000.
The northeast extent of the entrenchments survive as a well-preserved and substantial linear bank flanked by ditches, within an area cleared of trees. The earthworks to the southwest of the A382, within Tom Brown's Plantation, were not inspected.
Sources / Further Reading
SDV288939 | Monograph: Hole, M. A.. 1930. Sketches of Bovey Tracey and District. Sketches of Bovey Tracey and District. Unknown. 15. |
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SDV302712 | Schedule Document: Department of Environment. 1976. Earthwork on Bovey Heath. The Schedule of Monuments. Letter. |
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SDV336179 | Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 1880-1899. First Edition Ordnance 25 inch map. First Edition Ordnance Survey 25 inch Map. Map (Digital). |
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SDV337798 | Worksheet: Mitchell, M.. 1979. Devon Committee for Rescue Archaeology: Ball clay survey of South Devon. Worksheet. No 2. |
SDV339850 | Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card: Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division. 1954 - 1980. SX87NW16. Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card. Card Index. |
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SDV339851 | Cartographic: Quinnell, N. V.. 1981. Bovey Heathfield Earthwork and Leats. Map (Paper). |
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SDV339852 | Un-published: Fulford-Williams, F. (Ed). 1825. Manuscript of the Rev P Jones. Photocopy. |
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SDV339853 | Worksheet: Greeves, T. A. P.. 1976. Note on Bovey Heathfield Earthworks. Worksheet. |
SDV339854 | Site Visit: Griffiths, D. M.. 1983. |
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SDV339855 | Photograph: 1983. Slide. |
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SDV339856 | Correspondence: Department for Culture, Media and Sport. 2003. Earthwork on Bovey Heath. Scheduled Monument Consent Letter. Letter. |
SDV339857 | Report - Survey: English Heritage. 2004. Report on the Bovey Heath Survey. English Heritage Report. A4 Stapled + Digital. |
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SDV339858 | Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1989. DAP/OP. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 11, 19-22. |
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SDV339859 | Schedule Document: Department of Environment. 1977. Earthwork on Bovey Heath. The Schedule of Monuments. Letter. |
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SDV344777 | Report - non-specific: English Heritage. 2010. Heritage at Risk Register 2010: South West. English Heritage Report. Digital. 104. |
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SDV352344 | Aerial Photograph: Royal Air Force. 1946. RAF/CPE/UK/1824. Royal Air Force Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). RAF/CPE/UK/1824 RP 3129-31 04-NOV-1946. |
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SDV355280 | Report - non-specific: English Heritage. 2011. Heritage at Risk Register 2011: South West. english Heritage. Digital. 109. |
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SDV356740 | Correspondence: English Heritage. 12/06/2014. Earthwork on Bovey Heath, Devon. Application for Scheduled Monument Consent. Digital. |
SDV361305 | Interpretation: Hegarty, C., Knight, S. and Sims, R.. 2018-2019. The South Devon Coast to Dartmoor Aerial Investigation and Mapping Survey. Area 1, Haldon Ridge to Dart Valley (AI&M). Historic England Research Report. Digital. |
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| Linked documents:1 |
SDV361470 | Cartographic: Environment Agency. 1998-2017. LiDAR DTM data (1m resolution) EA: South Devon Coast to Dartmoor. Environment Agency LiDAR data. Digital. LIDAR SX8276 Environment Agency DTM 01-JAN-1998 to 31-MAY-2017. [Mapped feature: #114697 ] |
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SDV363000 | Site Visit: Hegarty, C., Knight, S. and Sims, R.. 2019. South Devon Coast to Dartmoor AI&M Survey, Area 1 Site Visit. AC Archaeology. Photograph (Digital). 03-MAY-2019. |
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| Linked images:11 |
SDV8568 | Worksheet: Silvester, R. J.. 1977. Earthwork. Worksheet + Digital. |
Associated Monuments
MDV13778 | Related to: BATTLEFIELD in the Parish of Bovey Tracey (Monument) |
MDV69787 | Related to: Streamworks at Heathfield, Bovey Tracey (Monument) |
Associated Finds: none recorded
Associated Events
- EDV7515 - The South Devon Coast to Dartmoor Aerial Investigation and Mapping (formerly NMP) Survey (Ref: ACD1748)
Date Last Edited: | Jun 16 2020 1:41PM |
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