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HER Number: | MDV14287 |
Name: | Blacksmiths Arms, Bideford |
Public House with good 18th century street façade, datestone 1741. Possibly incorporates earlier fabric. Interior much altered.
Grid Reference: | SS 456 262 |
Map Sheet: | SS42NE |
Admin Area | Devon |
Civil Parish | Bideford |
District | Torridge |
Ecclesiastical Parish | BIDEFORD |
Protected Status
Other References/Statuses
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SS42NE/50
- Old Listed Building Ref (II): 375954
Monument Type(s) and Dates
- INN (Post Medieval to XVIII - 1540 AD to 1800 AD (Between))
Full description
Department of Environment, Bideford (List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest). SDV324764.
Public House. 1741; 20th century addition at rear. Solid rendered walls. Slate roof. Rendered chimney on each gable-end; small red brick chimney on rear wall. Two storeys with single-storeyed structure attached to right-hand end; three-window range, the middle window narrower than the outer two; single-storeyed building has a wide window flanked by two doorways. In centre of main front a round-arched doorway with flanking pilasters and entablature; six-panelled door with panelled reveals, the bottom panels of the latter flush. Windows have barred sashes: ten over ten panes at each end, six over six panes in the centre. Middle window has keystone with incised initials and date 1 M M 1741. Whole front flanked by giant Doric pilasters, above each is a section of architrave and frieze surmounted by a continuous, heavily-moulded cornice below the eaves. Single-storeyed building has triple-sashed window: eight over eight panes with four over four panes in the sidelights. Front finished with a parapet.
Interior inspected only in ground-floor bar, which seems to have been much altered in late 20th century.
Ordnance Survey, 2007, MasterMap (Cartographic). SDV337643.
Timms, S. C., 28/09/1981, The Blacksmiths Arms, Torrington Street, East-the-Water. (Worksheet). SDV35.
The Blacksmiths Arms, Torrington Street, East-the-Water.
Good 18th century street facade with datestone ' 1 M M.1741' on keystone of centre window at first floor level. Interior much altered, further alterations planned. Some signs of earlier building suggested by thick wall behind bar, which would give a building of circa half the depth of the existing. Roof however all of one build, 18th century. Small barrel vaulted store at rear.
Sources / Further Reading
SDV324764 | List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest: Department of Environment. Bideford. Historic Houses Register. |
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SDV337643 | Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2007. MasterMap. MasterMap. Digital. |
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SDV35 | Worksheet: Timms, S. C.. 28/09/1981. The Blacksmiths Arms, Torrington Street, East-the-Water.. Worksheet. A4 Single Sheet + Digital. |
Associated Monuments: none recorded
Associated Finds: none recorded
Associated Events: none recorded
Date Last Edited: | Jul 23 2012 2:41PM |
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