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HER Number:MDV14400
Name:Honeyditches Multiphase Settlement, Seaton


Multiphase occupation at Honeyditches. Excavations undertaken at Honeyditches from 1860 to 1987 have produced evidence of Mesolithic to Medieval occupation including a Roman villa or mansio complex. Honeyditches has been proposed as the site of Moriduno, mentioned in the Antonine Itinerary.


Grid Reference:SY 237 909
Map Sheet:SY29SW
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishSeaton
DistrictEast Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishSEATON

Protected Status

Other References/Statuses

  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SY29SW/161
  • Old SAM County Ref: 264
  • Old SAM Ref: 29642
  • Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division: SY29SW17

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • SETTLEMENT (Unknown date)

Full description

National Monuments Record, SY2390 (Aerial Photograph). SDV120062.

Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division, SY29SW17 (Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card). SDV120060.

Other details: Plan, photograph.

Field Survey Officer, Untitled Source (Unknown). SDV120061.

Stukeley, W., 1776, Itinerarium Curiosum, 159-160 (Monograph). SDV120084.

Woollcombe, H., 1839-1850, Woollcombe Manuscript (Un-published). SDV16214.

Hutchinson, P. O., 1868, On Hill Fortresses, Sling-Stones, and other Antiquities in South Eastern Devon, 379-380 (Article in Serial). SDV120058.

Hutchinson, P. O., 1885, Honeyditches, 277-280 (Article in Serial). SDV120066.

Anonymous, 1892, Untitled Source, 180 (Article in Serial). SDV120072.

Worth, R. N., 1892, Untitled Source, 76 (Article in Serial). SDV120068.

Anonymous, 1921, Notes: Roman Remains at Seaton, 237-238 (Article in Serial). SDV120079.

Taylor, M. V. + Collingwood, R. G., 1921, Roman Britain in 1921 and 1922, 211 (Article in Serial). SDV346076.

Wright, H. B. M. + Clayden, A. W., 1922, First report of the Ancient Monuments Committee: Appendix C, 66-68 (Article in Serial). SDV120067.

Taylor, M. V., 1944, The Sidmouth Bronze, 22-26 (Article in Serial). SDV120080.

Ministry of Works, 1952, Honeyditches Roman Villa (Schedule Document). SDV346074.

Wright, R. P., 1961, Roman Britain in 1960, 188 (Article in Serial). SDV346078.

Anonymous, 1963, Note on the Trial Excavation in the Roman Settlement at Seaton, 31-32 (Article in Serial). SDV120073.

Chope, R. P., 1967, Untitled Source, 144 (Monograph). SDV120078.

Council for British Archaeology, 1969, Group 12 and 13, 35 (Article in Serial). SDV120071.

Barber, J., 1970, 31st Report on Archaeology and Early History, 247-248 (Article in Serial). SDV120059.

Wilson, D. R., 1970, Interim Report, 297 (Article in Serial). SDV120076.

Pollard, S. H. M., 1972, A Romano-British and Post-Medieval Road at Honeyditches, Seaton 1969, 222-226 (Article in Serial). SDV120074.

Devon County Council, 1977, Roman Well at Honeyditches, Film 333 (Ground Photograph). SDV120086.

Miles, H., 1977, The Honeyditches Roman Villa, Seaton, Devon, 107-148 (Article in Serial). SDV120057.

The mileage given in the Antonine Itinerary as 36 Roman miles from Durnovaria [Dorchester] and 15 from Isca Dumnoniorum [Exeter] indicates that Moridunum lies somewhere in East Devon. Miles points out that the majority of places in the itinerary are either towns or military sites and also that Seaton is not on any currently identified Roman road and suggests that the site of Moridunum should be sought further inland.

Various, 1977 - 1978, Honeyditches Roman Villa, Seaton, Devon (Correspondence). SDV346383.

Correspondence regarding the proposed development on the site.

Silvester, R. + Weddell, P., 1978, Seaton 1978 - Interim Repot No. 2 (Report - Interim). SDV120064.

Silvester, R. + Weddell, P., 1978, Seaton. A Memorandum (Un-published). SDV346382.

Summary and comment on the 1978 excavations. The work showed that the hillside above the River Axe was used for burial and/or settlement in the Beaker period; a range of rooms lay behind the villa and at right angles to it and a further building was located 30 metres to the south of the main range; the villa and its estate covered a large area, spreading over some 3.5 hectares and an extensive field system lay behind the villa.

Silvester, R. J., 1978, Untitled Source (Report - Interim). SDV120063.

Walton, S. J., 1979, Honeyditches Roman Villa (Correspondence). SDV359163.

Clarification of extent of scheduled area.

Goodburn, R., 1979, Roman Britain in 1978. Sites Explored, 326 (Article in Serial). SDV120075.

Paul, S. C., 1980, Honeyditches Roman Villa (Correspondence). SDV120077.

Part of monument area has been de-scheduled due to development.

Silvester, R. J., 1981, Excavations at Honeyditches Roman Villa, Seaton, in 1978, 37-88 (Article in Serial). SDV120056.

Rescue excavations at the rear of the Roman villa at Honeyditches in 1978 revealed evidence of occupation in the earlier Neolithic, Beaker and Iron Age periods. A large number of gullies dating from the 1st to the 4th centuries AD were exposed as well as parts of three semi-circular building terraces and three stone built rooms.

Griffith, F. M., 1983, DAP/D, 1-5 (Aerial Photograph). SDV120081.

Griffith, F. M., 1984, DAP/Y, 3-4 (Aerial Photograph). SDV120087.

Bidwell, P. T., 1984, The Roman Site at Seaton (Un-published). SDV120083.

Various, 1984 - 1988, Newspaper Articles Referring to the Roman Site at Honeyditches, Seaton (Article in Serial). SDV346093.

Griffith, F. M., 1986, DAP/HG, 4A-7 (Aerial Photograph). SDV120096.

Maxfield, V. A., 1986, Devon and the End of the Fosse Frontier, 1-8 (Article in Serial). SDV118209.

Other details: Map.

Griffith, F. M., 1987, DAP/IQ, 10 (Aerial Photograph). SDV120097.

Devon County Council, 1987, PTY/8320-8330/ND (Aerial Photograph). SDV120100.

Holbrook, N., 1987, Trial Excavations at Honeyditches and the Nature of the Roman Occupation at Seaton, 67-68 (Article in Serial). SDV120090.

Holbrook argues that the Honeyditches comples at Seaton may be Moridunum. He cites the presence of a possible fort at Couchill, together with the Honeyditches ?mansion lying less that 1 kilometre from a possible course of the Antonine Itinerary Iter XV, Exeter to Dorchester Road, as prima facie evidence for its identification.
See report for full details for the excavations.

Holbrook, N., 1987, Trial Excavations at Honeyditches, Seaton (Report - Excavation). SDV120091.

Trial excavations produced clear evidence for the existence and preservation of archaeological features within the field, revealing two successive Roman trackways and a number of other features of probable Iron Age or Roman date. Summary of overall development of site given from the Mesolithic period through to the 4th century AD.

Griffith, F., 1988, Devon's Past. An Aerial View, 53 (Monograph). SDV64198.

Horner, B., 1992, DAP/VG, 21-23 (Aerial Photograph). SDV122368.

Turton, S. D. + Weddell, P. J., 1993, Archaeological Appraisal of the Salt Industry on Seaton Marshes, East Devon, 2 (Report - non-specific). SDV120092.

Turton, S. D., 1993, Archaeological Assessment of Manor Road to Harbour Road Link (Southern Part), Seaton, 2 (Report - Assessment). SDV120093.

Turton, S. D., 1994, Archaeological Assessment of Proposed Axe Estuary Local Nature Reserve, 1 (Report - Assessment). SDV120094.

Dixon, T. + Turton, S. D., 1995, Archaeological and Historical Appraisal of the Town of Seaton, East Devon, 4 (Report - non-specific). SDV120095.

Quinnell, H., 1998, Later Prehistoric Pottery Survey (Report - Survey). SDV336212.

Multiphase occupation at Honeyditches. Excavations undertaken at Honeyditches from 1860 to 1987 have produced evidence of Mesolithic to Medieval occupation. Finds of Mesolithic, Late Neolithic, Early Bronze Age date have been found as well as a settlement of probable Late-Iron Age and Romano-British date, which was replaced by a villa or mansion complex, which in turn reverted to a native-style enclosure in the Late Roman period, with traces of Early medieval activity. Pot representing 30-35 vessels of Early/Middle Iron Age, Middle Iron Age, Middle/Late Iron Age, Late Iron Age, recovered during rescue excavation. Also found, earlier Neolithic, Neolithic/Early Bronze Age, Roman, pottery; non-ceramic, an iron object. Sherds from circa 20 vessels from Conquest period pot, recovered during rescue excavation. Also Roman and medieval pottery and clay weight. Artefacts now in the Royal Albert Memorial Museum in Exeter.

Department for Culture, Media and Sport, 1998, Roman and Earlier Settlement at Honeyditches (Schedule Document). SDV339342.

The monument includes a Roman settlement which overlays the site of a late pre-Roman Iron Age/Romano-British farmstead. The site is on an east facing slope on the western side of the Axe estuary overlooking the sea. The monument survives as below ground remains and slight earthworks which have been recorded by excavation and ground survey. All fencing, gates and gate posts are excluded from the scheduling although the ground beneath them is included.

Dyer, M. J., 2000, Archaeological Observation and Recording at Honeyditches, Seaton, East Devon (Report - Watching Brief). SDV346094.

Department for Culture, Media and Sport, 2000, Honeyditches (Correspondence). SDV120054.

Scheduled Monument Consent granted for works to proceed, subject to conditions recommended by English Heritage, concerning removal of existing fence; erection of a new fence; installation of 2 concrete pad foundations for a new seat, and installation of a base foundation for an information board.

Bourn, R., 2000, Land off Harbour Road, Seaton: Archaeological Desk Based Assessment, 7-8 (Report - Assessment). SDV120104.

Department for Culture, Media and Sport, 2001, Honeyditches (Correspondence). SDV120055.

Scheduled Monument Consent granted, subject to conditions, for works comprising (a) the removal of the existing fence along the boundary A-B and its replacement with a 1 meter wide timber pedestrian access gate; and (b) the taking away of the bank for a distance of 30 centimetres to each side of the gateway.

Various, 2004-2005, Honeyditches, Seaton (Correspondence). SDV351254.

Correspondence concerning application for Scheduled Monument Consent for proposed works at Roman and earlier settlement at Honeyditches, consisting of digging a single trench within part of the monument site.

Todd, M., 2005, The early Ports of South-West Britain, 46-50 (Article in Serial). SDV361713.

Honeyditches summary of work, and suggestion of site as port amenities.

Department for Culture, Media and Sport, 2005, Untitled Source (Correspondence). SDV321260.

Scheduled Monument Consent granted for works concerning digging a single trench within part of the monument site, providing that conditions recommended by English Heritage are adhered to.

Steinmetzer, M., 2007, Archaeological Watching Brief at Uppacott, Harepath Hill, Seaton (Report - Watching Brief). SDV339331.

Ordnance Survey, 2010, MasterMap (Cartographic). SDV344030.

Unknown, Unknown, Annotated Plan Showing Areas Excavated 1867 to 1978 (Plan - sketch). SDV359162.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV118209Article in Serial: Maxfield, V. A.. 1986. Devon and the End of the Fosse Frontier. Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society. 44. Paperback Volume. 1-8.
SDV120054Correspondence: Department for Culture, Media and Sport. 2000. Honeyditches. Scheduled Monument Consent Letter. Letter.
SDV120055Correspondence: Department for Culture, Media and Sport. 2001. Honeyditches. Scheduled Monument Consent Letter. Letter.
SDV120056Article in Serial: Silvester, R. J.. 1981. Excavations at Honeyditches Roman Villa, Seaton, in 1978. Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society. 39. Paperback Volume. 37-88.
SDV120057Article in Serial: Miles, H.. 1977. The Honeyditches Roman Villa, Seaton, Devon. Britannia. 8. Paperback Volume. 107-148.
SDV120058Article in Serial: Hutchinson, P. O.. 1868. On Hill Fortresses, Sling-Stones, and other Antiquities in South Eastern Devon. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 2 part 2. A5 Hardback. 379-380.
SDV120059Article in Serial: Barber, J.. 1970. 31st Report on Archaeology and Early History. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 102. A5 Hardback. 247-248.
SDV120060Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card: Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division. SY29SW17. Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card. Card Index.
SDV120061Unknown: Field Survey Officer. Development File. 57. Unknown.
SDV120062Aerial Photograph: National Monuments Record. SY2390. National Monuments Record. Photograph (Paper).
SDV120063Report - Interim: Silvester, R. J.. 1978. Seaton Excavations Interim Report. Unknown.
SDV120064Report - Interim: Silvester, R. + Weddell, P.. 1978. Seaton 1978 - Interim Repot No. 2. Seaton Excavations Interim Report. 2. A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV120066Article in Serial: Hutchinson, P. O.. 1885. Honeyditches. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 17. A5 Hardback. 277-280.
SDV120067Article in Serial: Wright, H. B. M. + Clayden, A. W.. 1922. First report of the Ancient Monuments Committee: Appendix C. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 54. A5 Hardback. 66-68.
SDV120068Article in Serial: Worth, R. N.. 1892. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 24. A5 Hardback. 76.
SDV120071Article in Serial: Council for British Archaeology. 1969. Group 12 and 13. Archaeology Review. 4. Unknown. 35.
SDV120072Article in Serial: Anonymous. 1892. Archaeological Journal. 49. Unknown. 180.
SDV120073Article in Serial: Anonymous. 1963. Note on the Trial Excavation in the Roman Settlement at Seaton. Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society. 21. Paperback Volume. 31-32.
SDV120074Article in Serial: Pollard, S. H. M.. 1972. A Romano-British and Post-Medieval Road at Honeyditches, Seaton 1969. Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society. 30. Paperback Volume. 222-226.
SDV120075Article in Serial: Goodburn, R.. 1979. Roman Britain in 1978. Sites Explored. Britannia. 10. Unknown. 326.
SDV120076Article in Serial: Wilson, D. R.. 1970. Interim Report. Britannia. 1. Unknown. 297.
SDV120077Correspondence: Paul, S. C.. 1980. Honeyditches Roman Villa. Letter from Department of the Environment. Letter + Digital.
SDV120078Monograph: Chope, R. P.. 1967. Early Tours in Devon and Cornwall. Unknown. 144.
SDV120079Article in Serial: Anonymous. 1921. Notes: Roman Remains at Seaton. Antiquaries Journal. 1. Unknown. 237-238.
SDV120080Article in Serial: Taylor, M. V.. 1944. The Sidmouth Bronze. Antiquaries Journal. 24. Unknown. 22-26.
SDV120081Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1983. DAP/D. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 1-5.
SDV120083Un-published: Bidwell, P. T.. 1984. The Roman Site at Seaton. A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV120084Monograph: Stukeley, W.. 1776. Itinerarium Curiosum. Itinerarium Curiosum. Photocopy + Digital. 159-160.
SDV120086Ground Photograph: Devon County Council. 1977. Roman Well at Honeyditches. Conservation Section Photograph Collection. Photograph (Paper). Film 333.
SDV120087Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1984. DAP/Y. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 3-4.
SDV120090Article in Serial: Holbrook, N.. 1987. Trial Excavations at Honeyditches and the Nature of the Roman Occupation at Seaton. Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society. 45. Paperback Volume. 67-68.
SDV120091Report - Excavation: Holbrook, N.. 1987. Trial Excavations at Honeyditches, Seaton. Exeter Museums Archaeological Field Unit Report. 87.07. A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV120092Report - non-specific: Turton, S. D. + Weddell, P. J.. 1993. Archaeological Appraisal of the Salt Industry on Seaton Marshes, East Devon. Exeter Museums Archaeological Field Unit Report. 93.93. A4 Stapled + Digital. 2.
SDV120093Report - Assessment: Turton, S. D.. 1993. Archaeological Assessment of Manor Road to Harbour Road Link (Southern Part), Seaton. Exeter Museums Archaeological Field Unit Report. 93.52. A4 Stapled + Digital. 2.
SDV120094Report - Assessment: Turton, S. D.. 1994. Archaeological Assessment of Proposed Axe Estuary Local Nature Reserve. Exeter Museums Archaeological Field Unit Report. 94.72. A4 Grip Bound. 1.
SDV120095Report - non-specific: Dixon, T. + Turton, S. D.. 1995. Archaeological and Historical Appraisal of the Town of Seaton, East Devon. Exeter Archaeology Report. 95.69. A4 Grip Bound. 4.
SDV120096Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1986. DAP/HG. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 4A-7.
SDV120097Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1987. DAP/IQ. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 10.
SDV120100Aerial Photograph: Devon County Council. 1987. PTY/8320-8330/ND. Devon County Council Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper) + Photograph (Digital).
SDV120104Report - Assessment: Bourn, R.. 2000. Land off Harbour Road, Seaton: Archaeological Desk Based Assessment. CgMs Consulting Report. A4 Stapled + Digital. 7-8.
SDV122368Aerial Photograph: Horner, B.. 1992. DAP/VG. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 21-23.
SDV16214Un-published: Woollcombe, H.. 1839-1850. Woollcombe Manuscript. Woollcombe Manuscript. Manuscript.
SDV321260Correspondence: Department for Culture, Media and Sport. 2005. Scheduled Monument Consent Letter. Letter.
SDV336212Report - Survey: Quinnell, H.. 1998. Later Prehistoric Pottery Survey. Later Prehistoric Pottery Survey. A4 Spiral Bound.
SDV339331Report - Watching Brief: Steinmetzer, M.. 2007. Archaeological Watching Brief at Uppacott, Harepath Hill, Seaton. Exeter Archaeology Historic Environment Record Entry. Project 6259. A4 Single Sheet + Digital.
SDV339342Schedule Document: Department for Culture, Media and Sport. 1998. Roman and Earlier Settlement at Honeyditches. The Schedule of Monuments. A4 Stapled.
SDV344030Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2010. MasterMap. Ordnance Survey. Map (Digital). [Mapped feature: #81247 ]
SDV346074Schedule Document: Ministry of Works. 1952. Honeyditches Roman Villa. The Schedule of Monuments. Foolscap.
SDV346076Article in Serial: Taylor, M. V. + Collingwood, R. G.. 1921. Roman Britain in 1921 and 1922. The Journal of Roman Studies. 11. Unknown. 211.
SDV346078Article in Serial: Wright, R. P.. 1961. Roman Britain in 1960. The Journal of Roman Studies. 51. Unknown. 188.
SDV346093Article in Serial: Various. 1984 - 1988. Newspaper Articles Referring to the Roman Site at Honeyditches, Seaton. Mixed Archive Material + Digital.
SDV346094Report - Watching Brief: Dyer, M. J.. 2000. Archaeological Observation and Recording at Honeyditches, Seaton, East Devon. Exeter Archaeology Report. 3885. A4 Stapled.
SDV346382Un-published: Silvester, R. + Weddell, P.. 1978. Seaton. A Memorandum. A4 Single Sheet + Digital.
SDV346383Correspondence: Various. 1977 - 1978. Honeyditches Roman Villa, Seaton, Devon. Letters to/from Department of Environment. Letter + Digital.
SDV351254Correspondence: Various. 2004-2005. Honeyditches, Seaton. Letters + Notes. Digital.
SDV359162Plan - sketch: Unknown. Unknown. Annotated Plan Showing Areas Excavated 1867 to 1978. A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV359163Correspondence: Walton, S. J.. 1979. Honeyditches Roman Villa. Letter from Department of the Environment. Letter + Digital.
SDV361713Article in Serial: Todd, M.. 2005. The early Ports of South-West Britain. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 137. Paperback Volume. 46-50.
SDV64198Monograph: Griffith, F.. 1988. Devon's Past. An Aerial View. Devon's Past. An Aerial View. Paperback Volume. 53.

Associated Monuments

MDV14403Parent of: Early Medieval Activity at Honeyditches, Seaton (Monument)
MDV58273Parent of: Enclosure at Honeyditches, Seaton (Monument)
MDV63091Parent of: Hedgebank, Honeyditches, Seaton (Monument)
MDV63091Related to: Hedgebank, Honeyditches, Seaton (Monument)
MDV14057Parent of: Honeyditches Roman Villa, Seaton (Monument)
MDV14401Parent of: Iron Age Settlement at Honeyditches, Seaton (Monument)
MDV14402Parent of: Neolithic Activity Site, Honeyditches, Seaton (Monument)
MDV14404Parent of: Post-Medieval Road at Honeyditches, Seaton (Monument)
MDV14064Parent of: Prehistoric Flint Scatter at Honeyditches, Seaton (Monument)
MDV66266Parent of: Roman Coins from Seaton Down House (Find Spot)
MDV61892Parent of: Roman Lachrymatory found near Seaton (Find Spot)
MDV14060Parent of: Roman Tile from Honeyditches or Couchill, Seaton (Find Spot)
MDV14060Related to: Roman Tile from Honeyditches or Couchill, Seaton (Find Spot)
MDV51125Parent of: Saltworking Site at Holcombe, Uplyme (Monument)
MDV14070Related to: Enclosure to west of Honeyditches, Seaton (Monument)
MDV63091Parent of: Hedgebank, Honeyditches, Seaton (Monument)
MDV63091Related to: Hedgebank, Honeyditches, Seaton (Monument)
MDV79307Related to: Roman Coins found at Seaton (Find Spot)
MDV14060Parent of: Roman Tile from Honeyditches or Couchill, Seaton (Find Spot)
MDV14060Related to: Roman Tile from Honeyditches or Couchill, Seaton (Find Spot)
MDV11112Related to: Roman Town at Seaton (Monument)
MDV79311Related to: Well at Honeyditches, Seaton (Monument)

Associated Finds

  • FDV1058 - POT (Neolithic - 4000 BC to 2201 BC)
  • FDV1059 - POT (Bronze Age - 2200 BC to 701 BC)
  • FDV1057 - POT (Iron Age - 700 BC to 42 AD)
  • FDV1060 - POT (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • FDV1061 - POT (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)

Associated Events

  • EDV4288 - Uppacott, Harepath Hill, Seaton

Date Last Edited:Jun 5 2024 7:56AM