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HER Number: | MDV17693 |
Name: | Gore Cottage, Brixton |
Site of Gore Cottage on the site of a former farm shown on 18th century map
Grid Reference: | SX 543 538 |
Map Sheet: | SX55SW |
Admin Area | Devon |
Civil Parish | Brixton |
District | South Hams |
Ecclesiastical Parish | PLYMSTOCK |
Ecclesiastical Parish | BRIXTON |
Protected Status: none recorded
Other References/Statuses
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SX55SW/91
Monument Type(s) and Dates
- COTTAGE NON SPECIFIC (Early Medieval to XXI - 1066 AD to 2009 AD)
Full description
Griffiths, D. M., Untitled Source (Worksheet). SDV152564.
There are a number of documents in the West Devon Record Office associated with the tenement of Gore. These date from 1704, and include a map of 1792. The occupiers of the tenement were allowed to quarry stones and burn them for lime. The documents also reflect the intermixing of holdings in the Elburton area, part of Gore being worked from Pikes tenement. Other details: Plan.
Griffiths, D. M., Untitled Source (Personal Comment). SDV340562.
No indication of any buildings on 1946 Royal Air Force aerial photographs.
Ordnance Survey, 1784-1786, Untitled Source (Illustration). SDV340506.
The building appears on the drawings of 1784-1786, but seems to have been destroyed by the time of the Ordnance Survey of 1856.
Unknown, 1839, Brixton (Cartographic). SDV340526.
Site of Gore Cottage together with a barn and yard is marked on the Brixton Tithe Map of 1839 in Field Numbers 641 and 642. Other details: Copy in Parish File.
Ordnance Survey, 1856, Sheet 124 (Cartographic). SDV340569.
Exeter Archaeology, 2000, Archaeological Assessment of a Proposed New Settlement Site, Brixton, South Hams, 5,12 (Report - Assessment). SDV324147.
Gore farm is shown on the Ordnance Survey (1784-6) drawing but appears to have been abandoned by the mid 19th century. The 1840 Brixton Tithe Map Apportionment refers to Gore Cottage and barn yard. Gore farm was acquired by the Bastard family of Kitley in 1788 and was referred to as 'Goar alias Kingshill'. The 50 acre farm was auctioned in 1847 and absorbed into West Sherford. The 1851 census suggests the cottage was no longer inhabited.
Best, J., 2006, Archaeological Fieldwalking and Trial Trenching for the Proposed Sherford New Community Development, 6-7 (Report - Excavation). SDV340475.
Several ditches were exposed in Trench 3 and a mixture of pottery was recovered suggesting low level activity throughout the medieval and post medieval periods. Other details: Figures 2 & 9.
Smalley, R. A. J., 2006, Land near Plymouth, Figures 2-8 (Report - Geophysical Survey). SDV340487.
Survey showed several linear anomolies in this area.
Scott Wilson, 2006, Sherford New Community: Environmental Statement, Site 53 (Report - Assessment). SDV340472.
Jack, S. + Steadman, S., 2007, Sherford New Community: Environmental Statement - Cultural Heritage, Figure 9.2 (Report - Assessment). SDV340474.
Other details: Site 53.
Bartlett, A. D. H., 2016, Sherford New Community, South Hams, Devon, Geophysical Surveys 2014-2015 (Report - Geophysical Survey). SDV361797.
This report is intended to accompany a full graphical presentation of the data and findings
from a series of geophysical surveys undertaken in 2014-15 as part of a programme of
archaeological investigations at the proposed Sherford New Community site near
Plymouth, Devon.
The investigations were carried out in three phases, which each provided results which have previously been supplied as plans, extracts and summaries. The present report includes much of the content of the report on the 2014 survey (with some additional retrospective comments), and also includes similar accounts of the 2015 investigations.
The geophysical surveys have detected numerous archaeological sites and features, which in total are distributed broadly in accordance with previously recorded archaeological findings within the evaluation area. Archaeological activity is most concentrated towards the north and west of the site, but various preciously unknown earthwork features and enclosures were identified elsewhere.
Ground conditions at the site are highly responsive to magnetic investigation, and the survey in consequence has also detected field boundaries which are identifiable from 18th and 19th C maps, as well as cultivation effects, and recent or natural magnetic anomalies and disturbances. A clear plan was obtained of a cropmark complex towards the south of the site.
Strong disturbances (10C) at the south of field 10 correspond to the site of Gore Farm (as labelled on the 1784 map; figure 7). A 2006 trial trench in this part of the site additionally found pits, ditches and medieval pottery.
Sources / Further Reading
SDV152564 | Worksheet: Griffiths, D. M.. Worksheet. |
SDV324147 | Report - Assessment: Exeter Archaeology. 2000. Archaeological Assessment of a Proposed New Settlement Site, Brixton, South Hams. Exeter Archaeology Report. 00.69. A4 Stapled + Digital. 5,12. |
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SDV340472 | Report - Assessment: Scott Wilson. 2006. Sherford New Community: Environmental Statement. Scott Wilson Report. D108531. A4 Stapled + Digital. Site 53. |
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SDV340474 | Report - Assessment: Jack, S. + Steadman, S.. 2007. Sherford New Community: Environmental Statement - Cultural Heritage. Scott Wilson Report. A4 Stapled + Digital. Figure 9.2. |
| |
SDV340475 | Report - Excavation: Best, J.. 2006. Archaeological Fieldwalking and Trial Trenching for the Proposed Sherford New Community Development. Exeter Archaeology Report. 06.44. A4 Stapled + Digital. 6-7. |
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SDV340487 | Report - Geophysical Survey: Smalley, R. A. J.. 2006. Land near Plymouth. Stratascan Report. J2121. A4 Stapled + Digital. Figures 2-8. |
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SDV340506 | Illustration: Ordnance Survey. 1784-1786. Ordnance Survey 6 Inch Drawings. Unknown. |
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SDV340526 | Cartographic: Unknown. 1839. Brixton. Tithe Map and Apportionment. Map (Paper). |
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SDV340562 | Personal Comment: Griffiths, D. M.. |
SDV340569 | Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 1856. Sheet 124. Ordnance Survey 6 inch map. Map (Paper). |
| |
SDV361797 | Report - Geophysical Survey: Bartlett, A. D. H.. 2016. Sherford New Community, South Hams, Devon, Geophysical Surveys 2014-2015. Bartlett-Clark Consultancy. Digital. |
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Associated Monuments
MDV19662 | Related to: FARMHOUSE in the Parish of Plymouth (Monument) |
MDV74395 | Related to: Pits, Ditch and Bank west of Sherford Kilns (Monument) |
MDV16570 | Related to: Sherford Quarry northern Limekiln (Monument) |
MDV2257 | Related to: West Sherford Farmhouse (Building) |
Associated Finds: none recorded
Associated Events
- EDV4380 - Assessment for Sherford New Community
- EDV4381 - Geophysical Survey for Sherford New Community
- EDV4383 - Fieldwalking Survey of Proposed Sherford New Community Development
- EDV4385 - Trial Trenching for Sherford New Community Development
- EDV8078 - Geophysical Survey: Sherford New Community, South Hams
Date Last Edited: | Apr 8 2024 3:30PM |
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