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HER Number:MDV1875
Name:Roman Road from Exeter to Honiton


The line of the Roman road between Exeter and Honiton appears to be followed by the old A30 quite closely.


Grid Reference:SY 049 961
Map Sheet:SY09NW
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishBroadclyst
Civil ParishClyst Honiton
Civil ParishExeter
Civil ParishFeniton
Civil ParishGittisham
Civil ParishHoniton
Civil ParishOttery St. Mary
Civil ParishRockbeare
Civil ParishSowton
Civil ParishTalaton
Civil ParishWhimple
DistrictEast Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishCLYST HONITON
Ecclesiastical ParishAWLISCOMBE
Ecclesiastical ParishFENITON
Ecclesiastical ParishGITTISHAM
Ecclesiastical ParishHEAVITREE
Ecclesiastical ParishHONITON
Ecclesiastical ParishPINHOE
Ecclesiastical ParishROCKBEARE
Ecclesiastical ParishSOWTON
Ecclesiastical ParishTALATON
Ecclesiastical ParishWHIMPLE

Protected Status

  • SHINE: Pomeroy Wood Fort. Roman fort and Romano-British settlement south east of Nag's Head Farm
  • SHINE: Field boundaries, earthworks and copmarks associated with former Roman Road, at Whimple

Other References/Statuses

  • Old DCC SMR Ref: ST10SE/14
  • SHINE Candidate (Yes)

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • ROAD (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Full description

Davidson, J. B., 1833, British and Roman Remains in the Vicinity of Axminster, 60 (Monograph). SDV131303.

In 1754 two fragments of an apparently paved road were reported about 4 miles to the west of Honiton.

Clifford, W., 1878, On the Course of a Roman Military Road through Somersetshire, 24 (Article in Serial). SDV135861.

Roman Consular road to Silchester mentioned in Antonius' Itinerary. Part II.

Ordnance Survey, 1880-1899, First Edition Ordnance Survey 25 inch map (Cartographic). SDV336179.

Site of 'Roman Road' shown at various places along the Exeter to Honiton road.

Worth, R. N., 1891, President's Address (Article in Serial). SDV158810.

Rockbeare Straight may be a Roman causeway.

Troup, F. B., 1898, Honiton in 1530, 117 (Article in Serial). SDV136350.

Roman road came down Church Hill, passed along the High Street and into the Exeter Road. Probably followed a British trackway through the Giseage, and near the site of the Turk's Head tavern branched off to Hembury Fort. The Axminster road then came under Springfield by Shipley Lane, from Copper Castle Gate, and Hale Lane to the Old Taunton Road near Holy Shute. Map object also based on this source.

Wilkin, W. H., 1930 - 1931, Axminster Turnpike Trust, 176-7 (Article in Serial). SDV338769.

Deed of Axminster Turnpike Trust of 1795 allowed for the repair and widening of the road between Fair Mile (SY088-972-) and Straightway Head in Whimple (SY063-963-). On the north side of the road about 200 metres east of the 9th milestone is a stone marked "Here ends the Exeter Trust".

Grundy, G. B., 1938, Ancient Highways, 174-222 (Article in Serial). SDV338732.


Rose-Troup, F., 1939, The Anglo-Saxon Charter of Ottery St Mary, 206-207 (Article in Serial). SDV99025.

The Roman road from Exeter to Honiton is implied in the word 'Street' in a charter of 1061. The charter describes the bounds of the Saxon estate of Ottery St Mary which also became the medieval manor and parish boundary.

Donn, B., 1965, A Map of the County of Devon, 1765 (Reprint) (Monograph). SDV336413.

Donn's map of Devon shows the 'Remains of a Roman Causeway' in the Fairmile area. Fig 14.

Margary, I. D., 1967, Roman Roads in Britain, 115 (Monograph). SDV24025.

Roman road from Exeter to Charmouth (northern route). The road follows the A30 with only minor deviations and following a very straight course. There are small deviations to the east of Fenny Bridges and a slight turn southwards was made to ease the crossing of the River Tale. The alignment continued with short straights to Strete Raleigh in order to keep on the high ground. From Clyst Honiton to East Wonford there are several minor bends to avoid low wet ground and some steep hills. The road along Rockbeare Straight is much raised and is typical of a Roman alignment. To the west of Rockbeare Straight the modern road curves to the north. The remains of the old road are visible to the south as a terraced agger circa 7 metres wide. Beyond this the Roman road turns southwest to cross a stream in Clyst Honiton.

Fox, A., 1973, South West England 3,500BC - AD600 (Revised Edition), 169 (Monograph). SDV16216.

First published 1964, revised 1973.

Griffith, F. M., 1983, DAP/A, 26a (Aerial Photograph). SDV122353.

The Roman road from Exeter to Honiton passes through the Whimple parish. The line from SY04929598 to SY06559642 is shown as 'Roman Road (Course of)' on the Ordnance Survey 1:10000 map of 1972. This stretch of road was visible as a cropmark in 1983.

Maxwell, G. S. + Wilson, D. R., 1987, Air Reconnaissance in Roman Britain 1977-84, 42 (Article in Serial). SDV35314.

Weddell, P. J., 1989, A Preliminary Archaeological Assessment of the Preferred Route of the A30 Trunk Road Honiton-Exeter Improvement, 2.9, Fig. 9 (Report - Assessment). SDV336546.

A30 - alignment on Roman road (Honiton to Exeter). Documentary evidence in the form of place names includes Anglo-Saxon charter of Ottery St Mary; also settlement of Strete (mentioned in the Domesday Book) which took its name from the road in the vicinity of Straightway Head. Additionally, several field names in Ottery St Mary parish adjacent to the A30 include 'Street' elements (e.g. Boostreet, Bathstreet, Barberstreet). These often imply a very substantial paved road of Roman origin. There is evidence for the existence of this paving surviving into the 18th century particularly in the vicinity of Fairmile. Recent excavations near Axminster on the Exeter/Dorchester road, have revealed the presence of Roman occupation extending over a wide area adjacent to the road. The existence of similar occupation sites adjoining the Honiton-Exeter road cannot, therefore, be ruled out. The most likely areas are around Patteson's Cross and east of Fenny Bridges.

Simpson, S. J. + Turton, S. D. + Weddell, P. J., 1989, A Preliminary Archaeological Assessment of the Preferred Route of the A30/A303 (Honiton-Marsh) and A35 Honiton Eastern Bypass, 8,9 (Report - Assessment). SDV136349.

Between Exeter and Honiton the Roman alignment appears to have been followed quite closely by the modern A30. To the east of Honiton a link to the Fosse Way at Axminster existed but although its course is uncertain it is followed for part of its route by the A35 (see MDV18476). For routes linking MDV1875 to MDV18476 see MDV38709 and MDV45109. A more direct link toward Ilchester has also been postulated but its course has never been properly plotted. It would however be roughly along the line of the A30/A303 to Ilminster (but see MDV46455).

Goodyear, R. I., 1990, Roman Road (Worksheet). SDV356709.

The Roman road carries parish boundaries along almost its entire length between Fairmile and Exeter. The only exception is at Whimple where the majority of the parish lies to the north of the road. The road route cuts the west side of the Anglo Saxon Ottery estate along its boundary with Strete. The road here (the B3180) is described as a herepath or 'army path' in the 11th century charter. It forms part of a long ridgeway stretching from the coast near Exmouth to the Blackdown Hills in the north. It is possibly Prehistoric in origin, as it appears to be cut by the Roman road. On the west side the boundary with Feniton is cut at SY10989877 at Castle Hill. This is described in the 12th century charter as lying between Heathfield Mere and the River Vine. Rose-Troup suggests that this area was common or waste land in the medieval period.

Weddell, P. J., 1991, Archaeological Assessment of the Published Route (preliminary) of the A30 Honiton-Exeter Improvement, 26 (Report - Assessment). SDV337589.

Saunders, A. D., 1991, Exploring England's Heritage: Devon and Cornwall, 103 (Monograph). SDV135883.

Turton, S. D. + Weddell, P. J., 1992, Archaeological Assessment of SWW Allers to Honiton Water Supply (Hartnoll Cross - Roodloft Reservoir), 3 (Report - Assessment). SDV338766.

Roman road cut by South West Water pipeline at SY14309982.

Pearce, P. + Reed, S. J., 1993, Archaeological Recording of SWW Allers to Honiton Water Supply (Hartnoll Cross - Wilmington), 3 (Report - Watching Brief). SDV338767.

The pipeline was bored under the A30 at SY10709820 so no archaeological investigation was possible.

Wessex Archaeology, 1994, Dowell Street, Honiton: Archaeological Evaluation, 3 (Report - Evaluation). SDV325664.

Oxford Archaeotechnics Ltd, 1995, A30 Honiton to Exeter Improvement Archaeological Assessment: Topsoil Magnetic Susceptibility Survey and Magnetometer (Gradiometer) Survey (Report - Geophysical Survey). SDV356427.

Exeter Archaeology, 1997, Archaeological Assessment of a Proposed Development at Exeter Business Park, 2 (Report - Assessment). SDV338730.

Wessex Archaeology, 1998, A30 Honiton to Exeter Improvements, Devon 1996-8: Proposals for Archaeological Post-excavation: Part III, 2 (Report - non-specific). SDV338771.

Wessex Archaeology, 1999, A30 Honiton to Exeter Improvement, 1996-9: Clyst Honiton Bridge Culvert Works, 1 and 3 (Report - Watching Brief). SDV338772.

Watching brief in 1999 at SX98559354 to the east of Clyst Honiton Bridge from 85703538 to 85863548 (sic) recorded a cobbled road surfaces that are likely to be associated with the post-medieval and 18th century turnpike roads.

Wessex Archaeology, 1999, A30 Honiton to Exeter Improvement, 1996-9: Watching Brief Findspots (Report - Watching Brief). SDV123533.

Visited in November 1997. Birdcage Lane: Roman road at SY06639644. During the watching brief of a road diversion to west of the main scheme and parallel to the present A30 a concentration of flint cobbling was noted. Three slot-trenches confirmed the presence of a 34 metre length of compact cobbled surface. The width could not be established as it was truncated by service trenches adjacent to the A30, and the surface continued beyond the south side of the stripped area. However, the surface rose by 0.10-15 metres to the north, and a second layer of smaller cobbles and pebbles could be seen in one location. The main surface consisted of 80 per cent pebbles and cobbles, 0.01-0.15 metres in size, with infrequent sandstone, in a matrix of greyish brown clayey silt. The centre of the road surface, the top of the camber, could be inferred to lie to the north. No artefacts were recovered, but the line of the Roman road can be seen on aerial photographs in fields immediately to the west between SY055960 and SY062963, which would seem to indicate the date of the surface uncovered. The area investigated was sealed below road make-up, but was not removed during the road diversion operations of July 1998.

Morton, R., 1999, Clyst Honiton to Broadclyst pipeline: archaeological desk based assessment (Report - Assessment). SDV118377.

Archaeological desk-based assessment for route of proposed gas main from Broadclyst to Clyst Honiton, part of which will follow verges along road from Station Road (SX99809457) to Sowton Lane (SX98209342). Extensive sites of prehistoric and Roman activity are located to the north of this, round area of Hayes Farm. Further prehistoric activity has been identified at the southern extreme of proposed route in the area of the junction with Sowton Lane. No recorded finds directly associated with the road along this route. Features associated with road, e.g. early surfaces, roadside ditches, may potentially survive.

Francis, P., 1999, Exeter Airport. Historic Airport Survey for Devon County Council & East Devon District Council (Report - non-specific). SDV323390.

Fitxpatrick, A. P. + Buterworth, C. A. + Grove, J., 1999, Prehistoric & Roman Sites in East Devon. The A30 Honiton to Exeter Improvement DBFO Scheme, 1996-9. Volume 2. Romano-British Sites, 394 (Monograph). SDV364397.

A concentration of flint cobbling was observed during a watching brief and further investigation revealed a 34m length of a compact, cobbled surface.

Oxford Archaeotechnics Ltd, 1999, Proposed Skypark Development, Exeter Airport: Magnetometer (Gradiometer) Survey (Report - Geophysical Survey). SDV352436.

RSK Environment Ltd., 1999, Transco Broadclyst LDZ pipeline, Exeter: Environmental review (Report - non-specific). SDV325506.

Bayer, O. J., 2000, Archaeological Recording at Land off Dowell Street, Honiton. Excavation and Watching Brief, 1 (Report - Excavation). SDV325665.

CPM, 2000, Land at Clyst Hayes: Archaeological assessment, 5, Appendix 2 (Report - Assessment). SDV325508.

At SY00959525 the Roman road was observed to the south of the later road alignment as a circa 7 metre wide terrace.

Exeter Archaeology, 2001, Archaeological Assessment of Proposed Meteorological Office Site, Hill Barton Farm, Exeter (Report - Assessment). SDV25248.

Exeter Archaeology, 2002, Archaeological Assessment of a Proposed Development at Feniton Mill, Feniton, 2, 6 (Report - Assessment). SDV338788.

Between Honiton and Exeter the old A30 is believed to follow the line of the Roman road from Dorchester to Exeter. Although very little of it has been archaeologically demonstrated, its general line is recognised from aerial photographs, field boundary alignments and antiquarian observations. The Roman road forded the river Otter near Fenny Bridge.

Exeter Archaeology, 2002, Archaeological Assessment of Honiton Road Park and Ride Scheme Phase 2, Exeter, 3 (Report - Assessment). SDV338835.

Archaeological Services WYAS, 2003, East Devon new community, 3.7-4 (Report - Geophysical Survey). SDV323042.

A geophysical survey undertaken in 2003 along the line of the Roman road found no evidence of major activity in the area.

Exeter Archaeology, 2004, Archaeological evaluation of the proposed site for East Devon new community - Draft (Report - Evaluation). SDV101308.

Exeter Archaeology, 2005, Archaeological Assessment of Land at Redhayes, Sowton, Exeter, 2-3 (Report - Assessment). SDV338701.

The line of the former Honiton Road probably reflects the overall alignment of a Roman road between Honiton and Exeter. A cobbled surface exposed at SY06639644 near Birdcage Lane was interpreted as the probable remains of the Roman road. Between SY05959620 and SY06189624, the route appears on aerial photographs. Two Roman sites have been recorded along the line of the road at Gittisham Forge at SY13459935 and at Pomeroy Wood at SY13259930.

Parsons Brinckerhoff Ltd, 2005, Clyst Honiton Bypass Environmental Statement: Cultural Heritage (Report - non-specific). SDV350287.

AOC Archaeology Group, 2005, Proposed retail development, Ottery Moor Lane, Honiton: Desk-based Assessment, 15,28 (Report - Assessment). SDV337584.

Earthwork visible on Lidar to the north of the line of Roman Road Possible entrance along the north extant.

Waterman CPM Ltd, 2006, Cranbrook, Devon: Archaeological Mitigation Strategy, 5-6, Plan 1 (Report - non-specific). SDV345274.

There is no evidence for Roman activity within the development area, related to the known course of the Roman road to the south of the site. It is not thought any of its course passed through areas of proposed built development to the north of the A30. Geophysical survey failed to detect any east-west hard surfaces or ditches which would be expected. Nevertheless, it is possible that part of its course crosses to the south of the site in an area of planting and open space, and this area should be subject to some limited further investigation.

Bryant, A., 2007, East of Exeter Major Scheme Bid M5 Junction 29 and Old A30, Exeter, Devon: Historic Environment Desk-based Assessment, 9, Appendix 1, Site 47 (Report - Assessment). SDV345164.

Salvatore, J. P., 2009, Watching Brief on Areas 2 and 3 of Enchancement Scheme at Fore Street, Heavitree (Report - Watching Brief). SDV346621.

No evidence for the Roman road was observed during a watching brief on a public enhancement scheme in Fore Street, Heavitree. The two areas covered by the watching brief were on either side of Fore Street and it is possible that evidence for the Roman road may still lie below the modern road.

Young, G., 2010, Archaeological Watching Brief Alongside A30 at Heath Park, Honiton, Devon (Report - Watching Brief). SDV347243.

Wessex Archaeology, 2010, Redhayes Estate, Exeter, Devon: Building and Landscape Survey (Report - Survey). SDV345160.

Salvatore, J. P., 2011, The Roman Military Base at Pomeroy Wood. Further Comment arising from the Archaeological Investigations North of the A30, 119 (Article in Serial). SDV359821.

Cartographic evidence together with analysis of former field patterns suggests that the road between Hamlet to the east of Pomeroy Wood and Fenny Bridges lay beneath the old A30 which was to become the eastbound carriageway of the new A30. It would, therefore, have passed through the fort at Pomeroy Wood, just to north of centre.

Ordnance Survey, 2012, MasterMap (Cartographic). SDV348725.

Foster, K. + Skinner, R., 2016, A30 to A303 Honiton to Devonshire Inn Improvement Scheme, Honiton, Devon (Report - Assessment). SDV359378.

A desk-based assessment was undertaken along a corridor associated with the A30/A303 between Honiton and Devonshire Inn, intended to inform the development of options for improvements to the A30/A303 between Honiton and Devonshire Inn.
The A30 between Exeter and Honiton corresponds fairly closely to the course of a Roman road that linked Exeter with Moridunum near modern Axminster. At the far southern end of the Site the Roman road passes through Honiton before heading east on a more speculative course. It is possible that the road followed either Northcote Hill or an alternative route along tunnel lane (MDV45109). There is no evidence for a Roman road running up the Otter Valley however local anecdotal evidence indicates that Roman finds including coins have been found around Monkton suggesting that there was some Romano-British settlement in the area. There are currently no Romano-British settlement sites known around Monkton or anywhere else in the Site.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV101308Report - Evaluation: Exeter Archaeology. 2004. Archaeological evaluation of the proposed site for East Devon new community - Draft. Exeter Archaeology Report. A4 stapled + Digital.
SDV118377Report - Assessment: Morton, R.. 1999. Clyst Honiton to Broadclyst pipeline: archaeological desk based assessment. Cotswold Archeological Trust Report. 991056. A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV122353Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1983. DAP/A. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 26a.
SDV123533Report - Watching Brief: Wessex Archaeology. 1999. A30 Honiton to Exeter Improvement, 1996-9: Watching Brief Findspots. Wessex Archaeology Report. Digital.
SDV131303Monograph: Davidson, J. B.. 1833. British and Roman Remains in the Vicinity of Axminster. British and Roman Remains in the Vicinity of Axminster. Unknown. 60.
SDV135861Article in Serial: Clifford, W.. 1878. On the Course of a Roman Military Road through Somersetshire. Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society. 24. Unknown. 24.
SDV135883Monograph: Saunders, A. D.. 1991. Exploring England's Heritage: Devon and Cornwall. Exploring England's Heritage - Devon and Cornwall. Unknown. 103.
SDV136349Report - Assessment: Simpson, S. J. + Turton, S. D. + Weddell, P. J.. 1989. A Preliminary Archaeological Assessment of the Preferred Route of the A30/A303 (Honiton-Marsh) and A35 Honiton Eastern Bypass. Exeter Museums Archaeological Field Unit Report. 89.16. A4 Stapled + Digital. 8,9.
SDV136350Article in Serial: Troup, F. B.. 1898. Honiton in 1530. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 30. A5 Hardback. 117.
SDV158810Article in Serial: Worth, R. N.. 1891. President's Address. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 23. A5 Hardback.
SDV16216Monograph: Fox, A.. 1973. South West England 3,500BC - AD600 (Revised Edition). South West England. Hardback Volume. 169.
SDV24025Monograph: Margary, I. D.. 1967. Roman Roads in Britain. Roman Roads in Britain. Hardback Volume. 115.
SDV25248Report - Assessment: Exeter Archaeology. 2001. Archaeological Assessment of Proposed Meteorological Office Site, Hill Barton Farm, Exeter. Exeter Archaeology Report. 01.01. A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV323042Report - Geophysical Survey: Archaeological Services WYAS. 2003. East Devon new community. Archaeological Services WYAS Report. 1174. A4 Stapled + Digital. 3.7-4.
SDV323390Report - non-specific: Francis, P.. 1999. Exeter Airport. Historic Airport Survey for Devon County Council & East Devon District Council. Airfield Research Publishing Report. Digital + A4.
SDV325506Report - non-specific: RSK Environment Ltd.. 1999. Transco Broadclyst LDZ pipeline, Exeter: Environmental review. RSK Environmental Report. A4 Spiral Bound + Digital.
SDV325508Report - Assessment: CPM. 2000. Land at Clyst Hayes: Archaeological assessment. CPM Report. A4 Spiral Bound + Digital. 5, Appendix 2.
SDV325664Report - Evaluation: Wessex Archaeology. 1994. Dowell Street, Honiton: Archaeological Evaluation. Wessex Archaeology Report. 37777.1. A4 stapled + Digital. 3.
SDV325665Report - Excavation: Bayer, O. J.. 2000. Archaeological Recording at Land off Dowell Street, Honiton. Excavation and Watching Brief. Exeter Archaeology Report. 00.60. A4 Stapled + Digital. 1.
SDV336179Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 1880-1899. First Edition Ordnance Survey 25 inch map. First Edition Ordnance Survey 25 inch Map. Map (Digital).
SDV336413Monograph: Donn, B.. 1965. A Map of the County of Devon, 1765 (Reprint). A Map of the County of Devon, 1765 (Reprint). Hardback Volume.
SDV336546Report - Assessment: Weddell, P. J.. 1989. A Preliminary Archaeological Assessment of the Preferred Route of the A30 Trunk Road Honiton-Exeter Improvement. Exeter Museums Archaeological Field Unit Report. 89.19. A4 Stapled + Digital. 2.9, Fig. 9.
SDV337584Report - Assessment: AOC Archaeology Group. 2005. Proposed retail development, Ottery Moor Lane, Honiton: Desk-based Assessment. AOC Archaeology Group Report. A4 Stapled + Digital. 15,28.
SDV337589Report - Assessment: Weddell, P. J.. 1991. Archaeological Assessment of the Published Route (preliminary) of the A30 Honiton-Exeter Improvement. Exeter Museums Archaeological Field Unit Report. 91.22. A4 Stapled + Digital. 26.
SDV338701Report - Assessment: Exeter Archaeology. 2005. Archaeological Assessment of Land at Redhayes, Sowton, Exeter. Exeter Archaeology Report. 05.02. A4 Stapled + Digital. 2-3.
SDV338730Report - Assessment: Exeter Archaeology. 1997. Archaeological Assessment of a Proposed Development at Exeter Business Park. Exeter Archaeology Report. 97.55. A4 Stapled + Digital. 2.
SDV338732Article in Serial: Grundy, G. B.. 1938. Ancient Highways. Archaeological Journal. 95. Unknown. 174-222.
SDV338766Report - Assessment: Turton, S. D. + Weddell, P. J.. 1992. Archaeological Assessment of SWW Allers to Honiton Water Supply (Hartnoll Cross - Roodloft Reservoir). Exeter Archaeology Report. 92.22. A4 Stapled + Digital. 3.
SDV338767Report - Watching Brief: Pearce, P. + Reed, S. J.. 1993. Archaeological Recording of SWW Allers to Honiton Water Supply (Hartnoll Cross - Wilmington). Exeter Archaeology Report. 93.87. A4 Stapled + Digital. 3.
SDV338769Article in Serial: Wilkin, W. H.. 1930 - 1931. Axminster Turnpike Trust. Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. 16. Unknown. 176-7.
SDV338771Report - non-specific: Wessex Archaeology. 1998. A30 Honiton to Exeter Improvements, Devon 1996-8: Proposals for Archaeological Post-excavation: Part III. Wessex Archaeology Report. 42412.4. Unknown. 2.
SDV338772Report - Watching Brief: Wessex Archaeology. 1999. A30 Honiton to Exeter Improvement, 1996-9: Clyst Honiton Bridge Culvert Works. Wessex Archaeology Report. 42415.1. A4 Stapled + Digital. 1 and 3.
SDV338788Report - Assessment: Exeter Archaeology. 2002. Archaeological Assessment of a Proposed Development at Feniton Mill, Feniton. Exeter Archaeology Report. 02.05. A4 Stapled + Digital. 2, 6.
SDV338835Report - Assessment: Exeter Archaeology. 2002. Archaeological Assessment of Honiton Road Park and Ride Scheme Phase 2, Exeter. Exeter Archaeology Report. 02.19. A4 Stapled + Digital. 3.
SDV345160Report - Survey: Wessex Archaeology. 2010. Redhayes Estate, Exeter, Devon: Building and Landscape Survey. Wessex Archaeology Report. 73562. A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV345164Report - Assessment: Bryant, A.. 2007. East of Exeter Major Scheme Bid M5 Junction 29 and Old A30, Exeter, Devon: Historic Environment Desk-based Assessment. Wessex Archaeology Report. 63771.01. A4 Stapled + Digital. 9, Appendix 1, Site 47.
SDV345274Report - non-specific: Waterman CPM Ltd. 2006. Cranbrook, Devon: Archaeological Mitigation Strategy. Waterman CPM Ltd. H1173_08c. A4 Bound. 5-6, Plan 1.
SDV346621Report - Watching Brief: Salvatore, J. P.. 2009. Watching Brief on Areas 2 and 3 of Enchancement Scheme at Fore Street, Heavitree. Exeter Archaeology Report. EA6537. A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV347243Report - Watching Brief: Young, G.. 2010. Archaeological Watching Brief Alongside A30 at Heath Park, Honiton, Devon. Exeter Archaeology Historic Environment Record Entry. EA7313. A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV348725Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2012. MasterMap. Ordnance Survey. Map (Digital). [Mapped feature: #82328 ]
SDV350287Report - non-specific: Parsons Brinckerhoff Ltd. 2005. Clyst Honiton Bypass Environmental Statement: Cultural Heritage. Devon County Council. A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV352436Report - Geophysical Survey: Oxford Archaeotechnics Ltd. 1999. Proposed Skypark Development, Exeter Airport: Magnetometer (Gradiometer) Survey. Oxford Archaeotechnics Report. 1890599/SKD/HAL. A3 Comb Bound + Digital.
SDV35314Article in Serial: Maxwell, G. S. + Wilson, D. R.. 1987. Air Reconnaissance in Roman Britain 1977-84. Britannia. 18. Unknown. 42.
SDV356427Report - Geophysical Survey: Oxford Archaeotechnics Ltd. 1995. A30 Honiton to Exeter Improvement Archaeological Assessment: Topsoil Magnetic Susceptibility Survey and Magnetometer (Gradiometer) Survey. Oxford Archaeotechnics Ltd Report. A3 Comb Bound + Digital.
SDV356709Worksheet: Goodyear, R. I.. 1990. Roman Road. Worksheet + Digital.
SDV359378Report - Assessment: Foster, K. + Skinner, R.. 2016. A30 to A303 Honiton to Devonshire Inn Improvement Scheme, Honiton, Devon. Wessex Archaeology. 111160.01. Digital.
SDV359821Article in Serial: Salvatore, J. P.. 2011. The Roman Military Base at Pomeroy Wood. Further Comment arising from the Archaeological Investigations North of the A30. Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society. 69. Paperback Volume. 119.
SDV364397Monograph: Fitxpatrick, A. P. + Buterworth, C. A. + Grove, J.. 1999. Prehistoric & Roman Sites in East Devon. The A30 Honiton to Exeter Improvement DBFO Scheme, 1996-9. Volume 2. Romano-British Sites. Prehistoric & Roman Sites in East Devon. The A30 Honiton to Exeter Improvement DBFO Scheme, 1996-9. Vol. 2. Romano-British Sites. 16. Paperback Volume. 394.
SDV99025Article in Serial: Rose-Troup, F.. 1939. The Anglo-Saxon Charter of Ottery St Mary. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 71. A5 Hardback. 206-207.

Associated Monuments

MDV130906Parent of: Cobbled road surface between Straightway Head and Birdcage Copse, Ottery St Mary (Monument)
MDV118710Parent of: Roman Road through Whimple Parish (Monument)
MDV60904Related to: DITCH in the Parish of Clyst Honiton (Monument)
MDV127009Related to: Ditches on land to the south of the Met Office, Exeter (Monument)
MDV18586Related to: FARMSTEAD in the Parish of Burrington (Monument)
MDV17108Related to: Ford at Fenny Bridges (Monument)
MDV38711Related to: Monkton Road to north-east of Honiton (Monument)
MDV49885Related to: PIT in the Parish of Honiton (Monument)
MDV62749Related to: Pomeroy Wood Fort, Gittisham (Monument)
MDV44031Related to: Prehistoric field system to the west of Honiton (Monument)
MDV60903Related to: ROAD in the Parish of Clyst Honiton (Monument)
MDV46455Related to: ROAD in the Parish of Cotleigh, Monkton (Monument)
MDV18531Related to: ROAD in the Parish of Exeter (Monument)
MDV65420Related to: ROAD in the Parish of Exeter (Monument)
MDV14190Related to: Roman Road at Burrow Corner, Dalwood (Monument)
MDV18564Related to: Roman Road in Axminster Parish (Monument)
MDV118467Related to: Roman Road through Honiton (Monument)
MDV60905Related to: WALL in the Parish of Clyst Honiton (Monument)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV4246 - Land at Redhayes, Sowton, Exeter
  • EDV4887 - Assessment Two Areas of Highway to the East of Exeter
  • EDV4910 - A Programme of Archaeological Assessment and Evaluation between Blue Hayes and Southbrook, East Devon
  • EDV4974 - Watching Brief on Fore Street, Heavitree
  • EDV4250 - Feniton Mill
  • EDV4774 - Historic Airport Survey, Exeter Airport
  • EDV4886 - Landscape Survey at Redhayes Estate, Exeter, Devon
  • EDV5057 - Archaeological Watching Brief Alongside A30 at Heath Park, Honiton
  • EDV5668 - Archaeological Watching Brief on Heathpark Rising Main, Honiton
  • EDV6277 - Magnetometer Survey of Proposed Skypark Development, Exeter Airport (Ref: 1890599/SKD/HAL)
  • EDV6441 - Geophysical Survey of Proposed Meteorological Office Site, Exeter (Ref: 2301200/MED/EXA)
  • EDV6447 - Geophysical Survey for A30 Honiton to Exeter Improvement Scheme (Ref: 0480694/EXD/EXM)
  • EDV6498 - Watching Brief and Test Pit Excavation, Skypark, Clyst Honiton (Ref: 100860)
  • EDV6910 - Desk Based Assessment, A30/A303 Honiton to Devonshire Inn Improvement Scheme, Honiton, Devon (Ref: 111160.01)

Date Last Edited:Aug 23 2024 8:58AM