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HER Number: | MDV21077 |
Name: | Willabeam, Walkhampton |
A large medieval or later tin openwork, streamwork and various pitworks on the northern valley slopes of Newleycombe Lake forming part of the Upper Newleycombe Valley Streamworks. The openwork, known and Willabeam is a T-shaped openwork. An east-west lode has been exploited, with a possible cross course to the south. A shallow streamwork to the north of Willabeam has been cut through by the later openwork at 90 degrees. The streamwork, runs approximately north-south, covering an area of 0.5ha. The edge of the streamwork is defined by a steep scarp with the working area contained within. South of the main openwork an additional gully following the same axis as the streamwork extends down to the river. Two small reservoirs are associated with the tinworks. These consist of crescentic earth banks forming dams with central sluice openings. Both reservoirs were supplied with water diverted from small streams further up the valley to the northeast via earthwork leats. In the vicinity of these tinworks there are three major alignments of pitworks. One was clearly exploring an east-west lode and two others run northwest to southeast exploring cross courses. All comprise a combination of small circular pits, larger circular pits of up to 12m diameter and amorphous diggings and gullies. Most have a quantity of spoil associated with them. There are also many scattered examples of the smaller pits. Foundation remains of two possible buildings were also located.
Grid Reference: | SX 591 701 |
Map Sheet: | SX57SE |
Admin Area | Dartmoor National Park |
Civil Parish | Walkhampton |
District | West Devon |
Ecclesiastical Parish | WALKHAMPTON |
Protected Status
- SHINE: Earthwork and structural remains of a section of the late 18th century Devonport Leat running from Raddick Hill to Nun's Cross, including extensive tinning remains at Cramber Tor
Other References/Statuses
- National Monuments Record: SX57SE207
- National Record of the Historic Environment: 1446151
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SX57SE/202
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SX57SE/217
Monument Type(s) and Dates
- EXTRACTIVE PIT (Early Medieval to Early 20th Century - 1066 AD (Between) to 1901 AD (Between))
- MINE BUILDING (Early Medieval to Early 20th Century - 1066 AD (Between) to 1901 AD (Between))
- PROSPECTING PIT (Early Medieval to Early 20th Century - 1066 AD (Between) to 1901 AD (Between))
- RESERVOIR (Early Medieval to Early 20th Century - 1066 AD (Between) to 1901 AD (Between))
- STREAMWORKS (Early Medieval to Post Medieval - 1066 AD to 1750 AD)
- TIN WORKS (Early Medieval to Early 20th Century - 1066 AD (Between) to 1901 AD (Between))
Full description
Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV222416.
Greeves, t. In crossley, d. W. /medieval industry,cba research report/40(1981) 89/offprint in smr.
Royal Air Force, 1947, RAF/CPE/UK/2149, 3436 (Aerial Photograph). SDV282746.
Greeves, T. A. P., 1981, The Devon Tin Industry 1450-1750: An archaeological and historical survey, 348 no 805 (Post-Graduate Thesis). SDV351371.
SX 5935 7015 Willow Beam. Place name of opencast tin working is preserved at SX 593701 where tin workings are visible.
Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England, 1985, Aerial Photograph Project (Dartmoor) - Dartmoor Pre-NMP (Cartographic). SDV319854.
Streamworks visible on 1947 aerial photograph.
Newman, P., 1987, The Moorland Meavy - a Tinner's Landscape, 225, 230, 235, fig 4 (Article in Serial). SDV231207.
SX 5935 7015 Openwork 12. Willabeam openworks. Supplied by leat SX57SE/309 and reservoir SX57SE/319.
Wessex Archaeology, 2002, Cramber Tor Training Area Rapid Condition Survey, WA180 (Report - Survey). SDV354588.
Cramber Tor Survey 2002, Site WA180.
Newman, P., 2006, Cramber Tor Training Area Archaeological Field Investigation (Report - Survey). SDV233640.
(01/08/2006) A Large Tin Openwork known as Willabeam, a streamwork and various pitworks, reservoirs and leats on the northern valley slopes of Newleycombe Lake. Willabeam is documented in 1625 and all the workings are likely to have medieval or post-medieval origins though some may be later. Willabeam is a large T shape openwork where an east-west lode has been exploited, with a possible cross course to the south. The east-west section is 300m long and opens out to 36m wide. At the deepest point the working is 13m deep. A large island of unworked ground is located near the centre. A shallow streamwork to the north of Willabeam has been cut through by the later openwork at 90 degrees. The streamwork, centred SX 5933 7025 runs approximately north-south and is 185m long by up to 38m wide, covering an area of 0.5ha. The edge of the streamwork is defined by a steep scarp of up to 1.5m deep. The working area contains several turf covered linear spoil mounds. South of the main openwork an additional gully following the same axis as the streamwork extends down to the river. Two small reservoirs are associated with the tinworks at SX 5926 7028 and SX 5921 7019. These consist of crescentic earth banks forming dams with central sluice openings. The dams are both approximately 20m wide with banks of approximately 5m wide by 0.5m high. Both reservoirs were supplied with water diverted from small streams further up the valley to the NE via earthwork leats. The leats survive as faint channels of up to 0.8m wide and 0.5m deep. In the vicinity of these tinworks there are three major alignments of pitworks. One was clearly exploring an east-west lode centred SX 5906 7020 and two others centred SX 5916 7009 and SX 5899 7010 run NW to SE exploring cross courses. All comprise a combination of small circular pits, larger circular pits of up to 12m diameter and amorphous diggings and gullies. Most have a quantity of spoil associated with them. There are also many scattered examples of the smaller pits. A small crescentic reservoir is located at SX 5903 7020. It measures 16m across with banks of up to 4m wide and 0.5m high. Foundations of possible structures are located at SX 5914 7025 and SX 5907 7022 close by the pitworks. Both consist of low stony banks of between 0.3 and 0.4m high. The first has internal dimensions of 7m by 4m and the second is 5.5 by 4.5m. Neither is regular in shape, both having curving sides.
Newman, P., 2021, Archaeological Sites within Cramber Tor Training Area, Dartmoor National Park, Devon: A condition survey on behalf of Defence Infrastructure Organisation February 2021 (Report - Survey). SDV364449.
Sources / Further Reading
SDV222416 | Migrated Record: |
SDV231207 | Article in Serial: Newman, P.. 1987. The Moorland Meavy - a Tinner's Landscape. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 119. Paperback Volume. 225, 230, 235, fig 4. |
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SDV233640 | Report - Survey: Newman, P.. 2006. Cramber Tor Training Area Archaeological Field Investigation. English Heritage. |
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SDV282746 | Aerial Photograph: Royal Air Force. 1947. RAF/CPE/UK/2149. Royal Air Force Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 3436. |
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SDV319854 | Cartographic: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1985. Aerial Photograph Project (Dartmoor) - Dartmoor Pre-NMP. Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England Aerial Photograph P. Cartographic. |
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SDV351371 | Post-Graduate Thesis: Greeves, T. A. P.. 1981. The Devon Tin Industry 1450-1750: An archaeological and historical survey. The Devon Tin Industry 1450-1750. A4 Hardback. 348 no 805. |
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SDV354588 | Report - Survey: Wessex Archaeology. 2002. Cramber Tor Training Area Rapid Condition Survey. Wessex Archaeology Report. Unknown. WA180. |
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Associated Monuments
MDV42470 | Parent of: TINNERS RESERVOIR in the Parish of Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV28177 | Parent of: TRIAL PIT in the Parish of Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV5016 | Related to: Cross on Walkhampton Common (Monument) |
MDV131603 | Related to: Hut circles east of Willabeam tinwork (Monument) |
MDV42429 | Related to: Leat, Newleycombe Lake (Monument) |
MDV28180 | Related to: Streamworks at Drivage Bottom (Monument) |
MDV28194 | Related to: Streamworks to north-east of Newleycombe Farmstead, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV5076 | Related to: The Abbots Way, Dartmoor (Monument) |
MDV131689 | Related to: Trackway, Newleycombe Valley (Monument) |
MDV28196 | Related to: Upper Newleycombe Valley streamworks (Monument) |
Associated Finds: none recorded
Associated Events
- EDV7382 - Condition Survey of the Cramber Tor Training Area
- EDV8351 - Walkhampton Premier Archaeological Landscape; Field Investigation Project
- EDV8711 - Condition Survey of the Cramber Tor Training Area
Date Last Edited: | Oct 15 2021 4:13PM |
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