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HER Number: | MDV21118 |
Name: | Baggy Point Area F of US Army Second World War Assault Training Centre |
Baggy Point formed Area F of the US Army Second World War Assault Training Centre in North Devon. The training area comprised 10 mock-up pillbox type structures, an observation building and a troop shelter. The structures have been identified and transcribed from aerial photographs of the 1940s, as have an extensive system of mock-up obstructions, probably barbed wire, and a large area of craters probably created by live mortar fire. Most of the structures survive to remain visible albeit in ruinous or damaged condition, although three were demolished by the National Trust by 1964.
Grid Reference: | SS 424 406 |
Map Sheet: | SS44SW |
Admin Area | Devon |
Civil Parish | Georgeham |
District | North Devon |
Ecclesiastical Parish | GEORGEHAM |
Protected Status: none recorded
Other References/Statuses
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SS44SW/22
Monument Type(s) and Dates
- MILITARY TRAINING SITE (World War II - 1942 AD to 1944 AD (Between))
Full description
Unknown, 1944, Roads and Training Aids: U.S. Assault Training Center (Un-published). SDV339604.
Area 'F' of the US Assault Training Centre in North Devon, with training aids 1-10F at Baggy Point. Recorded on original US army plans
Royal Air Force, 1945, RAF/106G/LA/132, NMR RAF/106G/LA/132 5009 14-FEB-1945 (Aerial Photograph). SDV349061.
An extensive area of probable barbed wire obstructions and mortar shell craters are visible as possible structures and earthworks. Map object partly based on this source.
Royal Air Force, 1946, RAF/106G/UK/1501, 3136 (Aerial Photograph). SDV337198.
Other details: HER 3/9.
Royal Air Force, 1946, RAF/106G/UK/1501, NMR RAF/106G/UK/1501 3135-3136 13-MAY-1946 (Aerial Photograph). SDV349927.
The barbed wire obstructions are no longer visible and have probably been removed. The probable mortar craters appear to have been filled. Map object partly based on this source.
Royal Air Force, 1964, RAF 543/2821 F66, NMR RAF/543/2821 F66 0225-7 27-APR-1964 (Aerial Photograph). SDV350307.
The craters are no longer visible.
Le Messurier, B., 1983, Untitled Source (Correspondence). SDV339616.
There were a number of pill boxes on Baggy Point, possibly built for training purposes. Now demolished but foundations still visible. Other details: Letter to CPO.
Timms, S. C., 1983, Untitled Source (Personal Comment). SDV339617.
1946 Royal Air Force aerial photograph shows structures in this area
Bass, R. T., 1992, Spirits of the Sand, 98 (Monograph). SDV339609.
Horner, B., 1995, DAP/YV, 26 (Aerial Photograph). SDV7961.
1995, Untitled Source (Photograph). SDV339620.
Bass, R. T., 1996, Guide to the US Assault Training Centre North Devon, 39-40 (Un-published). SDV325695.
Training Aids on top of the headland included ten pillboxes forming a self-contained assault practice area. Used for training an assault company with supporting tanks. The water line was marked out with a line of poles.
Green, T. + Blaylock, S., 1999, The Morte Estate: Properties between Ilfracombe and Croyde Part I: Baggy Point, 28-32 (Report - Survey). SDV339619.
Visited on 2nd September 1997. A group of 10 dummy pillboxes were constructed on Baggy Point for use in training exercises by US forces preparing for D-day landings. Many show extensive areas of damage and areas of repair and rebuild. 3 were destroyed in past by the National Trust.
Bass, R. T., 2005, Spirits of the Sand: Field Edition, 91-4 (Monograph). SDV325697.
Baggy Point Area 'F' was a late addition to the Assault Training Centre as a need for Company sized rehearsals was identified. Some of the original field banks and hedges were breached and the gaps are still present. Constructions included an Observation House which remains as a sandy mound, a troop shelter and ten pillbox structures. Three large concrete blocks remain representing enemy pillboxes.
Collings, A. G. + Manning, P. T. + Valentin, J., 2007, The North Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Phase 1. Archaeological Survey. Summary Report, No. 1569 (Report - Assessment). SDV339712.
Group of 10 dummy pillboxes constructed on Baggy Point for use in training exercises by US forces for d-day landings. Many show extensive areas of damage and areas of repair and rebuild. 3 were destroyed in past.
Hegarty, C. + Knight, S., 2011 - 2012, North Devon Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty National Mapping Programme Project (Interpretation). SDV349018.
Baggy Point formed Area F of the US Army Second World War Assault Training Centre in North Devon. The training area comprised mock-up anti-invasion defences, including ‘hardended’ sites such as 10 mock-up pillbox type structures, an observation building and a troop shelter. The structures are visible on aerial photographs of the 1940s onwards and have been transcribed and recorded individually. Most of the structures survive to remain visible albeit in ruinous or damaged condition, although three were demolished by the National Trust by 1964.
More ephemeral evidence of the Assault Training Centre is visible in the form of an extensive system of mock-up ‘soft’ anti-invasion defences and a large area of craters. The mock-up ‘soft’ anti-invasion defences are visible as dark lines, probably caused by vegetation growing up amongst barbed wire obstructions. The craters are visible as earthworks concentrated in the area of the densest barbed wire obstructions, around Training Aids F1 to F3, and were probably created by live mortar fire. A representative distribution of the craters have been transcribed.
The probable barbed wire obstructions are not visible on aerial photographs of May 1946 and the craters have been filled, visible only as pale soilmarks. By April 1964 no evidence of the craters can be seen.
Sources / Further Reading
SDV325695 | Un-published: Bass, R. T.. 1996. Guide to the US Assault Training Centre North Devon. Manuscript. 39-40. |
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SDV325697 | Monograph: Bass, R. T.. 2005. Spirits of the Sand: Field Edition. Spirits of the Sand. A5 Paperback. 91-4. |
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SDV337198 | Aerial Photograph: Royal Air Force. 1946. RAF/106G/UK/1501. Royal Air Force Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 3136. |
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SDV339604 | Un-published: Unknown. 1944. Roads and Training Aids: U.S. Assault Training Center. U.S. Plans from R.T.Bass. Mixed Archive Material + Digital. |
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SDV339609 | Monograph: Bass, R. T.. 1992. Spirits of the Sand. Spirits of the Sand. Unknown. 98. |
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SDV339616 | Correspondence: Le Messurier, B.. 1983. Letter. Letter. |
SDV339617 | Personal Comment: Timms, S. C.. 1983. |
SDV339619 | Report - Survey: Green, T. + Blaylock, S.. 1999. The Morte Estate: Properties between Ilfracombe and Croyde Part I: Baggy Point. National Trust Archaeological Survey Report. A4 Stapled + Digital. 28-32. |
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SDV339620 | Photograph: 1995. Slide. |
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SDV339712 | Report - Assessment: Collings, A. G. + Manning, P. T. + Valentin, J.. 2007. The North Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Phase 1. Archaeological Survey. Summary Report. Exeter Archaeology Report. 06.22 (rev.1). A4 Stapled + Digital. No. 1569. |
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SDV349018 | Interpretation: Hegarty, C. + Knight, S.. 2011 - 2012. North Devon Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty National Mapping Programme Project. AC Archaeology Report. ACD383/2/1. Digital. |
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| Linked documents:1 |
SDV349061 | Aerial Photograph: Royal Air Force. 1945. RAF/106G/LA/132. Royal Air Force Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). NMR RAF/106G/LA/132 5009 14-FEB-1945. |
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SDV349927 | Aerial Photograph: Royal Air Force. 1946. RAF/106G/UK/1501. Royal Air Force Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). NMR RAF/106G/UK/1501 3135-3136 13-MAY-1946. |
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SDV350307 | Aerial Photograph: Royal Air Force. 1964. RAF 543/2821 F66. Royal Air Force Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). NMR RAF/543/2821 F66 0225-7 27-APR-1964. |
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SDV7961 | Aerial Photograph: Horner, B.. 1995. DAP/YV. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 26. |
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Associated Monuments
MDV61365 | Parent of: Linear Feature, Georgeham (Monument) |
MDV57328 | Parent of: Pillbox 2F, Baggy Point (Monument) |
MDV57327 | Parent of: Pillbox 3F, Baggy Point (Monument) |
MDV102988 | Parent of: Second World War Road, Baggy Point (Monument) |
MDV61359 | Parent of: Second World War trench, Baggy Point (Monument) |
MDV103005 | Parent of: Second World War Troop Shelter, Baggy Point (Monument) |
MDV57326 | Parent of: Training Aid 1F, US Army Second World War Assault Training Centre at Baggy Point (Monument) |
MDV102999 | Parent of: US Army Assault Training Centre Training Aid 10F (Monument) |
MDV57329 | Parent of: US Army Assault Training Centre Training Aid 4F, Baggy Point (Monument) |
MDV102997 | Parent of: US Army Assault Training Centre Training Aid 5F (Monument) |
MDV102998 | Parent of: US Army Assault Training Centre Training Aid 6F (Monument) |
MDV103001 | Parent of: US Army Assault Training Centre Training Aid 7F (Monument) |
MDV103002 | Parent of: US Army Assault Training Centre Training Aid 8F (Monument) |
MDV103000 | Parent of: US Army Assault Training Centre Training Aid 9F (Monument) |
MDV73990 | Part of: North Devon US Assault Training Centre (Monument) |
MDV73993 | Related to: Area N of US Assault Training Centre to the northest of Georgeham (Monument) |
MDV57283 | Related to: Braunton Areas A, B, C and D of US Assault Training Centre (Monument) |
MDV57324 | Related to: Croyde Bay Area E of US Assault Training Centre (Monument) |
MDV57332 | Related to: Morte Bay/Woolacombe Areas G, H and L of US Assault Training Centre (Monument) |
MDV57333 | Related to: Morte Point Area M of US Assault Training Centre (Monument) |
MDV57330 | Related to: Observation House, Baggy Point (Monument) |
MDV58461 | Related to: Woolacombe Bay Hotel (Monument) |
Associated Finds: none recorded
Associated Events
- EDV6132 - North Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty NMP Project
Date Last Edited: | Aug 18 2016 9:54AM |
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