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HER Number: | MDV21304 |
Name: | Reservoir with Dam at Wheal Katherine Tin Mine |
Reservoir with a dam on the south side forming part of the 19th century Wheal Katherine Tin Mine
Grid Reference: | SX 608 684 |
Map Sheet: | SX66NW |
Admin Area | Dartmoor National Park |
Civil Parish | Dartmoor Forest |
District | West Devon |
Ecclesiastical Parish | LYDFORD |
Protected Status
Other References/Statuses
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SX66NW/96
- Old SAM Ref: 34468
- SHINE Candidate (Yes)
Monument Type(s) and Dates
- RESERVOIR (XVIII to XIX - 1800 AD to 1899 AD (Between))
Full description
Greeves, T., 1983, Wheal Katherine Reservoir (Worksheet). SDV255631.
Site visited on 23rd August 1983. Crescent-shaped bank forming the dam of a tinners' reservoir on the north side of large-scale openwork. In the centre is a gap for a sluice, from which channels lead to the workings.
Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England, 1985, Aerial Photograph Project (Interpretation). SDV319854.
Not visible on aerial photograph.
Gerrard, S., 1990-2002, Monument Protection Programme. Archaeological Item Dataset., MPP 157303 (Report - Survey). SDV277946.
Site visited on 15th May 2002. Reservoir with a dam 240 metres west-north-west of Plym Ford, forming part of Wheal Katherine tin mine. A V-shaped dam up to 6 metres wide and 1.3 metres high. The central breach is 2.8 metres wide and the dam is covered in heather and grass. There is grass and rushes within the reservoir.
Newman , P., 1999, Eylesbarrow (Ailsborough) Tin Mine, Figure 4 (Report - Survey). SDV352201.
Oval feature shown on plan of Wheal Katherine tin mine with a curved earthwork on the south side.
English Heritage, 2005, Leats Survey Information (Report - Survey). SDV347529.
Curved feature shown on survey.
GeoInformation Group Ltd, 2010, 1:625 2010 Colour (12.5cm resolution) (Aerial Photograph). SDV346026.
Feature visible on aerial photograph.
English Heritage, 2014, National Heritage List for England (National Heritage List for England). SDV355683.
Part of Wheal Katherine Tin Mine.
National Monument Record, 2014, Pastscape, 1063881 (Website). SDV355682.
Part of Wheal Katherine tin mine.
Sources / Further Reading
SDV255631 | Worksheet: Greeves, T.. 1983. Wheal Katherine Reservoir. |
SDV277946 | Report - Survey: Gerrard, S.. 1990-2002. Monument Protection Programme. Archaeological Item Dataset.. Monument Protection Programme. Archaeological Item Dataset.. Mixed Archive Material + Digital. MPP 157303. |
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SDV319854 | Interpretation: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1985. Aerial Photograph Project. Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England Aerial Photograph P. Cartographic. |
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SDV346026 | Aerial Photograph: GeoInformation Group Ltd. 2010. 1:625 2010 Colour (12.5cm resolution). 2010 Aerial Photographs. Digital. |
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SDV347529 | Report - Survey: English Heritage. 2005. Leats Survey Information. English Heritage. Digital. |
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SDV352201 | Report - Survey: Newman , P.. 1999. Eylesbarrow (Ailsborough) Tin Mine. English Heritage Survey Report. A4 Spiral Bound. Figure 4. |
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SDV355682 | Website: National Monument Record. 2014. Pastscape. Website. 1063881. |
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SDV355683 | National Heritage List for England: English Heritage. 2014. National Heritage List for England. Historic Houses Register. Website. |
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Associated Monuments
MDV61849 | Part of: Wheal Katherine Tin Mine (Monument) |
MDV66524 | Related to: Leat at Wheal Katherine Tin Mine (Monument) |
Associated Finds: none recorded
Associated Events
- EDV6239 - Eylesbarrow (Ailsborough) Tin Mine
Date Last Edited: | Sep 23 2016 3:23PM |
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