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HER Number:MDV21717
Name:Prehistoric Scatter north of Webland Farm


Prehistoric flint scatter from a field called 'Great New Park' probably at Webland Farm. A field of the same name is recorded at West Wonton to the east. The collection is in the Torquay Museum.


Grid Reference:SX 712 594
Map Sheet:SX75NW
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishSouth Brent
DistrictSouth Hams
Ecclesiastical ParishSOUTH BRENT

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses

  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SX75NW/84
  • Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division: SX75NW14

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • ARTEFACT SCATTER (Prehistoric - 698000 BC to 42 AD)

Full description

Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division, SX75NW14 (Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card). SDV340728.

Prehistoric flint scatter now in Torquay Museum labelled 'Great New Park'. Most probably came from a field of that name on Webland Farm. A field of that name also existed at SX72805896 on West Wonton farm. The name occurs twice in the Tithe Map Apportionment, both being in the general area covered by the collector. The flints are classified as late Neolithic/early Bronze Age and include scrapers, knives and flakes.

Cotswold Archaeology, 2001, Fishacre to Lyneham Natural Gas Pipeline: Archaeological Fieldwalking and Field Reconnaissance Survey: Preliminary Summary, Map 5 (Report - Survey). SDV340217.

Cotswold Archaeology, 2001, Fishacre to Lyneham Natural Gas Pipeline: Cultural Heritage Assessment: Volume 1:Text, 15 (Report - Assessment). SDV340215.

Other details: Site 62.

Cotswold Archaeology, 2001, Fishacre to Lyneham Natural Gas Pipeline: Cultural Heritage Assessment: Volume 2: Constraints Maps (Report - Assessment). SDV340216.

Other details: Map 5 Site 62.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV340215Report - Assessment: Cotswold Archaeology. 2001. Fishacre to Lyneham Natural Gas Pipeline: Cultural Heritage Assessment: Volume 1:Text. Cotswold Archaeology Report. 01084. A4 Stapled + Digital. 15.
SDV340216Report - Assessment: Cotswold Archaeology. 2001. Fishacre to Lyneham Natural Gas Pipeline: Cultural Heritage Assessment: Volume 2: Constraints Maps. Cotswold Archaeology Report. 01084. A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV340217Report - Survey: Cotswold Archaeology. 2001. Fishacre to Lyneham Natural Gas Pipeline: Archaeological Fieldwalking and Field Reconnaissance Survey: Preliminary Summary. Cotswold Archaeology Report. 1224. A4 Stapled + Digital. Map 5.
SDV340728Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card: Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division. SX75NW14. Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card. Card Index.

Associated Monuments: none recorded

Associated Finds

  • FDV1243 - FLAKE (Mesolithic to Middle Bronze Age - 4300 BC to 1500 BC)
  • FDV1242 - KNIFE (Mesolithic to Middle Bronze Age - 4300 BC to 1500 BC)
  • FDV1241 - SCRAPER (TOOL) (Mesolithic to Middle Bronze Age - 4300 BC to 1500 BC)

Associated Events

  • EDV4375 - Fishacre to Lyneham Pipeline Assessment
  • EDV4391 - Fishacre to Lyneham Fieldwalking Survey

Date Last Edited:Jun 14 2024 10:25AM