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HER Number: | MDV26889 |
Name: | Streamwork in Lydford Woods |
An alluvial streamwork, situated at the foot of a steep sided valley formed by the River Lyd, visible on aerial photographs from 1940s, before afforestation.
Grid Reference: | SX 495 837 |
Map Sheet: | SX48SE |
Admin Area | Devon |
Civil Parish | Brentor |
Civil Parish | Lydford |
District | West Devon |
Ecclesiastical Parish | LAMERTON |
Protected Status
Other References/Statuses
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SX48SE/39
- Old SAM Ref: 28698
Monument Type(s) and Dates
- STREAMWORKS (Early Medieval to Post Medieval - 1066 AD to 1750 AD (Between))
Full description
Royal Air Force, 13/04/1947, RAF/CPE/UK/1995, 3387-8 (Aerial Photograph). SDV224714.
Other details: HER 41/52 and 53.
Royal Air Force, 1947, RAF/CPE/UK/2149, 4284-5 (Aerial Photograph). SDV282746.
Other details: HER 41/102.
Chope, R. P., 1967, Untitled Source, 210 (Monograph). SDV120078.
"The marks of tin stream works", presumably then disused, are recorded here by Pococke in 1750.
Unknown, 1985, Untitled Source (Unattributed Sites and Monuments Register Entry). SDV342609.
Probable streamwork along River Lyd in Lydford Forest. Probably now afforested. From SX49218386 to SX49708370. Not plotted by Royal Commission on Historical Monuments.
Griffith, F. M., 1993, Tin Streamwork in Lydford Woods (Personal Comment). SDV342608.
Visited on 03/08/1993. A cursory inspection of site in company of Forestry Enterprise, prior to felling in this area. Complex area of earthworks, for which tin streaming seems initially the most probable explanation. The area (sketch delineated on Sites and Monuments Register overlay) is bounded to the south by River Lyd and to the north by what at first sight appears to be a leat, though of substantial size - banked on either side and with no processing site immediately apparent. At the eastern end, 'streamwork' spoilheap banks run roughly east-west (parallel with river); in the middle they are of greatest size and least regular, and to the west they run almost at right angles to the river. It is particularly striking that the line of the 'leat' appears to be followed by, or follow, the Bridestowe/Lamerton parish boundary. It may therefore be a parish boundary feature rather than a watercourse at all. In either case, the other earthworks all appear to respect it and to lie to the south. The site, prior to afforestation, shows very clearly on April 1947 aerial photographs, and fairly clearly on June 1947 ones.
Gerrard, S., 1994, Lydford Woods Alluvial Tin Streamwork: a Report for Forest Enterprise (Report - non-specific). SDV342612.
Visited in July and August 1994. Alluvial streamwork extending from SX49058400 to SX49978359. Most of the earthworks related to the streamwork can be resolved into a single systematic operation. Later reworking was on a smaller scale - all later tinworks consisting of small discrete workings, presumably concentrating on particularly rich areas. At least fifty percent of original earthworks removed by later re-workings. The major visible feature is the large channel denoting the north side of the streamwork. Immediately north of this is a linear earthwork denoting the Lydford/Brentor parish boundary, the visible bank (which overlies an earlier one seen in two recent drainage ditches) probably derives from excavation of the channel. The streamwork is unusual in respecting the parish boundary, possibly indicating that exploration was of upstream deposits, with this area the first point at which water velocity was slow enough to deposit material. Large quantities of tin could have accumulated here over the years. Such restreaming of tin from upstream works is often reported in Cornwall. Three distinct areas of later streamworking were identified. The lower streamwork lies at the west end of the major block, and consists of four linear hollows running parallel with the river. It is possible, though not likely, that they are natural features. The middle streamwork measures 80 metres by 40 metres and includes at least three linear banks and hollows. They are approximately parallel with the river and aligned at right angles to nearby earthworks associated with the major block. The upper streamwork consists of substantial earthworks lying parallel with the river. They appear to be of relatively recent date. A number of other streamwork features could not be easily fitted into the four major streamworks. These probably relate to smallscale reworking or prospecting of earlier dumps.
Gerrard, S., 1994, The Dartmoor Tin Industry: An Archaeological Perspective, 178-9 (Article in Serial). SDV167112.
Other details: Figure 3.
Griffith, F. M., 1994, Tin Streamwork in Lydford Woods (Personal Comment). SDV342611.
Visited on 01/11/1994 with Sandy Gerrard, who has carried out a detailed survey of the tinworks after felling of the trees in the eastern part. A report is in preparation. The area is complex and exploitation has manifestly been multi-phase. The earthworks are excellently preserved except where damaged by trees and this is clearly a site of great importance, not least because of its location, which is highly unusual. It is not clear whether these tinworks were for working in situ tin ground, or for secondary exploitation of waste material from upstream workings such as those at Great Links Tor. The banks of the river attest to the volume of alluvial material, tin slimes etc. in the valley.
Cranstone, D. + Rimmington, N., 1995, Monuments Protection Programme: The Tin Industry- Introduction to Step 3 Site Assessments, 20, Site Number 22 (Report - non-specific). SDV357952.
Site Number 22. Lydford Woods streamworks (SX 495 837).
Definite national importance.
Cranstone, D. + Hedley, I., 1995, Monuments Protection Programme: The Tin Industry Step 3 Site Assessments, Site Number 22 (Report - non-specific). SDV357946.
Site Number 22.
Lydford Woods streamworks (SX 495 837).
Prime metal: Tin.
Description: Alluvial streamworks, with range of well-marked features. Bounded to N by embanked channels, much of which forms parish boundary.
Landscape: On fringes of west Dartmoor tinning landscape. In mixed Forestry Commission woodland, managed partly for amenity.
Archaeology: Detailed survey in progress; stratigraphic survival appears to be good.
Period: Medieval- early Post-medieval.
Assessment: A very good example of alluvial streamworks, given added interest by relationship to parish boundary.
Action: Schedule.
Management: Control of forestry activities.
Gerrard, S., 1996, The Early South-Western Tin Industry: An Archaeological View, 67-83 (Article in Serial). SDV337901.
Gerrard, S., 1997, Lydford Woods Alluvial Tin Streamwork: A Report on Fieldwork Carried Out During 1994-5 (Report - non-specific). SDV342619.
Gerrard, S., 1997, Tin Streamwork in Lydford Woods (Un-published). SDV342610.
Alluvial tin streamwork in Lydford Woods. Other details: 149033.
Department for Culture, Media and Sport, 1999, Alluvial Tin Streamwork in Lydford Woods (Schedule Document). SDV342613.
The monument includes an alluvial streamwork situated at the foot of a steep sided valley formed by the River Lyd.
Knight, S., 2009, Site Visit for ARCS 15033-15035 (Personal Comment). SDV343130.
Area has recently been replanted.
Sources / Further Reading
SDV120078 | Monograph: Chope, R. P.. 1967. Early Tours in Devon and Cornwall. Unknown. 210. |
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SDV167112 | Article in Serial: Gerrard, S.. 1994. The Dartmoor Tin Industry: An Archaeological Perspective. Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society. 52. 178-9. |
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SDV224714 | Aerial Photograph: Royal Air Force. 13/04/1947. RAF/CPE/UK/1995. Royal Air Force Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 3387-8. |
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SDV282746 | Aerial Photograph: Royal Air Force. 1947. RAF/CPE/UK/2149. Royal Air Force Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 4284-5. |
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SDV337901 | Article in Serial: Gerrard, S.. 1996. The Early South-Western Tin Industry: An Archaeological View. Mining History: Bulletin PDMHS. The Archaeology of Mining and Metallurgy in. 13, Number 2. A4 Paperback. 67-83. |
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SDV342608 | Personal Comment: Griffith, F. M.. 1993. Tin Streamwork in Lydford Woods. |
SDV342609 | Unattributed Sites and Monuments Register Entry: Unknown. 1985. |
SDV342610 | Un-published: Gerrard, S.. 1997. Tin Streamwork in Lydford Woods. Monument Protection Programme. Archaeological Item Dataset.. Digital. |
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SDV342611 | Personal Comment: Griffith, F. M.. 1994. Tin Streamwork in Lydford Woods. |
SDV342612 | Report - non-specific: Gerrard, S.. 1994. Lydford Woods Alluvial Tin Streamwork: a Report for Forest Enterprise. Forest Enterprise. a4 Stapled + Digital. |
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SDV342613 | Schedule Document: Department for Culture, Media and Sport. 1999. Alluvial Tin Streamwork in Lydford Woods. The Schedule of Monuments. A4 Stapled. |
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SDV342619 | Report - non-specific: Gerrard, S.. 1997. Lydford Woods Alluvial Tin Streamwork: A Report on Fieldwork Carried Out During 1994-5. A4 Stapled + Digital. |
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SDV343130 | Personal Comment: Knight, S.. 2009. Site Visit for ARCS 15033-15035. Not Applicable. |
SDV357946 | Report - non-specific: Cranstone, D. + Hedley, I.. 1995. Monuments Protection Programme: The Tin Industry Step 3 Site Assessments. Monument Protection Programme. A4 Unbound. Site Number 22. |
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SDV357952 | Report - non-specific: Cranstone, D. + Rimmington, N.. 1995. Monuments Protection Programme: The Tin Industry- Introduction to Step 3 Site Assessments. Monument Protection Programme. A4 Comb Bound + Digital. 20, Site Number 22. |
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Associated Monuments
MDV54249 | Related to: Bank Parallel to River Lyd (Monument) |
MDV54251 | Related to: Drainage Gullies in Lydford Woods (Monument) |
MDV54247 | Related to: Field Boundaries within Streamworks (Monument) |
MDV54250 | Related to: Leat in Lydford Forest (Monument) |
MDV59157 | Related to: Parish Boundary Bank in Lydford Woods (Monument) |
MDV54248 | Related to: Track to River Lyd in Lydford Forest (Monument) |
Associated Finds: none recorded
Associated Events: none recorded
Date Last Edited: | Mar 13 2015 11:42AM |
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