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HER Number: | MDV28194 |
Name: | Streamworks to north-east of Newleycombe Farmstead, Walkhampton |
An area of post Medieval tin pitworks, shallow openworks, gullies and other disturbances located to the north and east of Newleycombe Farm forming part of the Upper Newleycombe Valley Streamworks. An archaeological field survey in 2006 located an L- shaped gully which is a result of conjoined pitworks being further extended to form an openwork. A second openwork extended approximately north to south for 124m. Also recorded was the site of a possible blocked shaft and associated whim plat.
Grid Reference: | SX 588 700 |
Map Sheet: | SX57SE |
Admin Area | Dartmoor National Park |
Civil Parish | Walkhampton |
District | West Devon |
Ecclesiastical Parish | WALKHAMPTON |
Protected Status
- SHINE: Earthwork and structural remains of a section of the late 18th century Devonport Leat running from Raddick Hill to Nun's Cross, including extensive tinning remains at Cramber Tor
Other References/Statuses
- National Monuments Record: SX57SE208
- National Record of the Historic Environment: 1446155
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SX57SE/230
Monument Type(s) and Dates
- EXTRACTIVE PIT (Post Medieval to Early 20th Century - 1540 AD (Between) to 1901 AD (Between))
- PROSPECTING PIT (Post Medieval to Early 20th Century - 1540 AD (Between) to 1901 AD (Between))
- RESERVOIR (Post Medieval to Early 20th Century - 1540 AD (Between) to 1901 AD (Between))
Full description
Royal Air Force, 1947, RAF/CPE/UK/2149, 4436 (Aerial Photograph). SDV282746.
The Royal Commission on the Historic Monuments of England Aerial Photograph Unit, 1985, The Royal Commission on the Historic Monuments of England Aerial Photograph Project (Interpretation). SDV340940.
Streamworks visible on RAF aerial photograph.
Newman, P., 2007, Cramber Tor Training Area Monument Baseline Condition Survey, No. 1446155 (Report - Survey). SDV348210.
(01/08/2006) An area of probable post-medieval tin pitworks, shallow openworks, gullies and other disturbance to the north and east of Newleycombe Farm within the farm enclosures. The pitworks are mostly located at SX 5887 7011 and SX 5871 7000. They are between 1.5m and 18m in diameter and all have a spoil heaps associated with them. There is also an L shape gully centred SX 5880 7009 which is a result of conjoined pitworks being further extended to form an openwork. It is 140m long by approximately 5m deep with a 90 degree kink in the middle. A second openwork is centred SX 5873 6999 extending approximately north to south for 124m. The site of a possible blocked shaft with whim plat, likely to be of 18th or 19th century date is positioned within the pitwork area at SX 5887 7007. The shaft consist of c8m diameter conical pit with a spoil collar. The whim plat has a level upper surface of 6m diameter and a slight earth bank of up to 0.5m high marking part of the circumference.
These workings were heavily covered by gorse at the time of survey, obscuring much of the detail.
Probert, S., 2008, Follow-Up Works to Cramber Tor Archaeological Baseline Condition Survey, Dartmoor Training Area, 12, Figs. 16, 17, No. 1446155 (Report - Survey). SDV351304.
Three hectares of probable post medieval tinworks to the north-east of Newleycombe Farmstead, largly obscured by gorse. The majority of visible remains appear to comprise shallow shafts, water channels and linear spoil heaps, typical of monuments of this type on Dartmoor. However, also amongst the remains are traces of an 18th or 19th century whim platform and an associated shaft. Site clearance concentrated on the later features and the gorse has now been cleared from the whim platform and shaft. The exposed features are robust and not considered to be under any threat. The area should be flagged for further archaeological excavation following a planned or accidental burn.
GeoInformation Group Ltd, 2010, 1:625 2010 Colour (12.5cm resolution) (Aerial Photograph). SDV346026.
Horse shoe shaped pattern of streamworks visible on aerial photograph.
Greeves, T., 2012, Cramber Tor Training Area. Monument Condition Survey, No. 1446155 (Report - Survey). SDV350251.
Site visit 28th January 2012. Condition and status fair. Significant gorse cover.
Ordnance Survey, 2013, MasterMap (Cartographic). SDV350786.
Part of area of streamworking marked.
Newman, P., 2021, Archaeological Sites within Cramber Tor Training Area, Dartmoor National Park, Devon: A condition survey on behalf of Defence Infrastructure Organisation February 2021 (Report - Survey). SDV364449.
Sources / Further Reading
SDV282746 | Aerial Photograph: Royal Air Force. 1947. RAF/CPE/UK/2149. Royal Air Force Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 4436. |
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SDV340940 | Interpretation: The Royal Commission on the Historic Monuments of England Aerial Photograph Unit. 1985. The Royal Commission on the Historic Monuments of England Aerial Photograph Project. The Royal Commission on the Historic Monuments of England Aerial Photograph Project. Map (Paper). |
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SDV346026 | Aerial Photograph: GeoInformation Group Ltd. 2010. 1:625 2010 Colour (12.5cm resolution). 2010 Aerial Photographs. Digital. |
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SDV348210 | Report - Survey: Newman, P.. 2007. Cramber Tor Training Area Monument Baseline Condition Survey. English Heritage. A4 Bound. No. 1446155. |
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SDV350251 | Report - Survey: Greeves, T.. 2012. Cramber Tor Training Area. Monument Condition Survey. Tom Greeves Report. A4 Stapled. No. 1446155. |
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SDV350786 | Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2013. MasterMap. Ordnance Survey Digital Mapping. Digital. |
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SDV351304 | Report - Survey: Probert, S.. 2008. Follow-Up Works to Cramber Tor Archaeological Baseline Condition Survey, Dartmoor Training Area. A4 Comb Bound. 12, Figs. 16, 17, No. 1446155. |
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Associated Monuments
MDV28196 | Part of: Upper Newleycombe Valley streamworks (Monument) |
MDV28196 | Related to: Upper Newleycombe Valley streamworks (Monument) |
MDV42421 | Related to: Openwork west of Newleycombe Farm (Monument) |
MDV28195 | Related to: Tin Streamwork in the Newleycombe Valley, Walkhampton (Monument) |
MDV131689 | Related to: Trackway, Newleycombe Valley (Monument) |
MDV28196 | Part of: Upper Newleycombe Valley streamworks (Monument) |
MDV28196 | Related to: Upper Newleycombe Valley streamworks (Monument) |
MDV21077 | Related to: Willabeam, Walkhampton (Monument) |
Associated Finds: none recorded
Associated Events
- EDV6034 - Monument Condition Survey in Cramber Tor Training Area
- EDV6152 - Follow-up Works to Threatened Sites in the Cramber Tor Training Area
- EDV6153 - Monument Baseline Condition Survey in the Cramber Tor Training Area
- EDV7382 - Condition Survey of the Cramber Tor Training Area
- EDV8351 - Walkhampton Premier Archaeological Landscape; Field Investigation Project
- EDV8711 - Condition Survey of the Cramber Tor Training Area
Date Last Edited: | Oct 15 2021 4:20PM |
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