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HER Number:MDV28909
Name:The Den Lighthouse, Teignmouth


The lighthouse at the Den is a small tapered tower of local limestone, built 1845.


Grid Reference:SX 940 724
Map Sheet:SX97SW
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishTeignmouth
Ecclesiastical ParishTEIGNMOUTH

Protected Status

Other References/Statuses

  • National Monuments Record: 447774
  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SX97SW/172
  • Old Listed Building Ref (II): 461205

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • LIGHTHOUSE (XIX - 1845 AD to 1845 AD)

Full description

Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division, SX97SW39 (Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card). SDV340534.

Ordnance Survey, 1906, 110SE (Cartographic). SDV337415.

Department of Environment, 1946, Teignmouth U D, 4 (List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest). SDV304394.

The lighthouse at the Den is a small tapered tower of local limestone, built 1845. It has an octagonal metal lantern with weather-cock.

Ordnance Survey, 1950, 110SE (Cartographic). SDV340535.

'Lighthouse' marked.

Ordnance Survey, 1977, Untitled Source (Cartographic). SDV340533.

Lighthouse (nat) shown.

Pearson, A., 1985, Visitor's Guide to Teignmouth, South Devon, 77 (Monograph). SDV300876.

Wilson, V., 1994, Teignmouth Historic Walkabout (Pamphlet). SDV354751.

Harris, H., 1994, The Haytor Granite Tramway and Stover Canal, 31 (Monograph). SDV341541.

Built 1844-5.

Ordnance Survey, 2008, MasterMap (Cartographic). SDV340009.

English Heritage, 2012, National Heritage List for England (National Heritage List for England). SDV348729.

Lighthouse. 1845. Plymouth stone ashlar with metal light drum. A stepped square plinth to a small cylindrical tower with a machicolated band below the cornice and loop-holes to the stairs. The 20th century drum to the light has a weather vane to the pointed roof. Interior not inspected.

Pink, F., 2014, South Devon Coast Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey Desk-Based Assessment (Interpretation). SDV357736.

Greeves, T., 2018, William Spreat (1816-1897): Photography of the Devon Landscape 1857-1866, 228; Fig 4 (Article in Serial). SDV366321.

Photo by William Spreat, c.1859.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV300876Monograph: Pearson, A.. 1985. Visitor's Guide to Teignmouth, South Devon. Visitor's Guide to Teignmouth, South Devon. A5 Paperback. 77.
SDV304394List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest: Department of Environment. 1946. Teignmouth U D. Historic Houses Register. Unknown. 4.
SDV337415Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 1906. 110SE. Second Edition Ordnance Survey 6 inch Map. Map (Paper).
SDV340009Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2008. MasterMap. Ordnance Survey. Digital. [Mapped feature: #86268 ]
SDV340533Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 1977. 1:10,000. Map (Paper).
SDV340534Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card: Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division. SX97SW39. Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card. Card Index.
SDV340535Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 1950. 110SE. Provisional Ordnance Survey 6 inch Map. Map (Paper).
SDV341541Monograph: Harris, H.. 1994. The Haytor Granite Tramway and Stover Canal. The Haytor Granite Tramway and Stover Canal. A5 Paperback. 31.
SDV348729National Heritage List for England: English Heritage. 2012. National Heritage List for England. Website.
SDV354751Pamphlet: Wilson, V.. 1994. Teignmouth Historic Walkabout. Leaflet.
SDV357736Interpretation: Pink, F.. 2014. South Devon Coast Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey Desk-Based Assessment. AC Archaeology Report. ACD618/4/3. Digital.
Linked documents:1
SDV366321Article in Serial: Greeves, T.. 2018. William Spreat (1816-1897): Photography of the Devon Landscape 1857-1866. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 150. Paperback Volume. 228; Fig 4.

Associated Monuments: none recorded

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events: none recorded

Date Last Edited:Jan 17 2025 9:31AM