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HER Number: | MDV29193 |
Name: | North Tawton Roman Fort II |
Cropmark evidence of a multiphase Roman fort, in fields to the south of The Barton. Part of complex of Roman military enclosures on the east bank of the River Taw.
Grid Reference: | SS 660 002 |
Map Sheet: | SS60SE |
Admin Area | Devon |
Civil Parish | North Tawton |
District | West Devon |
Ecclesiastical Parish | NORTH TAWTON |
Protected Status
Other References/Statuses
- National Monuments Record: 34267
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SS60SE/64
- Old SAM Ref: 10384.04
- Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division: SS60SE23
- SHINE Candidate (Yes)
Monument Type(s) and Dates
- FORT (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD (Between))
Full description
National Monuments Record, SS6500, 3-4 (Aerial Photograph). SDV267561.
National Monuments Record, SS6600, 4-8, 10-11, 14-23, 25-36, 41-46, 52, 57-61 (Aerial Photograph). SDV267562.
Cambridge University, 1975, CUC/BTR, 23-24 (Aerial Photograph). SDV274730.
Cropmarks of an apparent multiphase Roman fort, with enclosures in north-west angle, lying between the surviving fort and the marching camps, sited between The Barton and the railway line at North Tawton.
Griffith, F. M., 1984, DAP/AF, 4 (Aerial Photograph). SDV267545.
Griffith, F. M., 1984, DAP/AU, 7-12 (Aerial Photograph). SDV267542.
Griffith, F. M., 1984, DAP/BF, 7-8 (Aerial Photograph). SDV267543.
Griffith, F. M., 1984, DAP/BH, 23 (Aerial Photograph). SDV267544.
Griffith, F. M., 1984, DAP/BN, 3, 4, 4A (Aerial Photograph). SDV267547.
Cropmarks of a multiphase fort or forts visible on aerial photograph.
Griffith, F. M., 1984, DAP/CG, 4, 5 (Aerial Photograph). SDV267548.
Griffith, F. M., 1984, DAP/DC, 6-13 (Aerial Photograph). SDV267549.
Griffith, F. M., 1984, DAP/DD, 1-4A (Aerial Photograph). SDV35304.
Griffith, F. M., 1984, DAP/DG, 3-10 (Aerial Photograph). SDV267551.
Griffith, F. M., 1984, Roman Military Sites in Devon: Some Recent Discoveries, 20-5, Figs. 4-5, Pl. 6 (Article in Serial). SDV35308.
The cropmarks are extremely complex, and further complicated by numerous field boundaries. A circular feature or ring ditch (See PRN 29192) lies at the outside of the north-west angle of the fort. The interpretation as a large temporary fort or vexillation fortress has been suggested. The complex appears to represent either one or two phases of the large fort, with possibly a two-phase non-contemporary fortlet in one corner. One building visible inside. Transcription of all known aerial photographs to 1984 is given.
Frere, S. S., 1985, Roman Britain in 1984, 305 (Article in Serial). SDV35311.
Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division, 1985, SS60SE23 (Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card). SDV267556.
Possible Roman vexillation fortress and two enclosures.
Maxwell, G. S. + Wilson, D. R., 1987, Air Reconnaissance in Roman Britain 1977-84, 3-5 (Article in Serial). SDV35314.
A 'vexillation fortress is not excluded' from consideration. Wilson suggests the larger of the two fortlets being the earlier. Other details: Plan and plate.
Holbrook, N., 1988, North Tawton Roman Forts (Personal Comment). SDV343868.
Site, when visited during November 1988, was ploughed and sown. Pot sherds and many tile fragments visible in ploughsoil.
Griffith, F. M., 1989, DAP/LH, 1-6 (Aerial Photograph). SDV233518.
Griffith, F. M., 1989, DAP/LN, 10-12 (Aerial Photograph). SDV53187.
Griffith, F. M., 1989, DAP/LS, 13, 14 (Aerial Photograph). SDV267566.
Griffith, F. M., 1989, North Tawton Roman Forts (Personal Comment). SDV267536.
Limited geophysical work carried out by Ancient Monuments Laboratory in eastern part of area in May 1989. Results not yet available. Recommended for scheduling 1984 by Devon County Council. Scheduled as ancient monument 1989. Little further information added by aerial reconnaissance between 1984 and 1989.
Frere, S. S., 1989, Roman Britain in 1988 (Article in Serial). SDV343867.
It is suggested that Leg II Aug may have come here from Lake Farm before building the fortress at Exeter.
Griffith, F. M., 1990, DAP/TP, 15 (Aerial Photograph). SDV267567.
Griffith, F. M., 1990, DAP/TQ, 1, 2 (Aerial Photograph). SDV267568.
Griffith, F. M., 1993, DAP/VZ, 5, 7, 8 (Aerial Photograph). SDV224904.
Miller, A., 1995 - 1996, Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England Aerial Photograph Primary Recording Project (Interpretation). SDV347069.
1st December 1995. Aerial photographs suggest the presence of 2 superimposed fortlets in north-west corner of fort. One is single ditched, 105 metres by 70 metres with possible east-facing entrance and a possible second, south-facing entrance shared with the other fortlet. The second fortlet is double ditched, 70 metres by 70 metres and also has an east-facing entrance, in southern half of its east side.
Gent, T. H., 1996, Archaeological Assessment of a Proposed Golf Course at the Hams, North Tawton, 3, 11 (Report - Assessment). SDV319191.
Griffith, F. M., 1996, DAP/AAN, 10-14 (Aerial Photograph). SDV267570.
Exeter Archaeology, 1999, Archaeological Assessment of a Proposed Development Site at Barton Hill, North Tawton, 2 (Report - Assessment). SDV274744.
Whiteaway, T., 2003, Archaeological Evaluation of Proposed Site of Lorry Park and Storm Water Storage Pond at the Barton, North Tawton, 2 (Report - Evaluation). SDV265762.
Passmore, A. J., 2003, Archaeological Recording During Gas Main Realignment South of Newland Mill, North Tawton, 1, 4, 6, Fig. 3 (Report - Survey). SDV219497.
During excavation of a gas pipeline in 2003 Exeter Archaeology recorded a ditch representing part of the north-east side of the fort. The ditch at the east end of trench 2 was on a north-west to south-east alignment with a U-shaped profile between 1 metre and 1.4 metres wide, and 0.90 metres deep. The upper fill contained 10 sherds of Roman South Devon Ware, but the profile of the ditch was not suggestive of a Roman military ditch.
Department of Environment, 2003, Roman Forts, Marching Camps and Associated Monuments (Schedule Document). SDV343864.
The monument includes a complex of large Roman military enclosures together with a series of smaller enclosures and ring-ditches in fields around The Barton on the east bank of the River Taw. The military enclosures have been identified as two forts and two marching camps. The northernmost fort is in cultivated fields north of the Okehampton-Crediton railway line and is visible as cropmarks. Its extent has been determined by aerial photography and survey. It appears to comprise at least two constructional phases and may reach 8-10 hectares in area, confirming its identity as a vexillation fortress.
Passmore, A. J., 2004, Archaeological Recording at Site of New Warehouse for Vital Dog Supplies, The Barton, North Tawton, 1-2 (Report - Watching Brief). SDV319972.
Young, A., 2005, Transcriptions from Winkleigh Biomass Plant National Mapping Programme (NMP) project (Cartographic). SDV321540.
Transcriptions of a series of ditches correspond to the grid reference for PRN167055.
Young, A. & Turner, S., 2005-2006, North Devon/Winkleigh Biomass Plant National Mapping Programme (NMP) project database records, PRN167055 (Interpretation). SDV358473.
A Roman vexillation fort and two fortlets are visible on aerial photos (p1). The remains of the fort are fragmentary; its north and east edges are most clearly visible. The two fortlets (AMIE 1032516) partially overlie one another: one is double-ditched, the other possesses a single ditch. Each fortlet is roughly 72m wide and at least 80m long. The site has been digitally plotted as part of the National Mapping Programme.
Photograph reference:
1. DCC DAP AU 7A-10 (NMR SS 6600/5-7- 3517/7A-9) 03-JUL-1984
National Monuments Record, 2009, 1032516 (National Monuments Record Database). SDV343865.
Two superimposed fortlets, of Roman date, were seen as cropmarks in the north-west corner of the North Tawton Fort. Other details: SS60SE44.
National Monuments Record, 2009, 34267 (National Monuments Record Database). SDV343866.
Possible Roman vexillation fort, seen as cropmarks Other details: SS60SE23.
English Heritage, 2009, Heritage at Risk Register 2009: South West, 119 (Report - non-specific). SDV342694.
Generally satisfactory but with significant localised problems. Principal vulnerability arable ploughing.
Stocker, S., 2010, Field Walk Report (Report - Survey). SDV348293.
Site visit 7th February 2010. Low earthworks visible on ground, coinciding with the location of the small square fortlets within the larger double-ditched enclosure. Local ground conditions indicate that the forts were placed on higher, and drier, ground.
English Heritage, 2010, Heritage at Risk Register 2010: South West, 112 (Report - non-specific). SDV344777.
English Heritage, 2011, Heritage at Risk Register 2011: South West, 118 (Report - non-specific). SDV355280.
Roman forts, marching camps and associated monuments, North Tawton. Generally satisfactory but with significant localised problems. Declining. Principal vulnerability arable ploughing.
Sources / Further Reading
SDV219497 | Report - Survey: Passmore, A. J.. 2003. Archaeological Recording During Gas Main Realignment South of Newland Mill, North Tawton. Exeter Archaeology Report. 03.25. A4 Stapled + Digital. 1, 4, 6, Fig. 3. |
| |
SDV224904 | Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1993. DAP/VZ. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 5, 7, 8. |
| |
SDV233518 | Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1989. DAP/LH. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 1-6. |
| |
SDV265762 | Report - Evaluation: Whiteaway, T.. 2003. Archaeological Evaluation of Proposed Site of Lorry Park and Storm Water Storage Pond at the Barton, North Tawton. Exeter Archaeology Report. 03.60. A4 stapled + Digital. 2. |
| |
SDV267536 | Personal Comment: Griffith, F. M.. 1989. North Tawton Roman Forts. |
SDV267542 | Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1984. DAP/AU. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 7-12. |
| |
SDV267543 | Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1984. DAP/BF. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 7-8. |
| |
SDV267544 | Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1984. DAP/BH. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 23. |
| |
SDV267545 | Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1984. DAP/AF. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 4. |
| |
SDV267547 | Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1984. DAP/BN. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 3, 4, 4A. |
| |
SDV267548 | Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1984. DAP/CG. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 4, 5. |
| |
SDV267549 | Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1984. DAP/DC. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 6-13. |
| |
SDV267551 | Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1984. DAP/DG. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 3-10. |
| |
SDV267556 | Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card: Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division. 1985. SS60SE23. Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card. Card Index. |
| |
SDV267561 | Aerial Photograph: National Monuments Record. SS6500. National Monuments Record Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 3-4. |
| |
SDV267562 | Aerial Photograph: National Monuments Record. SS6600. National Monuments Record Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 4-8, 10-11, 14-23, 25-36, 41-46, 52, 57-61. |
| |
SDV267566 | Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1989. DAP/LS. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 13, 14. |
| |
SDV267567 | Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1990. DAP/TP. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 15. |
| |
SDV267568 | Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1990. DAP/TQ. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 1, 2. |
| |
SDV267570 | Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1996. DAP/AAN. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 10-14. |
| |
SDV274730 | Aerial Photograph: Cambridge University. 1975. CUC/BTR. Cambridge University Collection of Aerial Photographs. Photograph (Paper) + Digital (Scan). 23-24. |
| |
SDV274744 | Report - Assessment: Exeter Archaeology. 1999. Archaeological Assessment of a Proposed Development Site at Barton Hill, North Tawton. Exeter Archaeology Report. 99.88. A4 Stapled + Digital. 2. |
| |
SDV319191 | Report - Assessment: Gent, T. H.. 1996. Archaeological Assessment of a Proposed Golf Course at the Hams, North Tawton. Exeter Archaeology Report. 96.09. A4 Stapled + Digital. 3, 11. |
| |
SDV319972 | Report - Watching Brief: Passmore, A. J.. 2004. Archaeological Recording at Site of New Warehouse for Vital Dog Supplies, The Barton, North Tawton. Exeter Archaeology Report. 04.11. A4 Stapled + Digital. 1-2. |
| |
SDV321540 | Cartographic: Young, A.. 2005. Transcriptions from Winkleigh Biomass Plant National Mapping Programme (NMP) project. Digital. [Mapped feature: #86416 ] |
| |
SDV342694 | Report - non-specific: English Heritage. 2009. Heritage at Risk Register 2009: South West. English Heritage Report. A4 Bound +Digital. 119. |
| |
SDV343864 | Schedule Document: Department of Environment. 2003. Roman Forts, Marching Camps and Associated Monuments. The Schedule of Monuments. A4 Stapled. |
| |
SDV343865 | National Monuments Record Database: National Monuments Record. 2009. 1032516. National Monuments Record Index. Website. |
| |
SDV343866 | National Monuments Record Database: National Monuments Record. 2009. 34267. National Monuments Record Index. Website. |
| |
SDV343867 | Article in Serial: Frere, S. S.. 1989. Roman Britain in 1988. Britannia. 20. Unknown. |
| |
SDV343868 | Personal Comment: Holbrook, N.. 1988. North Tawton Roman Forts. |
SDV344777 | Report - non-specific: English Heritage. 2010. Heritage at Risk Register 2010: South West. English Heritage Report. Digital. 112. |
| |
SDV347069 | Interpretation: Miller, A.. 1995 - 1996. Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England Aerial Photograph Primary Recording Project. Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England Aerial Photograph P. Digital. |
| |
SDV348293 | Report - Survey: Stocker, S.. 2010. Field Walk Report. Digital. |
| |
SDV35304 | Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1984. DAP/DD. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 1-4A. |
| |
SDV35308 | Article in Serial: Griffith, F. M.. 1984. Roman Military Sites in Devon: Some Recent Discoveries. Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society. 42. A5 Paperback. 20-5, Figs. 4-5, Pl. 6. |
| |
SDV35311 | Article in Serial: Frere, S. S.. 1985. Roman Britain in 1984. Britannia. 16. Unknown. 305. |
| |
SDV35314 | Article in Serial: Maxwell, G. S. + Wilson, D. R.. 1987. Air Reconnaissance in Roman Britain 1977-84. Britannia. 18. Unknown. 3-5. |
| |
SDV355280 | Report - non-specific: English Heritage. 2011. Heritage at Risk Register 2011: South West. english Heritage. Digital. 118. |
| |
SDV358473 | Interpretation: Young, A. & Turner, S.. 2005-2006. North Devon/Winkleigh Biomass Plant National Mapping Programme (NMP) project database records. Cornwall Council Report. Digital. PRN167055. |
| |
SDV53187 | Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1989. DAP/LN. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 10-12. |
| |
Associated Monuments
MDV55835 | Parent of: Building within the North Tawton Roman military complex (Monument) |
MDV55835 | Related to: Building within the North Tawton Roman military complex (Monument) |
MDV103778 | Part of: Roman Military Complex at North Tawton (Monument) |
MDV1049 | Related to: Bathe Pool, North Tawton (Monument) |
MDV55835 | Parent of: Building within the North Tawton Roman military complex (Monument) |
MDV55835 | Related to: Building within the North Tawton Roman military complex (Monument) |
MDV6841 | Related to: North Tawton Roman Fort I (Monument) |
MDV29192 | Related to: Ring Ditch to south of The Barton, North Tawton (Monument) |
MDV4525 | Related to: Roman Marching Camp north of The Barton, North Tawton I (Monument) |
MDV70556 | Related to: Roman Marching Camp North of The Barton, North Tawton II (Monument) |
MDV107141 | Related to: Roman Road from North Tawton Roman Fortress to Okehampton (Monument) |
MDV67181 | Related to: TRACKWAY in the Parish of North Tawton (Monument) |
Associated Finds
- FDV43 - TILE (Unknown date)
- FDV42 - SHERD (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
Associated Events
- EDV379 - Archaeological recording at site of new warehouse for Vital Dog Supplies, The Barton, North Tawton
- EDV41 - Unnamed Event
- EDV42 - Unnamed Event
- EDV7455 - Winkleigh Biomass Plant National Mapping Programme
- EDV5671 - Field Survey South of Newland Mill
Date Last Edited: | Jun 25 2021 4:40PM |
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