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HER Number:MDV32375
Name:Eyecatcher south of Upcott House


Folly, circa 1800, sham Gothic ruin.

Summary from record MDV58375:
Lower down the Taw estuary (from Upcott house) there is a folly. An eye-catcher in the form of a castellated sham gatehouse.


Grid Reference:SS 543 345
Map Sheet:SS53SW
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishPilton West
DistrictNorth Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishPILTON

Protected Status

Other References/Statuses

  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SS53NW/143/1
  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SS53SW/133
  • Old Listed Building Ref (II)
  • Old Listed Building Ref (II): 98249
  • SHINE Candidate (Yes)

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • FOLLY (XVIII - 1701 AD to 1800 AD)
  • FOLLY (XVIII to XXI - 1751 AD to 2009 AD)

Full description

REED, Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV1862.

This most probably commemorates the exploits of lt col harding, who fought as a lieutenant and ensign in the peninsular campaigns of 1812-13 (reed).

MAP, Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV23657.

'triumphal arch' recorded on 1843 map of barnstaple (map).

Department of Environment, Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV330426.

Eyecatcher approx 600m south of upcott house. Folly, circa 1800, sham gothic ruin, stone rubble on rubble plinth. Segmental brick arch with moulded imposts and remains of brick features above. Blind loop patters of two roundels. Flanking walls. Three brick crenellations. Low rubble wall curves away on west side (doe).

Department of Environment, Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV335572.

Eye-catcher to be seen from upcott house. C.1800. Sham gothic ruin, stone rubble on rubble plinth. Large central opening with segmental brick arch. Flanking walls resemble towers and have brick crenellations. Low rubble wall curves away on w side (doe).

Goodwin, N., Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV59686.

Vis=27/6/1989 (goodwin) folly in good condition. Depth of arch 6m. Depth of wall 1m approx (goodwin).

Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV62865.

Cherry, b, + pevsner, n. /devon/(1989)630.

Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV62866.

Des=doe/hhr:pitton west/(1984)39.

Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV62867.

Des=map of barnstaple/(1843)/copy in smr map tank.

Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV72632.

Doe/hhr:west pilton/(16/11/1984)39.

Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV72634.

Reed, m. A. /pilton,it's past and it's people/(nd)32.

Goodwin, N., 1989, Eye-Cater Approx 600m south of Upcott House (Worksheet). SDV72633.

Des=worksheet and slide/(goodwin,1989).

Cherry, B. + Pevsner, N., 1989, The Buildings of England: Devon (Monograph). SDV325629.

Lower down the taw estuary (from upcott house) there is a folly. An eye-catcher in the form of a castellated sham gatehouse (cherry + pevsner).

Cherry, B. + Pevsner, N., 1989, The Buildings of England: Devon, 630 (Monograph). SDV325629.

Folly in the form of a castellated sham gatehouse (cherry + pevsner).

Gray, T., 1995, The Garden History of Devon: An Illustrated Guide to Sources, 226 (Monograph). SDV671.

Devon Gardens Trust, 1999, Devon Local Register, 143 (Un-published). SDV170167.

Hegarty, C. & Knight, S., 2012-2013, North Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty National Mapping Programme Project site visit, 19-FEB-2013 (Site Visit). SDV349357.

Although not part of the ND AONB project this structure was viewed from the road and has ivy covering its western tower.

Clark, J. + Richardson, D., 2013, Upcott House (Un-published). SDV358317.

Lower down the Taw estuary is a folly - an eyecatcher in the form of a castellated sham gatehouse of about 1800.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV170167Un-published: Devon Gardens Trust. 1999. Devon Local Register. Devon Local Register of Parks and Gardens of Local Historic Interest. A4 Stapled + Digital. 143.
SDV1862Migrated Record: REED.
SDV23657Migrated Record: MAP.
SDV325629Monograph: Cherry, B. + Pevsner, N.. 1989. The Buildings of England: Devon. The Buildings of England: Devon. Hardback Volume.
SDV330426Migrated Record: Department of Environment.
SDV335572Migrated Record: Department of Environment.
SDV349357Site Visit: Hegarty, C. & Knight, S.. 2012-2013. North Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty National Mapping Programme Project site visit. ND AONB NMP. Digital. 19-FEB-2013.
Linked images:24
SDV358317Un-published: Clark, J. + Richardson, D.. 2013. Upcott House. Devon Local Register of Parks and Gardens of Local Historic Interest. Digital.
SDV59686Migrated Record: Goodwin, N..
SDV62865Migrated Record:
SDV62866Migrated Record:
SDV62867Migrated Record:
SDV671Monograph: Gray, T.. 1995. The Garden History of Devon: An Illustrated Guide to Sources. The Garden History of Devon: An Illustrated Guide to Sources. Paperback Volume. 226.
SDV72632Migrated Record:
SDV72633Worksheet: Goodwin, N.. 1989. Eye-Cater Approx 600m south of Upcott House. Worksheet + Digital.
SDV72634Migrated Record:

Associated Monuments

MDV134970Related to: Post-medieval parkland features south of Pilland, Pilton West (Monument)
MDV64788Related to: Upcott House Park and Gardens (Monument)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events: none recorded

Date Last Edited:Aug 1 2024 3:49PM