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HER Number:MDV3686
Name:Kigbeare, Chapel Meadow


The field name, Chapel Meadow may suggest the site of a chapel, although no confirming documentary evidence has been located.


Grid Reference:SX 540 959
Map Sheet:SX59NW
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishNorthlew
DistrictWest Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishNORTHLEW

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses

  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SX59NW/38

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • CHAPEL (VIII to Late Medieval - 701 AD to 1539 AD)

Full description

Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division, SX59NW, 8 (Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card). SDV227277.

The Bishops registers, down to 1455, have no record of oratory or licence to celebrate at Kigbeare although the site of the chapel is marked on Norden's map (citing Young).

NMR, Untitled Source (National Monuments Record Database). SDV227273.

The church symbol used on Norden's map is applied to all villages, so may not be authoritative (citing OS).

1840, Okehampton (Cartographic). SDV227270.

Field name Chapel Meadow marked on Tithe Map (no.1731).

Reichel, O. J., 1910, The Hundred of Sulfretona or Hairidge in Early Times, 234 (Article in Serial). SDV39757.

Kigbeare was a Domesday estate held by Rainer, House Steward of Baldwin the Sheriff.

Reichel, O. J., 1928 - 1938, The Hundred of Black Torrington in Early Times, 197, 222, 241 (Article in Monograph). SDV2105.

Kigbeare was Cacheberga in Domesday. It was held by Rainer de Langford of Baldwin the Sheriff. Before the conquest it was held by Sewiy, or Sawy. In 1166 the Black Book of the Exchequer shows that Roger de Langford held it. In 1241, Geoffrey Coffin was in possession of "Cakebear and Croffte".

Young, E. H., 1932, Okehampton, 5-7 (Monograph). SDV227286.

Bridgwater, R. + Miles, T., 1978, A Trial Excavation at Kigbeare, Okehampton Hamlets, 241-244 (Article in Serial). SDV321866.

South of Kigbeare Farm are two fields, Chapel Field and Old Town Mead. Old Town Mead contains surface irregularities, apparently house platforms and boundary banks. Chapel Field has no surviving surface indications and the Bishop's Registers contain no mention of a chapel at Kigbeare, certainly down to 1455.

Griffith, F. M., 1986, DAP/GM, 1-4 (Aerial Photograph). SDV227287.

Griffith, F. M., 1999, Untitled Source (Site Visit). SDV321876.

Chapel Meadow is stable under grass.

Exeter Archaeology, 2004, Archaeological Assessment of Proposed Golf Course at Kigbeare Manor Farm, Southcott, Okehampton, 1, 4 (Report - Assessment). SDV321807.

The field name, Chapel Meadow may suggest the site of a chapel, although no confirming documentary evidence has been located. The east side of this field slopes down to the east. A low curving bank, about 40m long, is visible 5m from the boundary. The enclosed area also has an east-west bank dividing it into two, possibly to provide animal pens.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV2105Article in Monograph: Reichel, O. J.. 1928 - 1938. The Hundred of Black Torrington in Early Times. The Hundreds of Devon. A5 Hardback. 197, 222, 241.
SDV227270Cartographic: 1840. Okehampton. Tithe Map.
SDV227273National Monuments Record Database: NMR.
SDV227277Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card: Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division. SX59NW. 8.
SDV227286Monograph: Young, E. H.. 1932. Okehampton. Parochial Histories of Devonshire. 1. Unknown. 5-7.
SDV227287Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1986. DAP/GM. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 1-4.
SDV321807Report - Assessment: Exeter Archaeology. 2004. Archaeological Assessment of Proposed Golf Course at Kigbeare Manor Farm, Southcott, Okehampton. Exeter Archaeology Report. 04.33. A4 Stapled + Digital. 1, 4.
SDV321866Article in Serial: Bridgwater, R. + Miles, T.. 1978. A Trial Excavation at Kigbeare, Okehampton Hamlets. Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society. 36. 241-244.
SDV321876Site Visit: Griffith, F. M.. 1999.
SDV39757Article in Serial: Reichel, O. J.. 1910. The Hundred of Sulfretona or Hairidge in Early Times. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 42. A5 Hardback. 234.

Associated Monuments

MDV71399Part of: Kigbeare Manor Farm (Monument)
MDV16712Related to: FARMSTEAD in the Parish of Northlew (Monument)
MDV71405Related to: Kigbeare, Old Town Mead (Monument)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV1645 - Unnamed Event
  • EDV1646 - Archaeological Assessment of Proposed Golf Course at Kigbeare Manor Farm, Southcott, Okehampton

Date Last Edited:Jun 1 2022 11:43AM