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HER Number:MDV3882
Name:Southern Portal to Tavistock Canal Tunnel


19th century southern entrance of the tunnel cut through Morwell Down for the Tavistock Canal.


Grid Reference:SX 448 702
Map Sheet:SX47SW
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishGulworthy
DistrictWest Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishTAVISTOCK

Protected Status

Other References/Statuses

  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SX47SW/509
  • Old Listed Building Ref (II)

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • TUNNEL (XIX - 1801 AD to 1900 AD)

Full description

Hedges, C., 1975, The Tavistock Canal. A Short History (Monograph). SDV361772.

Minchinton, W. E., 1976, Industrial Archaeology in Devon, 30 (Monograph). SDV7016.

This is the southern entrance of the tunnel cut through Morwell Down for the passage of the Tavistock Canal.

Department of Environment, 1987, Gulworthy, 109 (List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest). SDV220874.

Fuller details of Tavistock Canal on PRN 3879. South portal to the Tavistock Canal Tunnel dated 1803. The Tavistock Canal was built between 1803 and 1817 by John Taylor. Coursed granite rubble with stone datestone. The Tavistock Canal connected the Tavy to the Tamar over a distance of 4 1/2 miles. For nearly 2 miles it runs in a tunnel under Morwell Down; from the south portal it is connected to Morwellham by an incline plane with a drop of 237 feet. Round headed archway with voussoirs and keystone, datestone above. Flanking walls.

Greeves, T. A. P., 1991, Untitled Source, 1 (Monograph). SDV336667.

Cox, J. + Thorp, J. R. L., 1992, Canal Cottage, Morwellham (Report - Survey). SDV336711.

Harris, W. B., 1995, Hydro-Electricity in Devon: Past, Present and Future, 273 (Article in Serial). SDV125385.

The iron barges were towed along the open canal by horses but worked through the tunnel by 2 men using iron bars against the rock face.

Dyer, M. J. + Manning, P. T., 1998, Objective 5B: Lower Tamar Valley Recreation and Land Management Iinitiative: Cultural Heritage Appraisal, 40 (Report - non-specific). SDV319814.

Greeves, T., 2003, The Tavistock Canal: A Review, 14 (Report - non-specific). SDV356552.

Buck, C., 2005, Wheal Russell Mine, Devon: Archaeological Assessment, 45-6 (Report - Assessment). SDV336659.

The south portal of the tunnel (Site 58.1) under Morwell Down on the Tavistock Canal has a round headed archway with flanking walls. The top half of the portal collapsed after heavy rain in 1990 & was rebuilt though not to its original height off 12 feet. Other details: Fig 24.

Buck, C., 2012, Morwell Wood Trail, Nr Morwellham, Devon: Impact Assessment
Nr Morwellham, Devon
Impact assessment, 15
(Report - Assessment). SDV361384.

Tunnel portal will be visible from the proposed Morwell Wood Trail.

Waterhouse, R., 2017, The Tavistock Canal. Its History and Archaeology, 361-380, fig (Monograph). SDV361789.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV125385Article in Serial: Harris, W. B.. 1995. Hydro-Electricity in Devon: Past, Present and Future. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 127. A5 Paperback. 273.
SDV220874List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest: Department of Environment. 1987. Gulworthy. Historic Houses Register. Website. 109.
SDV319814Report - non-specific: Dyer, M. J. + Manning, P. T.. 1998. Objective 5B: Lower Tamar Valley Recreation and Land Management Iinitiative: Cultural Heritage Appraisal. Exeter Archaeology Report. 98.60. A4 Stapled + Digital. 40.
SDV336659Report - Assessment: Buck, C.. 2005. Wheal Russell Mine, Devon: Archaeological Assessment. Cornwall County Council Report. 2006R0004. A4 Stapled + Digital. 45-6.
SDV336667Monograph: Greeves, T. A. P.. 1991. An Assessment of Copper Mining in Devon (Copper, Brass, Tin). Unknown. 1.
SDV336711Report - Survey: Cox, J. + Thorp, J. R. L.. 1992. Canal Cottage, Morwellham. Keystone Historic Buildings Consultants Report. K401. A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV356552Report - non-specific: Greeves, T.. 2003. The Tavistock Canal: A Review. Digital. 14.
SDV361384Report - Assessment: Buck, C.. 2012. Morwell Wood Trail, Nr Morwellham, Devon: Impact Assessment Nr Morwellham, Devon Impact assessment. Cornwall Council Historic Environment Service Report. 2012R064. Digital. 15.
SDV361772Monograph: Hedges, C.. 1975. The Tavistock Canal. A Short History. The Tavistock Canal. A5 Paperback.
SDV361789Monograph: Waterhouse, R.. 2017. The Tavistock Canal. Its History and Archaeology. The Tavistock Canal. Its History and Archaeology. Paperback Volume. 361-380, fig.
SDV7016Monograph: Minchinton, W. E.. 1976. Industrial Archaeology in Devon. Industrial Archaeology in Devon. Paperback Volume. 30.

Associated Monuments

MDV4069Part of: Tavistock Canal Tunnel (Monument)
MDV4069Related to: Tavistock Canal Tunnel (Monument)
MDV3879Part of: Tavistock Canal, Western Section (Monument)
MDV3879Related to: Tavistock Canal, Western Section (Monument)
MDV72855Related to: Buildings at the south end of the Tavistock Canal Tunnel (Monument)
MDV4069Part of: Tavistock Canal Tunnel (Monument)
MDV4069Related to: Tavistock Canal Tunnel (Monument)
MDV72859Related to: Tavistock Canal, Streamwork (Monument)
MDV52866Related to: Tavistock Canal, Weir & Sluice (Monument)
MDV3879Part of: Tavistock Canal, Western Section (Monument)
MDV3879Related to: Tavistock Canal, Western Section (Monument)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV4040 - Wheal Russell Mine, Devon: Archaeological Assessment
  • EDV8013 - Survey of the Tavistock Canal Tunnel on Morwelldown
  • EDV9109 - Impact Assessment: Proposed Morwell Wood Trail, Wheal Maria, Gulworthy

Date Last Edited:Aug 29 2024 12:55PM