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HER Number: | MDV3920 |
Name: | Stone Coffin, Betsy Grimball's Tower |
Large stone coffin found when the Chapter House was destroyed, now under the arch of the former Great Gate of the Abbey. The bones contained in it are now in the Parish Church.
Grid Reference: | SX 481 743 |
Map Sheet: | SX47SE |
Admin Area | Devon |
Civil Parish | Tavistock |
District | West Devon |
Ecclesiastical Parish | TAVISTOCK |
Protected Status
Other References/Statuses
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SX47SE/1/1
Monument Type(s) and Dates
Full description
Kingdon, E. V., Untitled Source (Monograph). SDV259004.
Bones, said to be those of Ordulph, founder of the Abbey, were found in a stone coffin during the excavation for the foundations of the Bedford Hotel. The coffin is kept in 'Betty Grimball's' Tower, and appears to be a large ornamental trough with two outlets for water in its base. It is made of moorland granite and appears to be very old. The sarcophagus was unearthed when the chapter house was destroyed.
Webber, J. M., Untitled Source, 141 (Article in Serial). SDV259008.
Radford, E. L., 1932 - 1933, The Buildings of Tavistock Abbey after the Dissolution, 199 (Article in Serial). SDV249296.
Still preserved in the vicarage garden, 1.35 metres long inside. The bones, said to be of two men, one of enormous stature, are now in the Parish Church. Thought to be those of the founder because of his supposed size and the fact that the coffin was found under the Chapter House.
Finberg, H. P. R., 1946, Childe's tomb, 265-280 (Article in Serial). SDV259009.
Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division, 1950-77, SX47SE3 (Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card). SDV259006.
A stone coffin, found in the early 18th century on the site of Tavistock Abbey, contained bones of exceptional size, possibly those of Ordulph II and Aelfgar his brother, of 11th century date. This is probably the tomb referred to by William of Malmesbury.
The coffin said to have been found on the site of the Chapter House, is now preserved in Betsy Grimbal's Tower.
Appears to be a large ornamental trough with two outlets for water in its base. It is made from moorland granite and appears to be very old.
Dodd, M., 2004, Dean Milles Parochial Survey. Questionnaire (1747-1762) (Un-published). SDV162499.
Respondent to Dean Milles questionnaire mentions the tomb of the son of Aidgan, as being that of the founder of the Abbey and one of only a few surviving features.
English Heritage, 2012, National Heritage List for England (National Heritage List for England). SDV348729.
Under the arch (of the Great Gate of the Abbey) stands the stone coffin found when the Chapter House was destroyed. The bones contained in it are now in St Eustachius' Church.
Sources / Further Reading
SDV162499 | Un-published: Dodd, M.. 2004. Dean Milles Parochial Survey. Questionnaire (1747-1762). Dean Milles Parochial Survey. Questionnarie (1747-62). Digital. |
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SDV249296 | Article in Serial: Radford, E. L.. 1932 - 1933. The Buildings of Tavistock Abbey after the Dissolution. Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. 17. Unknown. 199. |
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SDV259004 | Monograph: Kingdon, E. V.. Guide to Tavistock Abbey Remains. Unknown. |
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SDV259006 | Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Card: Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division. 1950-77. SX47SE3. OSAD Card. Card Index + Digital. |
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SDV259008 | Article in Serial: Webber, J. M.. Western Antiquary. 141. 141. |
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SDV259009 | Article in Serial: Finberg, H. P. R.. 1946. Childe's tomb. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 78. 265-280. |
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SDV348729 | National Heritage List for England: English Heritage. 2012. National Heritage List for England. Website. [Mapped feature: #90168 ] |
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Associated Monuments
MDV3919 | Part of: Tavistock Abbey (Monument) |
Associated Finds: none recorded
Associated Events: none recorded
Date Last Edited: | Aug 1 2018 1:57PM |
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