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HER Number:MDV39369
Name:Battle Headquarters, Dunkeswell Airfield


Sunken building with four main rooms below ground and an observation post above ground with a narrow aperture allowing a 360 degree field of view. Constructed of brick with a concrete floor.


Grid Reference:ST 133 083
Map Sheet:ST10NW
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishDunkeswell
DistrictEast Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishDUNKESWELL

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses

  • Old DCC SMR Ref: ST10NW/41/1

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • BATTLE HEADQUARTERS (Built, World War II - 1939 AD (Between) to 1945 AD (Between))

Full description

Hellis, J., 1990, List of Defensive Sites (Un-published). SDV99101.

Battle command post, underground bunker connected to a square bunker with a narrow slit covering 360 degrees. Ngr given as ST133078.

Hellis, J., 1992, The Taunton Stop Line, 41 (Article in Serial). SDV130111.

Hellis comments that Dunkeswell Airfield was unusual in having a Battle HQ but no other defences or pillboxes.

Hellis, J., 1994, Gazetteer of Military Sites (Un-published). SDV96315.

Site lies at ST13520836. Nearby at ST13530835 there is an infantry slit trench.

Francis, P., 1995, Blackdown Hills Airfield Survey. Dunkeswell and Upottery, No. 19, Figs 4, 5 (Report - Survey). SDV312951.

Building 65. Battle headquarters. Construction: 13.5 inch brick walls, concrete floor, sunken building containing four main rooms below ground and an observation post exposed above ground with narrow aperture allowing 360 degree field of view. Brick-built main entrance steps and passageway at one end and emergency escape hatch close to the observation post.
Function: headquarters building for the local defence authorities for co-ordination of airfield defence. Appears to be in excellent condition although not inspected internally due to its flooded state (water level approx 1.5 feet deep). Although a common structure on airfields, this example is worthy of preservation because of its apparently good condition. Someone has been engaged in looking after it as corrugated iron sheeting weighed down by sand-bags had been placed over the emergency escape hatch.

English Heritage, 2002, Dunkeswell Airfield, Devon (Correspondence). SDV361968.

Letter highlighting the unique historical importance of the airfield and its associated structures and the challenges in how best to protect it, particularly given the dispersed layout of the site.
One structure, the Battle Headquarters, has been flagged as a candidate for scheduling and is currently being assessed.

English Heritage, 2002, Dunkeswell Airfield, Devon - Proposals for Demolition (Correspondence). SDV361967.

Letter outlining preliminary comments on the proposed demolition of sites and structures.
The Battle Headquarters (Site 8) is to be considered for protection through scheduling. An objection to its proposed demolition is anticipated.

Bluesky International Ltd/Getmapping PLC, 2015-2017, 2015-2017 Aerial Photographs (Aerial Photograph). SDV361462.

Site of building hidden by tree cover.

Ordnance Survey, 2018, MasterMap 2018 (Cartographic). SDV360652.

Ruined structure shown.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV130111Article in Serial: Hellis, J.. 1992. The Taunton Stop Line. Fortress. 14. Unknown. 41.
SDV312951Report - Survey: Francis, P.. 1995. Blackdown Hills Airfield Survey. Dunkeswell and Upottery. Blackdown Hills AONB. A4 Comb Bound + Digital. No. 19, Figs 4, 5.
SDV360652Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2018. MasterMap 2018. Ordnance Survey Digital Mapping. Digital. [Mapped feature: #114536 ]
SDV361462Aerial Photograph: Bluesky International Ltd/Getmapping PLC. 2015-2017. 2015-2017 Aerial Photographs. Bluesky International Ltd/Getmapping PLC. Photograph (Digital).
SDV361967Correspondence: English Heritage. 2002. Dunkeswell Airfield, Devon - Proposals for Demolition. Letter to Defence Estates South West. Letter + Digital.
SDV361968Correspondence: English Heritage. 2002. Dunkeswell Airfield, Devon. Letter to Defence Estates South West. Letter + Digital.
SDV96315Un-published: Hellis, J.. 1994. Gazetteer of Military Sites. Gazetteer of Military Sites.
SDV99101Un-published: Hellis, J.. 1990. List of Defensive Sites. Manuscript.

Associated Monuments

MDV45090Part of: Dunkeswell Airfield (Monument)
MDV39370Related to: Airfield Building, Dunkeswell Airfield (Monument)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV4948 - Blackdown Hills Airfield Survey

Date Last Edited:Oct 24 2024 6:36PM