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HER Number:MDV39402
Name:Pillbox at Torcross Point, Stokenham


A World War II pillbox, effectively camouflaged by the use of local materials in its construction.


Grid Reference:SX 823 419
Map Sheet:SX84SW
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishStokenham
DistrictSouth Hams
Ecclesiastical ParishSTOKENHAM

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses

  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SX84SW/34

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • PILLBOX (Constructed, World War II - 1939 AD (Between) to 1945 AD (Between))

Full description

Hellis, J., 1989, Pillbox at Torcross, JH Site 00119 (Ground Photograph). SDV175464.

Hellis, J., 1990, List of Defensive Sites (Un-published). SDV99101.

Pillbox of local design, a very clever use of local stone, even at close range it is well concealed.

Horner, B., 1995, Torcross (Site Visit). SDV175463.

Site visit 28th February 1995. Camouflaged pillbox sited beside what is now steps and path up Torcross Point. The path enters the covered way at this point also.
Other details: Slide

Jury, R., 1996, Torcross Defensive Sites (Worksheet). SDV175465.

One of six sites set in the cliff at the south end of Slapton beach, which rise one above the other and are connected by a path. The gun emplacement, one pillbox and the path are in good conditon. One other structure (presumably a pillbox) has subsided. No trace of a third pillbox seen, unless it is incorporated into tunnel leading to the gun position.

Webster, C. J., 2010, Coastal Defences at Torcross (Ground Photograph). SDV345712.

Passmore, A. + Passmore, M., 2010, Second World War Pillboxes, 2, 4 (Leaflet). SDV345308.

The use of local materials provides effective camouflage. Other details: Photograph.

Webster, C. J., 2010, World War II Coastal Defences at Torcross (Personal Comment). SDV345704.

Pillbox at Torcross. Appears to be custom design with pointed projection. Access from the sea side along a passage with external wall. Blocked door (covered by a sign) giving access from footpath, which is roofed with concrete a bit higher up. Other details: Photographs P302096, P302105.

Buck, C., 2012, South West Coast Path Project: Archaeological Impact Assessments of Sites at Burgh Island, Torcross and West Soar, South Hams, Devon (Report - Assessment). SDV352383.

The structural condition of this WWII pillbox is relatively sound and illustrates to good effect the role that Torcross played in war preparations in the early 1940s. Structural repair to corners recommended, where iron reinforcing bars revealed and repointing where necessary.

Buck, C., 2014, South West Coast Path Project, Archaeological Recording of Building Conservation, South Hams (Report - Survey). SDV356258.

Structure is relativley sound. Minimal conservation works were necessary. The concrete was treated and 'paint on products' used on the iron works. Access to the pillbox was further restricted due to health and safety concerns.

Ordnance Survey, 2025, Mastermap 2025 (Cartographic). SDV366286.

Irregular shaped building shown adjacent to steps at Torcross.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV175463Site Visit: Horner, B.. 1995. Torcross. Slide.
SDV175464Ground Photograph: Hellis, J.. 1989. Pillbox at Torcross. Photograph (Paper). JH Site 00119.
SDV175465Worksheet: Jury, R.. 1996. Torcross Defensive Sites. Defence of Britain Project. Worksheet + Digital.
SDV345308Leaflet: Passmore, A. + Passmore, M.. 2010. Second World War Pillboxes. A Brief Introduction to Twentieth Century Military and Civil Defence Archaeology in Devon. 13. A4 Folded. 2, 4.
SDV345704Personal Comment: Webster, C. J.. 2010. World War II Coastal Defences at Torcross. Printout.
SDV345712Ground Photograph: Webster, C. J.. 2010. Coastal Defences at Torcross. Photograph (Digital).
SDV352383Report - Assessment: Buck, C.. 2012. South West Coast Path Project: Archaeological Impact Assessments of Sites at Burgh Island, Torcross and West Soar, South Hams, Devon. Cornwall Council Historic Environment Service Report. 2012R045. A4 Comb Bound + Digital.
SDV356258Report - Survey: Buck, C.. 2014. South West Coast Path Project, Archaeological Recording of Building Conservation, South Hams. Cornwall Council Report. 2014R001. Digital.
SDV366286Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2025. Mastermap 2025. Ordnance Survey Digital Mapping. Digital. [Mapped feature: #90288 ]
SDV99101Un-published: Hellis, J.. 1990. List of Defensive Sites. Manuscript.

Associated Monuments

MDV39405Related to: Torcross Mortar Bunker (Monument)
MDV39404Related to: World War II Covered Way at Stokenham (Monument)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV4922 - Site Visit to World War II Pillbox at Torcross
  • EDV4950 - Visit to Coastal Defences at Torcross
  • EDV6399 - Recording of Building Conservation, World War II pillbox at Torcross (Ref: 2014R001)

Date Last Edited:Jan 23 2025 2:29PM