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HER Number: | MDV4083 |
Name: | East Wheal Russell Mine |
Before East Wheal Russell was worked to produce copper ore and black tin in the mid-19th century, it was the site of the southern lode of Holming Beam. Spoil heaps were transcribed from aerial photographs as part of the NMP survey of the Tamar Valley AONB.
Grid Reference: | SX 451 710 |
Map Sheet: | SX47SE |
Admin Area | Devon |
Civil Parish | Gulworthy |
District | West Devon |
Ecclesiastical Parish | TAVISTOCK |
Protected Status: none recorded
Other References/Statuses
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SX47SE/40
Monument Type(s) and Dates
- COPPER MINE (XIX - 1853 AD to 1859 AD (Between))
- TIN MINE (XIX - 1853 AD to 1859 AD (Between))
Full description
Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV1142.
Worksheet contains more details of above and copy of 1906 map (worksheet).
OS 1885, 1906, Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV216818.
Early os maps show buildings next to road and position of main shafts. Mine disused (os 1885, 1906).
1905/1938, Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV216820.
Above ngr. Refers to buildings - rough extent of mine marked on overlay also on adjacent map: sx47sw/532. "east wheal russell (copper, disused)" marked on os 6" (1905/1938) map (os).
Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV216821.
Ramsden, j. V. /tda/84(1952)99/notes on the mines of devonshire.
Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV216822.
Dines, h. G. /the metalliferous mining region of sw england vol 2/(1956)675- 676.
Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV216823.
Booker, f. /the industrial archaeology of the tamar valley/(1971)137.
Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV216824.
Des=os 6" map/(1885).
Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV216825.
Des=os 25" map/(1906).
Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV216826.
Des=os 25" map/(1953).
Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV216827.
Des=worksheet + map/weddell, p.(17/2/1984)in parish file.
Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV216828.
Des=os 6"(1905/1938)105se.
Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV216829.
Richardson, p. H. G. /british mining/44(1992)139/mines of dartmoor and the tamar valley after 1913.
BOOKER, Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV256537.
Suggested that work began in 1858, the mine was idle by 1871, high costs incurred because of its situation on high ground (booker).
Dines, H. G., Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV265453.
Also east wheal russell produced copper ore and black tin between 1853 and 1869. Two main shafts, several air shafts to the adit. Also worked from cuttings from tavistock canal tunnel (dines).
Ramsden, J. V., Untitled Source (Migrated Record). SDV38544.
R 11 russell. Plans r 105 b & 3260 - r 19 b - r 50 a m. R. O.(ramsden).
Environment Agency WMS, 1998-2016, LiDAR DTM data JPEG image (1m resolution) (Cartographic). SDV360208.
Surface remains are partly visible on the lidar data.
Cornwall Archaeological Unit, 2001-2002, Tamar Valley National Mapping Programme Transcriptions and Database Records, RAF/CPE/UK/1890/F20/1278-9 (Interpretation). SDV346287.
Transcriptions of spoil heaps visible on aerial photographs RAF/CPE/UK/1890/F20/1278-9 correspond with a database record of a post-medieval mine at West Crebor.
Hegarty, C., Knight, S. and Sims, R., 2016, Backlog Recording of the Tamar Valley National Mapping Programme Survey (Personal Comment). SDV359374.
East Wheal Russell produced copper ore and black tin between 1853 and 1869. Spoil heaps were transcribed from aerial photographs as part of the NMP survey of the Tamar Valley AONB.
The aerial photograph reference given in the Tamar Valley NMP transcription attributes is incomplete; the date of the photograph is not included.
Waterhouse, R., 2017, The Tavistock Canal. Its History and Archaeology, 170-173, 188, figs 6.22-4, 6.38-41 (Monograph). SDV361789.
East Wheal Russell probably has origins around the early 18th century, although possibly earlier; the Holming Beam lodes exploited prior to this sett were worked from at least the 16th century, although they were developed to some depth before the early 18th century.
The Holming Beam south lode was driven on what would become the East Wheal Russell main lode. A deep adit, it was worked from 1852 to around 1875, and again in the 1880s - 1890s. Waterhouse records the adit is still passable for 27 metres and includes internal photograph.
The Tavistock Canal Company worked East Wheal Russell in the early 19th century and it was worked throughout that century until around the 1880s - 90s, possibly again with Wheal Russell.
Sources / Further Reading
SDV1142 | Migrated Record: |
SDV216818 | Migrated Record: OS 1885, 1906. |
SDV216820 | Migrated Record: 1905/1938. |
SDV216821 | Migrated Record: |
SDV216822 | Migrated Record: |
SDV216823 | Migrated Record: |
SDV216824 | Migrated Record: |
SDV216825 | Migrated Record: |
SDV216826 | Migrated Record: |
SDV216827 | Migrated Record: |
SDV216828 | Migrated Record: |
SDV216829 | Migrated Record: |
SDV256537 | Migrated Record: BOOKER. |
SDV265453 | Migrated Record: Dines, H. G.. |
SDV346287 | Interpretation: Cornwall Archaeological Unit. 2001-2002. Tamar Valley National Mapping Programme Transcriptions and Database Records. National Mapping Programme. Map (Digital). RAF/CPE/UK/1890/F20/1278-9. [Mapped feature: #90903 ] |
| |
SDV359374 | Personal Comment: Hegarty, C., Knight, S. and Sims, R.. 2016. Backlog Recording of the Tamar Valley National Mapping Programme Survey. Not Applicable. |
SDV360208 | Cartographic: Environment Agency WMS. 1998-2016. LiDAR DTM data JPEG image (1m resolution). Environment Agency LiDAR data. Digital. |
| |
SDV361789 | Monograph: Waterhouse, R.. 2017. The Tavistock Canal. Its History and Archaeology. The Tavistock Canal. Its History and Archaeology. Paperback Volume. 170-173, 188, figs 6.22-4, 6.38-41. |
| |
SDV38544 | Migrated Record: Ramsden, J. V.. |
Associated Monuments
MDV114364 | Related to: Holming Beam middle lode, Morwell Down (Monument) |
MDV123335 | Related to: Holming Beam north lode, Morwell Down (Monument) |
MDV123336 | Related to: Holming Beam south lode, Morwell Down (Monument) |
MDV123232 | Related to: Tavistock Canal, Main record (Monument) |
MDV22886 | Related to: Wheal Russell Mine, Gulworthy (Monument) |
Associated Finds: none recorded
Associated Events
- EDV6911 - Tamar Valley National Mapping Programme
Date Last Edited: | Nov 15 2018 10:57AM |
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