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HER Number:MDV41992
Name:Roman Occupation at Kingsteignton


Finds and features of Romano-british date were recorded during excavations at Berry Meadow in 1985 suggestive of a prosperous site of the 1st or 2nd century situated nearby.


Grid Reference:SX 871 729
Map Sheet:SX87SE
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishKingsteignton
Ecclesiastical ParishKINGSTEIGNTON

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses

  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SX87SE/10/2

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • SETTLEMENT (I to II - 1 AD (Between) to 200 AD (Between)) + Sci.Date

Full description

Weddell, P. J. + Henderson, C. G., 1985, Excavations at Berry Meadow, Kingsteignton, 1985, 74 (Article in Serial). SDV354914.

A handful of residual prehistoric and Roman pottery was recovered from a medieval pit during excavations alongside Berry Lane in 1985.

Weddell, P. J., 1987, Excavations within the Anglo Saxon Enclosure at Berry Meadow, Kingsteignton, in 1985, 86-89, 90, 92, 94 (Article in Serial). SDV298084.

Finds and features of Romano-British date were noted during excavations at Berry Meadow in 1985. A linear feature of possible Roman date and a fire pit were recorded. The fire pit contained charcoal, burnt stones and fragments of lava stone querns. The charcoal produced a radiocarbon date of AD60-390. Other finds were residual: a sherd of samian ware, a sherd of south Devon ware, two unidentified Roman sherds, a handle fragment from a 1st-2nd century blue glass jug, a base fragment of a pre-AD70 green glass bowl or cup and two fragments of a blue-green glass flask. Weddell suggests that these indicate a prosperous native site of the 1st or 2nd century situated nearby, possibly to the south or west.

Exeter Archaeology, 2006, Archaeological Assessment of Land Adjacent to Church Street, Kingsteignton, 2-3 (Report - Assessment). SDV351199.

Allum, C., 2009, Proposed Re-Development of Land at Newton Road, Kingsteignton, Devon, 4 (Report - Evaluation). SDV347972.

Nowell, J., 2012, Penns Mount, Kingsteignton, Devon: Archaeological Desk Based Assessment, 10 (Report - Assessment). SDV351968.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV298084Article in Serial: Weddell, P. J.. 1987. Excavations within the Anglo Saxon Enclosure at Berry Meadow, Kingsteignton, in 1985. Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society. 45. Paperback Volume. 86-89, 90, 92, 94. [Mapped feature: #91278 ]
SDV347972Report - Evaluation: Allum, C.. 2009. Proposed Re-Development of Land at Newton Road, Kingsteignton, Devon. Context One Archaeological Services Report. EVA/08.NKD. A4 Comb Bound + Digital. 4.
SDV351199Report - Assessment: Exeter Archaeology. 2006. Archaeological Assessment of Land Adjacent to Church Street, Kingsteignton. Exeter Archaeology. 06.85. A4 Stapled + Digital. 2-3.
SDV351968Report - Assessment: Nowell, J.. 2012. Penns Mount, Kingsteignton, Devon: Archaeological Desk Based Assessment. CgMs Consulting Report. 13961. A4 Stapled + Digital. 10.
SDV354914Article in Serial: Weddell, P. J. + Henderson, C. G.. 1985. Excavations at Berry Meadow, Kingsteignton, 1985. Exeter Archaeology 1984/5. A4 Stapled + Digital. 74.

Associated Monuments

MDV9186Related to: Berry Meadow, Kingsteignton (Monument)

Associated Finds

  • FDV1979 - BOWL (I - 1 AD to 70 AD)
  • FDV1981 - POT (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • FDV1977 - QUERN (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • FDV1980 - VESSEL (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • FDV1978 - JUG (I to II - 50 AD to 150 AD)

Associated Events

  • EDV736 - Excavations within the Anglo-Saxon Enclosure at the Bowling Green Berry Meadows

Date Last Edited:Dec 4 2024 3:28PM