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HER Number:MDV43217
Name:Enclosure to North of Hayes Farm, Clyst Honiton


Cropmarks which have formed over infilled ditches of a Roman enclosure are visible on aerial photographs of 1966 onwards, to the northwest of Hayes Farm.


Grid Reference:SX 991 944
Map Sheet:SX99SE
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishClyst Honiton
DistrictEast Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishCLYST HONITON

Protected Status

  • SHINE: Hayes Farm. Bronze Age round barrows and ring ditches; Romano-British square enclosure; post-Roman curvilinear enclosure; Romano British enclosures and features; Iron Age pit/ditch terminal; undated linears, field system and pits north west of Hayes Farm

Other References/Statuses

  • National Monuments Record: 926191
  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SX99SE/154

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • ENCLOSURE (Constructed, Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Full description

Devon County Council, Devon Air Photograph Transcriptions (Cartographic). SDV344181.

Map object previously based on this Source.

Ordnance Survey, 1966, OS/66/185/360 (Aerial Photograph). SDV130131.

Rectangular, almost square, enclosure above the River Clyst plain. The cropmark of this enclosure joins a less rectangular one (see PRN 43233). Lies to the north of Hayes Farm. The aerial photograph was taken at a height of 7500m & retained at Ordnance Survey in Southampton. Other details: Interpreted by Balkwill.

Griffith, F. M., 1979, Untitled Source (Site Visit). SDV122351.

Nothing visible on the ground in rather wet ground conditions. Heavy scatters of modern pottery. The subsoil is gravel, and a proposal for gravel extraction has been made affecting this field.

Griffith, F. M., 1983, DAP/A, 25a (Aerial Photograph). SDV122353.

Griffith, F. M., 1983, Slides (Photograph). SDV122359.

Grinsell, L. V., 1983, The Barrows of South and East Devon, 31 (Article in Serial). SDV337013.

Griffith, F. M., 1983, Untitled Source (Site Visit). SDV122804.

Cropmark very clear in beans. Photos taken. Other details: Also visited 14/8/1983.

Griffith, F. M., 1984, DAP/AX, Devon County Council DAP/AX 10 03-JUL-1984 (Aerial Photograph). SDV122839.

Cropmarks which have formed over infilled ditches are visible.

Griffith, F. M., 1984, DAP/W, 2a & 3 (Aerial Photograph). SDV122809.

Griffith, F. M., 1987, DAP/IM, 1-5 (Aerial Photograph). SDV122818.

Griffith, F. M., 1987, DAP/JA, 8 (Aerial Photograph). SDV122371.

Simpson, S. + Griffith, F. M. + Holbrook, N. + Pearson, T., 1987, Trial excavations at Hayes Farm, Clyst Honiton,1987: Interim report (Report - Excavation). SDV325452.

Frere, S. S., 1988, Roman Britain in 1987. Sites Explored (Article in Serial). SDV99889.

Griffith, F. M., 1989, DAP/MR, 4-6 (Aerial Photograph). SDV122820.

Simpson, S. J. + Griffith, F. M. + Holbrook, N., 1989, The Prehistoric, roman and early Post-Roman site at Hayes Farm, Clyst Honiton, 1-28 (Article in Serial). SDV130135.

Square enclosure with entrance on east side, overlain by PRN 43233. Enclosure 31m by 32m. Large ditch encloses 0.1ha. Half of ditch and half of enclosure were excavated in 1987 in advance of gravel extraction and road reallignment. Ditch generally 2.4m wide and 1.2 - 1.4m deep. Steep profile with narrow, flat bottom. Wider and deeper at entrance with rounded termini flanking causeway c2.4m wide. Two post-holes 1.75m wide suggested gateway, probably set in an internal bank. Contemporary ground surface lost to ploughing but scattered post holes and pits observed in interior. 3 small pits contained carbonised material and some pot. The ditch appeared to have silted rapidly, with evidence of deliberate infilling, particularly near the entrance, where midden deposits contained Roman pot, roof-tile, south Devon slate, burnt clay (?daub), iron nails and hobnails, an iron knife and charred plant remains including grains and chaff, particularly of spelt, indicating crop processing. Pot from the midden included Trajanic and Antonine Samian, 2nd century coarseware, south Devon bowls of the early 3rd century a sherd of southeast Dorset BB ware of the early to mid 3rd century and sherds of sandy-grey ware bowls, cooking pots, handled jars and large storage jars. The ditch silts contained pottery of the later 3rd to early 4th century. The quantity of roof tile (3.84kg) suggests there may have been a building/buildings within the enclosure. A river terrace settlement, occupied from the mid 1st century, operating a mixed arable and pasture economy is suggested.

Horner, B., 1992, DAP/VC, 27-30 (Aerial Photograph). SDV122366.

Horner, B., 1992, DAP/VE, 5-9 (Aerial Photograph). SDV122367.

Griffith, F. M., 1996, DAP/AAA, 7-13 (Aerial Photograph). SDV122376.

Griffith, F. M., 1996, DAP/AAS, 1,4,5,7 (Aerial Photograph). SDV122377.

Griffith, F. M., 1996, DAP/ZI, 6-10 (Aerial Photograph). SDV320082.

Horner, B., 1996, DAP/ZT, 0-7 (Aerial Photograph). SDV122375.

Morton, R., 1999, Clyst Honiton to Broadclyst pipeline: archaeological desk based assessment (Report - Assessment). SDV118377.

Barber, A., 2000, Hayes Farm, Clyst Honiton: Archaeological excavation Phase I, 7 (Report - Excavation). SDV325465.

CPM, 2000, Land at Clyst Hayes: Archaeological assessment, App 2 (Report - Assessment). SDV325508.

Salvatore, J. P., 2001, Bronze Age round barrow cemetery, Romano-British settlement remains & post-Roman enclosure, 300m NNW of Hayes Farm (Un-published). SDV325450.

The monument includes a group of Bronze Age round barrows, a square settlement enclosure of Romano-British date, a post-Roman curvilinear enclosure & further enclosures & features considered to be associated mostly with the Romano-British period. Draft monument description of the features which were never scheduled. Other details: Draft.

Bryant, A., 2007, East of Exeter Major Scheme Bid M5 Junction 29 and Old A30, Exeter, Devon: Historic Environment Desk-based Assessment, 9 (Report - Assessment). SDV345164.

Other details: Appendix 1, site 62; figure 3.

Hegarty, C. + Knight, S. + Sims, R., 2014-2015, East and Mid Devon River Catchments National Mapping Programme Project (Interpretation). SDV356883.

Cropmarks which have formed over infilled ditches of a Roman enclosure are visible on aerial photographs of 1966 onwards, to the northwest of Hayes Farm. The enclosure is square in shape and measures approximately 36m by 36m, with an entrance to the southeast and four well defined angular corners. The southwestern corner intersects with the northeast side of a much larger sub-oval shaped and possibly later enclosure. The enclosure is located in an area where a large number of other such cropmarks have been recorded, including a number of other enclosures, as well as numerous ring ditches. The area forms part of an important prehistoric and Romano-British landscape and has been subject to fairly extensive aerial survey.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV118377Report - Assessment: Morton, R.. 1999. Clyst Honiton to Broadclyst pipeline: archaeological desk based assessment. Cotswold Archeological Trust Report. 991056. A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV122351Site Visit: Griffith, F. M.. 1979.
SDV122353Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1983. DAP/A. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 25a.
SDV122359Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1983. Slides.
SDV122366Aerial Photograph: Horner, B.. 1992. DAP/VC. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 27-30.
SDV122367Aerial Photograph: Horner, B.. 1992. DAP/VE. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 5-9.
SDV122371Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1987. DAP/JA. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 8.
SDV122375Aerial Photograph: Horner, B.. 1996. DAP/ZT. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 0-7.
SDV122376Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1996. DAP/AAA. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 7-13.
SDV122377Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1996. DAP/AAS. Devon Aerial Photograph. 1,4,5,7.
SDV122804Site Visit: Griffith, F. M.. 1983.
SDV122809Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1984. DAP/W. Devon Aerial Photograph. 2a & 3.
SDV122818Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1987. DAP/IM. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 1-5.
SDV122820Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1989. DAP/MR. Devon Aerial Photograph. 4-6.
SDV122839Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1984. DAP/AX. Devon Aerial Photograph. Devon County Council DAP/AX 10 03-JUL-1984. [Mapped feature: #91637 ]
SDV130131Aerial Photograph: Ordnance Survey. 1966. OS/66/185/360. Aerial Photograph.
SDV130135Article in Serial: Simpson, S. J. + Griffith, F. M. + Holbrook, N.. 1989. The Prehistoric, roman and early Post-Roman site at Hayes Farm, Clyst Honiton. Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society. 47. 1-28.
SDV320082Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1996. DAP/ZI. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 6-10.
SDV325450Un-published: Salvatore, J. P.. 2001. Bronze Age round barrow cemetery, Romano-British settlement remains & post-Roman enclosure, 300m NNW of Hayes Farm. Monument Protection Programme. Archaeological Item Dataset.. A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV325452Report - Excavation: Simpson, S. + Griffith, F. M. + Holbrook, N. + Pearson, T.. 1987. Trial excavations at Hayes Farm, Clyst Honiton,1987: Interim report. Exeter Museums Archaeological Field Unit Report. 87.10. A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV325465Report - Excavation: Barber, A.. 2000. Hayes Farm, Clyst Honiton: Archaeological excavation Phase I. Cotswold Archeological Trust Report. 001127. A4 Stapled + Digital. 7.
SDV325508Report - Assessment: CPM. 2000. Land at Clyst Hayes: Archaeological assessment. CPM Report. A4 Spiral Bound + Digital. App 2.
SDV337013Article in Serial: Grinsell, L. V.. 1983. The Barrows of South and East Devon. Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society. 41. Paperback Volume. 31.
SDV344181Cartographic: Devon County Council. Devon Air Photograph Transcriptions. Devon Air Photograph Transcriptions. Map (Digital).
SDV345164Report - Assessment: Bryant, A.. 2007. East of Exeter Major Scheme Bid M5 Junction 29 and Old A30, Exeter, Devon: Historic Environment Desk-based Assessment. Wessex Archaeology Report. 63771.01. A4 Stapled + Digital. 9.
SDV356883Interpretation: Hegarty, C. + Knight, S. + Sims, R.. 2014-2015. East and Mid Devon River Catchments National Mapping Programme Project. AC Archaeology Report. Digital.
Linked documents:1
SDV99889Article in Serial: Frere, S. S.. 1988. Roman Britain in 1987. Sites Explored. Britannia. 19. Unknown.

Associated Monuments

MDV43233Related to: Enclosure on Hayes Farm, Clyst Honiton (Monument)
MDV43232Related to: Hayes Farm, Boundary (Monument)
MDV43216Related to: Hayes Farm, Enclosure (Monument)
MDV43234Related to: Hayes Farm, Flint Scatter (Monument)
MDV43218Related to: Hayes Farm, Ring Ditch (Monument)
MDV10081Related to: Hayes Farm, Ring Ditches (Monument)
MDV67496Related to: Ring Ditch to North of Hayes Farm, Clyst Honiton (Monument)

Associated Finds

  • FDV735 - KNIFE (Unknown date)
  • FDV734 - NAIL (Unknown date)
  • FDV733 - TILE (Unknown date)
  • FDV731 - POT (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • FDV732 - TILE (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • FDV736 - POT (II - 101 AD to 200 AD)
  • FDV737 - POT (III - 201 AD to 300 AD)
  • FDV738 - POT (IV - 301 AD to 400 AD)

Associated Events

  • EDV3681 - OS/66/185/360
  • EDV3682 - Unnamed Event
  • EDV3683 - Unnamed Event
  • EDV3684 - DAP/A
  • EDV3685 - Slides
  • EDV3686 - DAP/W
  • EDV3687 - DAP/AX
  • EDV3688 - Trial excavations at Hayes Farm: Interim report
  • EDV3689 - DAP/VC
  • EDV3690 - DAP/VE
  • EDV3691 - DAP/IM
  • EDV3692 - DAP/JA
  • EDV3693 - DAP/MR
  • EDV3694 - DAP/JZ
  • EDV3695 - DAP/ZT
  • EDV3696 - DAP/AAA
  • EDV3697 - DAP/AAS
  • EDV3698 - Land at Clyst Hayes: An archaeological assessment
  • EDV3699 - Hayes Farm, Clyst Honiton: Archaeological excavation Phase I
  • EDV4887 - Assessment Two Areas of Highway to the East of Exeter
  • EDV6530 - The East and Mid-Devon Rivers Catchment NMP project (Ref: ACD613)

Date Last Edited:Apr 26 2024 12:13PM