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HER Number:MDV50850
Name:Chapel Park Coal Mine, Bideford


Coal and 'Bideford Black' mine worked at the end of the 18th century. Still in operation in 1929.


Grid Reference:SS 470 263
Map Sheet:SS42NE
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishBideford
Ecclesiastical ParishBIDEFORD

Protected Status

  • SHINE: Earthwork remains and structures associated with Chapel Park Coal Mine dating from the late 18th century, including and engine house and Chapel Park Quarry dating to the 19th century or earlier

Other References/Statuses

  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SS42NE/164

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • MINE (XVIII to XXI - 1701 AD to 2009 AD)

Full description

Unknown, 2239b/8/1 (Record Office Collection). SDV336703.

Reproduced in Cleaver, et al. 1994.

Unknown, 1807, Untitled Source (Article in Serial). SDV336702.

Claughton, P., 1976, Coal Mining in North Devon (Article in Serial). SDV336701.

Chapel Park coal mine was worked at the end of 18th century. Sold to Bideford Anthracite Mining Company in 1846. Four seams known to have existed - the "Two Foot" (15-18 inches wide), the "Five Foot" (2-4 feet wide); No 1 Mary Ann (circa 2 foot wide) and No 2 Mary Ann (circa 2 foot 6 inches wide) with, on their south side, a paint pigment seam. The pigment was sold as "Bideford Black".

Coal was transported to the quay via a tramway in the quay adit. By 1856, the mine was being worked to the 30 fathom level at least, and it is reputed that workings extended under the river. The mine was operated by Bideford Black Paint Company by 1875. It was owned by Devon Anthracite Compamy Limited by 1927 and taken over by Bideford Black Limited in 1929.

Claughton, P., 1993, A List of Mines in North Devon and West Somerset (Un-published). SDV336700.

Shafts and adits 1300 yards east of Bideford Long Bridge. 018.

Cleaver, D. + Coulter, J. + Slade, P. + Waters, E. + White, D., 1994, Bideford Black. The History of a Unique Local Industry, 2, 8, 9, 27, 35, 40; Figs 3-6, 10 (Pamphlet). SDV366276.

The main mineral black manufacture was probably established at Chapel Park Mine by the early 19th century. It was in decline by the end of the century and the site is now a scrap metal depository.

Cleaver, D. et al, 1994, Untitled Source, 9 (Unknown). SDV336704.

Frederick Sherrell Ltd, 1995 - 1996, A Preliminary Desk Study Report on Mineral Workings in the Vicinity of the Proposed Bideford East-the-Water Industrial Link Road (Report - non-specific). SDV6143.

Exeter Archaeology, 1996, Archaeological Assessment of the DCC Bideford East-the-Water Industrial Link Road, 3 (Report - Assessment). SDV18926.

In 1807, Exeter Flying Post advertised the lease of a culm mine 'lately discovered and just opened, on Westwood Farm', but when the field called Chapple Park was advertised again 11 years later, the mine was referred to only after the 8.5 acres of land and acre of timber. After 1846, the Bideford Anthracite Mining Company seems to have acquired the seemingly contiguous 'Broadstone Mine' (to west) and Westwood Mine, which different plans place to east and northwest of Chapel Park.

Passmore, A. J., 2000, Archaeological Watching Brief on the DCC Bideford East-the-Water Industrial Link Road (Report - Watching Brief). SDV21460.

During the watching brief, two shafts, two opencast workings, an underground feature and an engine house associated with the mine, were recorded.

Ordnance Survey, 2012, MasterMap (Cartographic). SDV348725.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV18926Report - Assessment: Exeter Archaeology. 1996. Archaeological Assessment of the DCC Bideford East-the-Water Industrial Link Road. Exeter Archaeology Report. 96.71. A4 Stapled + Digital. 3.
SDV21460Report - Watching Brief: Passmore, A. J.. 2000. Archaeological Watching Brief on the DCC Bideford East-the-Water Industrial Link Road. Exeter Archaeology Report. 00.51. A4 Stapled + Digital.
SDV336700Un-published: Claughton, P.. 1993. A List of Mines in North Devon and West Somerset. A List of Mines in North Devon and West Somerset. Unknown.
SDV336701Article in Serial: Claughton, P.. 1976. Coal Mining in North Devon. Plymouth Mineral and Mining Club Journal. 7.1. Unknown.
SDV336702Article in Serial: Unknown. 1807. Exeter Flying Post. Unknown.
SDV336703Record Office Collection: Unknown. 2239b/8/1. Unknown.
SDV336704Unknown: Cleaver, D. et al. 1994. Bideford Black: The History of a Unique Local Industry. Unknown. 9.
SDV348725Cartographic: Ordnance Survey. 2012. MasterMap. Ordnance Survey. Map (Digital). [Mapped feature: #93808 ]
SDV366276Pamphlet: Cleaver, D. + Coulter, J. + Slade, P. + Waters, E. + White, D.. 1994. Bideford Black. The History of a Unique Local Industry. Bideford and District Community Archive. Pamphlet. 2, 8, 9, 27, 35, 40; Figs 3-6, 10.
SDV6143Report - non-specific: Frederick Sherrell Ltd. 1995 - 1996. A Preliminary Desk Study Report on Mineral Workings in the Vicinity of the Proposed Bideford East-the-Water Industrial Link Road. Frederick Sherrell Report. 1672. A4 Stapled + Digital.

Associated Monuments

MDV54232Related to: Adit from Bideford East-the-Water Quay towards Chapel Park (Monument)
MDV71840Related to: Bideford Anthracite Mine, Bideford East the Water (Monument)
MDV105459Related to: Chapel Park Paint Works (Monument)
MDV50851Related to: Disused Shaft, Chapel Park Mine (Monument)
MDV54235Related to: Engine house east of Bideford East-the-Water (Monument)
MDV54866Related to: MINE in the Parish of Bideford (Monument)
MDV54867Related to: MINE in the Parish of Bideford (Monument)
MDV50852Related to: Shaft associated with Broadstone Mine (Monument)
MDV54234Related to: Shaft east of Bideford East-the-Water (Monument)
MDV34065Related to: Shaft in Pillhead Copse, Bideford (Monument)
MDV59257Related to: SHAFT in the Parish of Bideford (Monument)
MDV59258Related to: SHAFT in the Parish of Bideford (Monument)
MDV34066Related to: Shaft, Chapel Park Mine (Monument)
MDV34064Related to: Shafts west of Warminton Hill, Bideford (Monument)
MDV59259Related to: TRAMWAY in the Parish of Bideford (Monument)
MDV59260Related to: TRAMWAY in the Parish of Bideford (Monument)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV6355 - Walkover Survey at Cleave Wod, Manteo Way, East-the-Water, Bideford

Date Last Edited:Jan 6 2025 11:26AM