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HER Number: | MDV5162 |
Name: | Building east of the River Plym at Wheal Katherine Tin Mine |
The roofless remains of a tinner's building are located within an extensive tin streaming area. Two sides of the structure, which is cut into the slope of a tinners' cliff, survive as drystone walls up to six courses (1.2m high) and approximately 0.7m thick. The south side is partly defined by a large boulder whilst the west side is fairly indistinct. The building measures 3.0m wide by up to 7.0m long internally. There is no trace of a fireplace; the entrance was probably located in the SW corner. The interior is overlaid by boulders and an 0.4m high upright slab may possibly mark the line of an internal subdivision. Found during field investigation (2001).
Grid Reference: | SX 608 681 |
Map Sheet: | SX66NW |
Admin Area | Dartmoor National Park |
Civil Parish | Sheepstor |
District | West Devon |
Ecclesiastical Parish | SHEEPSTOR |
Protected Status
- SHINE: Earthwork remains of tin streaming and trial pits at Wheal Katherine Mine
Other References/Statuses
- National Monuments Record: 1346608
- National Monuments Record: SX66NW167
- Old DCC SMR Ref: SX66NW/64
Monument Type(s) and Dates
- BUILDING (Post Medieval to XIX - 1540 AD (Between) to 1900 AD (Between))
Full description
Royal Air Force, 1946 - 1949, Royal Air Force Aerial Photographs (Aerial Photograph). SDV342938.
Not visible on aerial photograph.
Greeves, T. A. P., 1977, Hut on River Plym (Article in Serial). SDV356879.
The hut on the right bank of the Plym is possibly linked with the ruins on Crane Lake which joins the Plym near this spot. These were part of the Eylesbarrow mine and Wheal Katherine or Kate which last worked in the 1850's.
Gerrard, S., 1990-2002, Monument Protection Programme. Archaeological Item Dataset., MPP 157321 (Report - Survey). SDV277946.
Site visited on 9th May 2002. Building 350 metres west-south-west of Plym Ford, forming part of Wheal Katherine tin mine.
Newman, P., 1999, Eylesbarrow (Ailsborough) Tin Mine, Figure 4 (Report - Survey). SDV352201.
Probert, S. A. J. + Fletcher, M. J., 2002, Plym Valley survey (Report - Survey). SDV350782.
(22/08/2001) SX60826819 The roofless remains of a tinner's building are located within an extensive tin streaming area. Two sides of the structure, which is cut into the slope of a tinners' cliff, survive as drystone walls up to six courses (1.2m high) and approximately 0.7m thick. The south side is partly defined by a large boulder whilst the west side is fairly indistinct. The building measures 3.0m wide by up to 7.0m long internally. There is no trace of a fireplace; the entrance was probably in the SW corner. The interior is covered by boulders; an 0.4m high upright slab may mark the line of an internal subdivision. Found during field investigation.
Sources / Further Reading
SDV277946 | Report - Survey: Gerrard, S.. 1990-2002. Monument Protection Programme. Archaeological Item Dataset.. Monument Protection Programme. Archaeological Item Dataset.. Mixed Archive Material + Digital. MPP 157321. |
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SDV342938 | Aerial Photograph: Royal Air Force. 1946 - 1949. Royal Air Force Aerial Photographs. Royal Air Force Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Digital). |
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SDV350782 | Report - Survey: Probert, S. A. J. + Fletcher, M. J.. 2002. Plym Valley survey. English Heritage Archaeological Investigation Report. Unknown. |
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SDV352201 | Report - Survey: Newman, P.. 1999. Eylesbarrow (Ailsborough) Tin Mine. English Heritage Survey Report. A4 Spiral Bound. Figure 4. |
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SDV356879 | Article in Serial: Greeves, T. A. P.. 1977. Hut on River Plym. Western Morning News. 25th August. Newspaper/Magazine Cuttin. |
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Associated Monuments
MDV61849 | Part of: Wheal Katherine Tin Mine (Monument) |
Associated Finds: none recorded
Associated Events
- EDV6239 - Eylesbarrow (Ailsborough) Tin Mine
- EDV8409 - Dartmoor Royal Forest Project
- EDV8155 - Plym Valley Survey: EH Project (Feb 2001 - Dec 2002)
Date Last Edited: | Jan 10 2022 10:58AM |
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