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HER Number:MDV54128
Name:Enclosure to south-east of Buckerell


Several linear cropmarks recorded from the air in 1984 were initially interpreted as drainage features. However, later aerial photos show cropmarks of what appears to be a double-ditched enclosure. Several of the lines though correspond to former field boundaries shown on the 19th century Tithe Map. It is possible that this represents the later reuse of pre-existing boundaries or a combination of a single-ditched enclosure within former field boundaries. It is suggested that the cropmarks may represent a medieval moated site. The Coombhayes field names recorded on the Buckerell Tithe Apportionment are suggestive of the site of a former farmstead here.


Grid Reference:SY 126 998
Map Sheet:SY19NW
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishBuckerell
DistrictEast Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishBUCKERELL

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses

  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SY19NW/116

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • ENCLOSURE? (Early Iron Age to Post Medieval - 700 BC (Between) to 1750 AD (Between))
  • FARMSTEAD? (Early Medieval to Post Medieval - 1066 AD (Between) to 1750 AD (Between))
  • FIELD BOUNDARY (XIX - 1801 AD to 1900 AD)

Full description

South West Heritage Trust, 1838-1848, Digitised Tithe Maps and Transcribed Apportionments (Cartographic). SDV359954.

The Buckerell Tithe Map shows this area to have been divided into a number of smaller fields. The name of one of the fields (306), Coombhayes, is suggestive of the site of a former farmstead here. The names of the adjacent fields, Nursery (307), Coombhayes Field and Coombhayes Orchard would seem to support this. It is also notable that the adjoining field, 308, is named as Lower Berry.

Gover, J. E. B. + Mawer, A. + Stenton, F. M., 1932, The Place-Names of Devon: Part Two, 610 (Monograph). SDV337894.

A Walter de la Cumbe is recorded in 1310 Assize Roll. However,Gover et al associate him with another Combehayes Farm in the north of the parish.

Griffith, F. M., 1984, DAP/BW, 10a (Aerial Photograph). SDV339907.

Broad dark linear marks at right angles visible as cropmark.

Robinson, R., 1995, Devon Post-Reconnaissance Fieldwork Project (Worksheet). SDV363704.

Site visit 6th January 1995. Broad dark linear marks at right angles recorded from the air as a cropmark. The site is in a very wet valley field. Probably connected with drainage.

GetMapping, 1999 - 2000, Millennium Map 1999-2000 Getmapping (Aerial Photograph). SDV321648.

Crop marks of what appears to be an enclosure with internal features visible.

Google, 2018, Deer Park Farm, Buckerell (Aerial Photograph). SDV363705.

Cropmarks of what appears to be a double-ditched enclosure are visible. However, several of the lines correspond to former field boundaries shown on the 19th century Tithe Map. It is possible that this represents the later reuse of pre-existing boundaries or a combination of a single-ditched enclosure within former field boundaries.
It is suggested that as the site is low lying the cropmarks could represent a medieval moated site.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV321648Aerial Photograph: GetMapping. 1999 - 2000. Millennium Map 1999-2000 Getmapping. Millennium Map. Photograph (Digital).
SDV337894Monograph: Gover, J. E. B. + Mawer, A. + Stenton, F. M.. 1932. The Place-Names of Devon: Part Two. The Place-Names of Devon: Part Two. IX. A5 Hardback. 610.
SDV339907Aerial Photograph: Griffith, F. M.. 1984. DAP/BW. Devon Aerial Photograph. Photograph (Paper). 10a.
SDV359954Cartographic: South West Heritage Trust. 1838-1848. Digitised Tithe Maps and Transcribed Apportionments. Tithe Map and Apportionment. Digital.
SDV363704Worksheet: Robinson, R.. 1995. Devon Post-Reconnaissance Fieldwork Project. Devon Post-Reconnaissance Fieldwork Project. Worksheet.
SDV363705Aerial Photograph: Google. 2018. Deer Park Farm, Buckerell. Google Earth. Digital. [Mapped feature: #125957 ]

Associated Monuments: none recorded

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events: none recorded

Date Last Edited:Nov 8 2024 10:01AM