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HER Number:MDV54232
Name:Adit from Bideford East-the-Water Quay towards Chapel Park


After 1846, the Bideford Anthracite Mining Company commenced driving an adit from above the quay, north of the bridge, towards the workings at Chapel Park (MDV50850). An adit of over a mile in length is referred to in 1850, but it is understood that the intended connection with Chapel Park was not achieved.


Grid Reference:SS 456 264
Map Sheet:SS42NE
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishBideford
Ecclesiastical ParishBIDEFORD

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses

  • Old DCC SMR Ref: SS42NE/167

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • ADIT (XIX to XXI - 1846 AD to 2009 AD)

Full description

Claughton, P., Untitled Source (Personal Comment). SDV349831.

After 1846, the Bideford Anthracite Mining Company commenced driving an adit from above the quay, north of the bridge, towards the workings at Chapel Park (MDV50850). An adit of over a mile in length is referred to in 1850, but it is understood that the intended connection with Chapel Park was not achieved.

Claughton, P., 1976, Coal Mining in North Devon, 3-6 (Article in Serial). SDV336701.

Claughton, P. F., 1993, A List of Mines in North Devon and West Somerset, 017 (Un-published). SDV3410.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV336701Article in Serial: Claughton, P.. 1976. Coal Mining in North Devon. Plymouth Mineral and Mining Club Journal. 7.1. Unknown. 3-6.
SDV3410Un-published: Claughton, P. F.. 1993. A List of Mines in North Devon and West Somerset. A List of Mines in North Devon and West Somerset. Unknown. 017.
SDV349831Personal Comment: Claughton, P..

Associated Monuments

MDV50850Related to: Chapel Park Coal Mine, Bideford (Monument)
MDV54233Related to: Tramway laid in the Bideford-East-the-Water quay adit (Monument)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events: none recorded

Date Last Edited:Apr 11 2024 1:51PM